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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 19 19 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 3 3 Browse Search
Aeschines, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Isaeus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: July 12, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon, section 222 (search)
erty-groups on which the burden of the trierarchy was laid. and had persuaded the Athenians to make you Commissioner of the Navy, you were convicted by me of having stolen away trierarchs from sixty-five swift ships,In 340 B.C. Demosthenes carried a reform of the naval system, by which he compelled the richest citizens to contribute to the support of the navy strictly in proportion to their wealth. Under his system the number of individuals contributing (the trierarchs) may well have been diminished, but the number of the triremes was not lessened, their efficiency was increased, and taxation was made equitable. The matter is fully discussed in Dem. 19.102-109. making away with a greater naval force of the city than that with which the Athenians once defeated Pollis and the Lacedaemonians at Naxos.In the battle of Naxos, 376 B.C., Chabrias with an Athenian fleet of 83 triremes defeated Pollis, who with a Lacedaemonian fleet of 65 ships was trying to cut off the Athenian grain sh
Isaeus, Philoctemon, section 27 (search)
It was after this, then, that Philoctemon died by the enemy's hands while commanding a trireme off Chios.Probably about 376 B.C. Some time later Euctemon informed his sons-in-law that he wished to make a written record of his arrangement with his son and place it in safe place. Phanostratus was on the point of setting out with TimotheusThis expedition under Timotheus probably took place in 375 or 373 B.C. in command of a trireme, and his ship lying at anchor at Munychia,A small harbor on the east of the Peiraic peninsula in which part of the Athenian navy was docked. and his brother-in-law Chaereas was there bidding him farewell. Euctemon, taking certain persons with him, came to where the ship was anchored, and having drawn up a document detailing the conditions under which he introduced the child, deposited it in the presence of those men with his relative Pythodorus of Cephisia.
Isocrates, Archidamus (ed. George Norlin), section 47 (search)
But we should both grow weary, you with listening and I with speaking, if we were to examine every incident of this sort; nay, if we were to recall also our experience with Thebes, while we should be grieved over past events, we should gain better hopes for the future. For when they ventured to withstand our inroads and our threats,Of Agesilaus in 394, 378, and 377 B.C.; of Phoebidas in 382, and of Cleombrotus in 378 and 376 B.C. fortune so completely reversed their situation that they, who at all other times have been in our power, now assert their right to dictate to us.
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 4 (search)
eized the Acropolis, and the city revolted; so that thereafter the Thebans brought in supplies of corn easily. As the spring came on again, Agesilaus was confined376 B.C. to his bed. For when he was leading his army back from Thebes, and, in Megara, was ascending from the Aphrodisium to the government376 B.C. building, some vein o376 B.C. building, some vein or other was ruptured, and the blood from his body poured into his soundSee III. iii. 3 and note. leg. Then as the lower part of his leg became immensely swollen and the pain unendurable, a Syracusan surgeon opened the vein at his ankle. But when once the blood had begun to flow, it ran night and day, and with all they could do theit was within their power to man far more ships than the Athenians had and to capture their city by starvation; and it was also within their power to transport an376 B.C. army across to Thebes in these same ships, steering for Phocis if they chose, or, if they chose, for Creusis. Influenced by these considerations they manned sixt
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 6 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 39 (search)
