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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 5 5 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 55 (search)
in 1941. Whereas Carcopino for the second edition of his L'Ostracisme athénien (1935) had 62 examples of the ballots used in Athenian ostracophoria (the balloting), the collection from the Agora now totals 503, and in 1937 a well on the North Slope yielded an additional 191 pieces. There are names of persons who were never ostracized and of many persons who are otherwise unknown. The accuracy of Aristotle's statement that the institution was first used in 487 B.C. is borne out against Walker's theory (Camb. Anc. Hist. 4, p. 152) that there may well have been instances of its use before the Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C. Each citizen wrote on a piece of pottery (ostracon) the name of the man who in his opinion had the greatest power to destroy the democracy; and the man who got the largest number of ostraca was obliged by the law to go into exile from his native land for a period of five years.The period was ten year
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Aqui'llia Gens patrician and plebeian. On coins and inscriptions the name is almost always written Aquillius, but in manuscripts generally with a single l. This gens was of great antiquity. Two of the Aquillii are mentioned among the Roman nobles who conspired to bring back the Tarquins (Liv. 2.4); and a member of the house, C. Aquillius Tuscus, is mentioned as consul as early as B. C. 487. The cognomens of the Aquillii under the republic are CORVUS, CRASSUS, FLORUS, GALLUS, TUSCUS: for those who bear no surname, see AQUILLIUS.
Chio'nides (*Xiwni/dhs and *Xioni/dhs), an Athenian comic poet of the old comedy, whom Suidas (s. v.) places at the head of the poets of the old comedy (prwtagwnisth\n th=s a)r*Xai/as kwmwdi/as), adding that he exhibited eight years before the Persian war, that is, in B. C. 487. (Clinton. sub ann.) On the other hand, according to a passage in the Poetics of Aristotle (100.3), Chionides was long after Epicharmus. [EPICHARMUS.] On the strength of this passage Meineke thinks that Chionides cannot be placed much earlier than B. C. 460; and in confirmation of this date he quotes from Athenaeus (xiv. p. 638a.) a passage from a play of Chionides, the *Ptw*Xoi/, in which mention is made of Gnesippus, a poet contemporary with Cratinus. But we also learn from Athenaeus (l.c. and iv. p. 137e.), that some of the ancient critics considered the *Ptwxoi/ to be spurious, and with respect to the passage of Aristotle, Ritter has brought forward very strong arguments against its genuineness. (For the d
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Sabi'nus, T. Sici'nius consul B. C. 487, with C. Aquillius Tuscus, carried on war against the Volsci, and obtained a triunlph, as we learn from the Capitoline Fasti and Dionysius, though Livy savs "cum Volscis aequo Marte discessum est." Dionysius calls him T. Siccius. (Fasti Capit.; Dionys. A. R. 8.64, 67; Liv. 2.40.) Sicinius served afterwards, as legatus, under the consul M. Fabius Vibulanus in B. C. 480. (Dionys. A. R. 9.12, 13.)
Sici'nia Gens patrician and plebeian. The only patrician member of the gens was T. Sicinius Sabinus, who was consul B. C. 487. [SABINUS, p. 691a.] All the other Sicinii mentioned in history were plebeians; and although none of them obtained the consulship, they gained great celebrity by their advocacy of the rights of the plebeians in the struggles between the two orders. One or two of the plebeian Sicinii bore cognomens, which are given below. There are a few coins of this gens, of which a specimen is given on the preceding page. On the obverse is a female head, with " FORT. P. R." i. e. Fortune Populi Romani, and on the reverse a caduceus and a palm branch, with " Q. SICINIVS IIIVIR." This Q. Sicinius is not mentioned by any ancient writer. (Eckhel. vol. v. p. 313.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Tuscus, C. Aqui'llius consul B. C. 487 with T. Sicinius Sabinus, carried on war against the Hernici, whom he defeated, and obtained in consequence an ovation or lesser triumph. (Fasti Capit.; Liv. 2.40; Dionys. A. R. 8.64, 65, 67.)