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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 21 21 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1302b (search)
are in the government are more numerous (for they think themselves the stronger party), and in democracies when the rich have begun to feel contempt for the disorder and anarchy that prevails, as for example at Thebes the democracy was destroyed owing to bad government after the battle of Oenophyta,Against Athens, 456 B.C. and that of the Megarians was destroyed when they had been defeated owing to disorder and anarchy,See 1300a 18 n. and at Syracuse before the tyranny485 B.C. of Gelo, and at RhodesSee 1302b 23 n. the common people had fallen into contempt before the rising against them. Revolutions in the constitutions also take place on account of disproportionate growth; for just as the bodyIt is not clear whether what follows refers to a work of art (cf. 1284b 8) or is an exaggerated account of a disease; Galen describes one called saturi/asis, in which the bones of the temple swell out like satyrs' horns. is composed
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1303b (search)
ntioned.i.e. difference of locality. Factions arise therefore not about but out of small matters; but they are carried on about great matters. And even the small ones grow extremely violent when they spring up among men of the ruling class,as happened for example at Syracuse in ancient times. For the constitution underwent a revolution as a result of a quarrel that arosePerhaps under the oligarch of the Gamori, overthrown by the people and followed by Gelo's tyranny, 485 B.C. between two young men, who belonged to the ruling class, about a love affair. While one of them was abroad the other who was his comrade won over the youth with whom he was in love, and the former in his anger against him retaliated by persuading his wife to come to him; owing to which they stirred up a party struggle among all the people in the state, enlisting them on their sides. On account of this it is necessary to guard against such affairs at th
Pindar, Nemean (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Nemean 2 For Timodemus of Acharnae Pancratium ?485 B. C. (search)
Nemean 2 For Timodemus of Acharnae Pancratium ?485 B. C. Just as the Homeridae, the singers of woven verses, most often begin with Zeus as their prelude, so this man has received a first down-payment of victory in the sacred games by winningin the grove of Nemean Zeus, which is celebrated in many hymns. And if the life that guides him straight along the path of his fathers has given him as an adornment to great Athens, it must be that the son of Timonous will often reap the finest bloom of the Isthmian games, and be victorious in the Pythian contests.It is right for Orion to travel not far from the mountain Pleiades. And certainly Salamis can raise a warrior. In Troy Hector heard of Aias. And you, Timodemus, are exaltedby your enduring spirit of valor in the pancratium. Acharnae has long been famous for fine men. And in everything that has to do with contests, the sons of Timodemus are proclaimed the most outstanding. Beside Parnassus, ruling on high, they carried off four victories
m the beginning of the Olympiads. (Plin. Nat. 36.5; comp. Thiersch, Epoch. Anm. p. 58.) Bupalus and his brother Athenis are said by Pliny (l.c.) and Suidas (s. v. *(Ippw=nac) to have made caricatures of the famous iambographical poet Hipponax, which the poet requited by the bitterest satires. (Welcker, Hipp. fragm. p. 12.) This story, which we have no grounds for doubting, gives at once a pretty certain date for the age of the two artists, for Hipponax was a contemporary of Dareius (B. C. 524-485); and it also accounts for their abilities, which for their time must have been uncommon. This is proved moreover by the fact, that Augustus adorned most of his temples at Rome with their works. It is to be noticed that marble was their material. In the earlier period of Greek art wood and bronze was the common material, until by the exertions of Dipoenus and Scyllis, and the two Chian brothers, Bupalus and Athenis, marble became more general. Welcker (Rhein. Museum, iv. p. 254) has pointed o
Charon (*Xa/rwn), literary. 1. A historian of Lampsacus, is mentioned by Tertullian (de Anim. 46) as prior to Herodotus, and is said by Suidas (s. v.) according to the common reading, to have flourished (geno/menos) in the time of Dareius Hystaspis, in the 79th Olympiad (B. C. 464); but, as Dareius died in B. C. 485, it has been proposed to read cq/ for oq/ in Suidas, thus placing the date of Charon in Ol. 69 or B. C. 504. He lived, however, as late as B. C. 464, for he is referred to by Plutarch (Plut. Them. 27) as mentioning the flight of Themistocles to Asia in B. C. 465. Works We find the following list of his works in Suidas : 1. *Ai)qiopika/ 2. *Persika/. 3. *(Ellhnika/. 4. *Peri\ *Lamya/kou. 5. *Libuka/. 6. *(/Oroi *Lamyakhnw=n, a work quoted by Athenaeus Athen. 11.475c., where Schweighaeuser proposes to substitute w(=roi comp. Diod. 1.26, thus making its subject to be the annals of Lampsacus. 7. *Pruta/neis h)\ *)/Arxontes oi( tw=n *Lakedaimoni/wn, a chronological work.
