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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 44 BC or search for 44 BC in all documents.

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C. 48) was chosen consul along with Julius Caesar. He was left behind at Rome, while Caesar crossed over to Greece to prosecute the war against Pompey, and in the course of this year he put down with a strong arm the revolutionary attempts of the praetor M. Caelius Rufus, a history of which is given elsewhere [Vol. III. p. 672b.]. In B. C. 46 he governed the province of Asia as proconsul, during which time Cicero wrote to him several letters (ad Fam. 13.66-72). After the death of Caesar in B. C. 44, he supported Cicero and the rest of the aristocratical party, in opposition to Antonius, and took a leading part in the debates in the senate during the war at Mutina. (D. C. 41.43, 42.17, 23; Appian, App. BC 2.48; Caes. Civ. 3.21; Cic. Fam. 12.2, Phil. 7.8, 9.6, 11.8, 12.2, 7, 14.3, 4.) But he soon changed sides again, though the particulars are not recorded : it was probably when Octavian, who was betrothed to his daughter Servilia (Suet. Octav. 62), deserted the cause of the senate, whi
year he was sent into Illyricum to oppose M. Octavius, who held that country with a considerable force for the Pompeian party. Vatinius carried on the war with success in Illyricum, was saluted as imperator by his soldiers, and obtained the honour of a supplicatio from the senate in B. C. 45. At this time some letters passed between him and Cicero, in which they wrote to one another with apparent cordiality. (Cic. Fam. 5.9-11.) Vatinius was still in Illyricum at the time of Caesar's death, B. C. 44, and at the beginning of the following year was compelled to surrender Dyrrhachium and his army to Brutus who had obtained possession of Macedonia, because his troops declared in favour of Brutus (D. C. 47.21; Liv. Epit. 118; Vell. 2.69); though Cicero (Cic. Phil. 10.6) and Appian (App. BC 4.75), probably with less truth, speak of it as a voluntary act on the part of Vatinius. At any rate Vatinius did not forfeit the favour of the triumvirs ; for we learn from the Capitoline Fasti that he t
Vehi'lius praetor B. C. 44, refused to receive a province from Antony, and said that he would obey the senate alone. (Cic Phil. 3.10.)
Victor an abandoned man, whom it was supposed that M. Antonius would recall from exile in B. C. 44. (Cic. Fam. 14.14.)
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