th policies would have been finally disposed of, if the tribunes had not said that they were putting all these questions to the plebs collectively. Then Publius Manlius, becoming dictator, gave the affair a turn in favour of the plebs by naming Gaius Licinius,Not the tribune of the plebs, but possibly his father. Livy perhaps included him among the consular tribunes for 378 B.C. (cf. chap. xxxi. § 1; where the text is uncertain) or should have included him among those for the year 376 B.C., but has omitted the entire list (chap. xxxiv). Diod. xv. 57, gives Gaius Licinius as one of four consular tribunes for the year 378 B.C. who had been military tribune and was a commoner, his master of the horse. I find that the patricians took offence at this, but that the dictator was wont to excuse himself to them by alleging his close relationship to Licinius, and asserting that a master of the horse possessed no greater authority than a consular tribune. Licinius and Sextius, when
A'coris (*)/Akoris), king of Egypt, entered into alliance with Evagoras, king of Cyprus, against their common enemy Artaxerxes, king of Persia, about B. C. 385, and assisted Evagoras with ships and money. On the conclusion of the war with Evagoras, B. C. 376, the Persians directed their forces against Egypt. Acoris collected a large army to oppose them, and engaged many Greek mercenaries, of whom he appointed Chabrias general. Chabrias, however, was recalled by the Athenians on the complaint of Pharnabazus, who was appointed by Artaxerxes to conduct the war. When the Persian army entered Egypt, which was not till B. C. 373, Acoris was already dead. (Diod. 15.2-4, 8, 9, 29, 41, 42; Theopom. apud Phot. cod. 176.) Syncellus (p. 76a. p. 257a.) assigns thirteen years to his reig
Anaxa'ndrides (*)Anacandri/dhs), an Athenian comic poet of the middle comedy, was the son of Anaxander, a native of Cameirus in Rhodes. Works Comedies He began to exhibit comedies in B. C. 376 (Marm. Par. Ep. 34), and 29 years later he was present, and probably exhibited, at the Olympic games celebrated by Philip at Dium. Aristotle held him in high esteem. (Rhet. 3.10-12; Eth. Eud. 6.10; Nicom. 7.10.) He is said to have been the first poet who made love intrigues a prominent part of comedy. He gained ten prizes, the whole number of his comedies being sixty-five. Though he is said to have destroyed several of his plays in anger at their rejection, we still have the titles of thirty-three. Dithyrambic Poetry Anaxandrides was also a dithyrambic poet, but we have no remains of his dithyrambs. Further Information Suidas, s.v. Athen. 9.374; Meineke; Bode.) [P.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
confusion : Artaxerxes himself was a weak man; his mother, Parysatis, carried on her horrors at the court with truly oriental cruelty; and slaves and eunuchs wielded the reins of government. Tributary countries and satraps endeavoured, under such circumstances, to make themselves independent, and the exertions which it was necessary to make against the rebels exhausted the strength of the empire. Artaxerxes thus had to maintain a long struggle against Evagoras of Cyprus, from B. C. 385 to B. C. 376, and yet all he could gain was to confine Evagoras to his original possession, the town of Salamis and its vicinity, and to compel him to pay a moderate tribute. (Diod. 15.9.) At the same time he had to carry on war against the Cardusians, on the shores of the Caspian sea; and after his numerous army was with great difficulty saved from total destruction, he concluded a peace without gaining any advantages. (Diod. 15.9, 10; Plut. Art. 24.) His attempts to recover Egypt were unsuccessful,
Bas (*Ba=s), king of Bithynia, reigned fifty years, from B. C. 376 to 326, and died at the age of 71. He succeeded his father Boteiras, and was himself succeeded by his own son Zipoetes. He defeated Calantus, the general of Alexander, and maintained the independence of Bithynia. (Memnon, 100.20, ed. Orelli
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Licinius Calvus Stolo or Calvus Stolo (search)
Licinius Calvus Stolo or Calvus Stolo 4. C. LICINIUS CALVUS, surnamed STOLO, which he derived, it is said, from the care with which he dug up the shoots that sprung up from the roots of his vines. He brought the contest between the patricians and plebeians to a crisis and a happy termination, and thus became the founder of Rome's greatness. He was tribune of the people from B. C. 376 to 367, and was faithfully supported in his exertions by his colleague L. Sextius. The laws which he proposed were: 1. That in future no more consular tribunes should be appointed, but that consuls should be elected as in former times, one of whom should always be a plebeian. 2. That no one should possess more than 500 jugers of the public land, or keep upon it more than 100 head of large and 500 of small cattle. 3. A law regulating the affairs between debtor and creditor, which ordained that the interest already paid for borrowed money should be deducted from the capital, and that the remainder of the
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