Cossus the name of a patrician family of the Cornelia gens. This family produced many illustrious men in the fifth century before the Christian aera, but afterwards sunk into obiivion. The name " Cossus" was afterwards revived as a praenomen in the family of the Lentuli, who belonged to the same gens. The Cossi and Maluginenses were probably one family originally, for at first both these surnames are united, as for instance, in the case of Ser. Cornelius Cossus Maluginensis, consul in B. C. 485. [ MALUGINENSIS.] Afterwards, however, the Cossi and Maluginenses became two separate families.
mpared with the army which marched to the invasion of Scythia. The battle of Marathon convinced him of his error, but still left him the idea that Greece must be easily crushed by a greater armament. He therefore called out the whole force of his empire; but, after three years of preparation, his attention was called off by the rebellion of Egypt, and the dispute between his sons for the succession [ARIABIGNES ; XERXES]; and the decision of this dispute was very soon followed by his death, B. C. 485, after a reign of 36 years, according to Herodotus Compp. Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. p. 313), or 31, according to Ctesias. There are two other events in the reign of Dareius which deserve notice : namely, the expedition against Libya, at the time of the Scythian expedition (Hdt. 4.145-205), and the voyage of Scylax of Caryanda down the Indus, which led to the discovery and subjugation of certain Indian tribes, whose position is uncertain (4.44). Diodorus (1.33, 58, 95) mentions some particu
Diony'sius 32. Of MILETUS, one of the earliest Greek historians, and according to Suidas (s. v. *(Ekatai=os), a contemporary of Hecataeus, that is, he lived about B. C. 520; he must, however, to judge from the titles of his works, have survived B. C. 485, the year in which Dareius died. Works history of Dareius Hystaspis Dionysius of Miletus wrote a history of Dareius Hystaspis in five books. Suidas further attributes to him a work entitled ta\ meta\ *Darei=on in five books, and also a work *Persika/, in the Ionic dialect. Whether they were actually three distinct works, or whether the two last were the same, and only a continuation of the first, cannot be ascertained on account of the inextricable confusion which prevails in the articles *Dionu/sios of Suidas. Confusion with Dionysius of Mytilene As a consequence of the confusion among the articles *Dionu/sios of Suidas our Dionysius has often been confounded with Dionysius of Mytilene. Works erroneously ascribed by Sui
to have been little more than a sort of low buffoonery. With respect to the time when Epicharmus began to compose comedies, much confusion has arisen from the statement of Aristotle (or an interpolator), that Epicharmus lived long before Chionides. (Poet. 3; CHIONIDES.) We have, however, the express and concurrent testimonies of the anonymous writer On Comedy (p. xxviii.), that he flourished about the 73rd Olympiad, and of Suidas (s. v.), that he wrote six years before the Persian war (B. C. 485-4). Thus it appears that, like Cratinus, he was an old man before he began to write comedy; and this agrees well with the fact that his poetry was of a very philosophic character. (Anon. de Com. l.c.) The only one of his plays, the date of which is certainly known, is the *Na=soi, B. C. 477. (Schol. Pind. Pyth. 1.98; Clinton, sub ann.) We have also express testimony of the fact that Elothales, the father of Epicharmus, formed an acquaintance with Pythagoras, and that Epicharmus himself was
E'vetes (*Eu)e/ths) and EUXE'NIDES (*Eu)ceni/dhs), were Athenian comic poets, contemporary with Epicharmus, about B. C. 485. Nothing is heard of comic poetry during an interval of eighty years from the time of Susarion, till it was revived by Epicharmus in Sicily, and by Evetes, Euxenides, and Myllus at Athens. The only writer who mentions these two poets is Suidas (s. v. *)Epi/xaphos). Myllus is not unfrequently mentioned. [MYLLUS.] (Meineke, Hist. Crit. Com. Graec. p. 26.) There is also a Pythagorean philosopher, Evetes, of whom nothing is known but his name. (Iamblich. Vit. Pyth. 36.) [P. S
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