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Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 11 11 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 10 10 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2 2 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 1 1 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 7, section 1328a (search)
A sign of this is that spirit is more roused against associates and friends than against strangers, when it thinks itself slighted. Therefore ArchilochusArchilochus of Paros (one of the earliest lyric poets, fl. 600 B.C., the inventor of the iambic meter, which he used for lampoons), fr. 61 Bergk, 676 Diehl, 67 Edmonds,Elegy and Iambus, 2. 133. for instance, when reproaching his friends, appropriately apostrophizes his spirit: For 'tis thy friends that make thee choke with rage. Moreover it is from this faculty that power to command and love of freedom are in all cases derived; for spirit is a commanding and indomitable element. But it is a mistake to describe the Guardians as cruel towards strangers; it is not right to be cruel towards anybody, and men of great-souled nature are not fierce except towards wrongdoers, and their anger is still fiercer against their companions if they think that these are wronging them, as
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Attica, chapter 14 (search)
yon, while the father of Triptolemus was Rarus, of Cercyon, Poseidon. After I had intended to go further into this story, and to describe the contents of the sanctuary at Athens, called the Eleusinium, I was stayed by a vision in a dream. I shall therefore turn to those things it is lawful to write of to all men. In front of this temple, where is also the statue of Triptolemus, is a bronze bull being led as it were to sacrifice, and there is a sitting figure of Epimenides of Cnossusfl. c. 600 B.C., who they say entered a cave in the country and slept. And the sleep did not leave him before the fortieth year, and afterwards he wrote verses and purified Athens and other cities. But Thales who stayed the plague for the Lacedaemonians was not related to Epimenides in any way, and belonged to a different city. The latter was from Cnossus, but Thales was from Gortyn, according to Polymnastus of Colophon, who com posed a poem about him for the Lacedaemonians. Still farther of is a temple
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Corinth, chapter 28 (search)
to his sister, he began to drive the chariot more recklessly, as he was anxious to gain a start before all the Epidaurians could gather against him. Deiphontes and his children—for before this children had been born to him, Antimenes, Xanthippus, and Argeus, and a daughter, Orsobia, who, they say, after-wards married Pamphylus, son of Aegimius—took up the dead body of Hyrnetho and carried it to this place, which in course of time was named Hyrnethium. They built for her a hero-shrine, and bestowed upon her various honors; in particular, the custom was established that nobody should carry home, or use for any purpose, the pieces that break off the olive trees, or any other trees, that grow there; these are left there on the spot to be sacred to Hyrnetho. Not far from the city is the tomb of Melissa, who married Periander, the son of Cypselus, and another of Procles, the father of Melissa. He, too, was tyrant of Epidaurus, as Periander, his son-in-law, was tyrant of Corinth.c. 600 B.C.
Plato, Letters, Letter 3 (search)
g the Syracusans by substituting a monarchy for a tyranny. For you could never bring any false accusation against me that was less appropriate than these; and, moreover, in refutation of them I could bring still clearer statements if any competent tribunal were anywhere to be seen—showing that it was I who was urging you, and you who were refusing, to execute these plans. And, verily, it is easy to affirm frankly that these plans, if they had been executed, were the best both for you and the Syracusans, and for all the Siceliots. But, my friend, if you deny having said this, when you have said it, I am justified; while if you confess it, you should further agree that StesichorusA lyric poet, circa 600 B.C., said to have been struck blind for his attacks on the reputation of Helen of Troy, which he subsequently withdrew in his recantation (“palinode”); cf. Plat. Phaedrus 243a, Plat. Phaedrus 243b. was a wise man, and imitate his palinode, and renounce the false for the true
Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 3, chapter 4 (search)
away from the neighbouring villages. From this place they marched one stage, six parasangs, to a great stronghold, deserted and lying in ruins. The name of this city was Mespila,The ruins which Xenophon saw here were those of Nineveh, the famous capital of the Assyrian Empire. It is curious to find him dismissing this great Assyrian city (as well as Calah above) with the casual and misleading statement that “it was once inhabited by the Medes.” In fact, the capture of Nineveh by the Medes (c. 600 B.C.) was the precise event which closed the important period of its history, and it remained under the control of the Medes only during the succeeding half-century, i.e. until the Median Empire was in its turn overthrown by the Persians (549 B.C.). Xenophon, then, goes but one unimportant step backward in his historical note—perhaps because he did not care to go farther, perhaps because he was unable to do so. and it was once inhabited by the Medes. The foundation of its wall was made of pol<
Polybius, Histories, Shorter Fragments, A: Fragments whose reference is known (search)
4 sq. II (6, 2) B. C. 672.Polybius, like Aristodemus of Elis, informs us that the register of the athletic victors at the Olympic games began to be kept from the 27th Olympiad, at which Coroebus of Elis was first registered as conqueror in the stadium; and this Olympiad was regarded as an era by the Greeks from which to calculate dates.From Eusebius. It may be noted that this statement of Polybius is an earlier evidence than any other for the existence of an Olympian register prior to B. C. 600. Pausanias also dates the register from the year of Coroebus's victory (5, 8, 6). III (6, 2) The Palatine was named after Pallas, who died there. He was the son of Heracles and Lavina, daughter of Evander. His maternal grandfather raised a barrow as his tomb on this hill, and called the place after him the Pallantium. IV (6, 2) Among the Romans women are forbidden to drink wine; and they drink what is called passum, which is made from raisins, and tastes very like the sweet wine of Aegosthe
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK II., CHAPTER I. (search)
same time himself frequently deciding as to right lines and parallels, not by actual measurement, but mere conjecture. Such is the first error of this writer. A second is, that he never lays down the distances as Eratosthenes has given them, nor yet reasons on the data furnished by that writer, but from mere assumptions of his own coinage. Thus, where Eratosthenes states that the distance from the mouth of the [Thracian Bosphorus] to the Phasis is 8000 stadia, from thence to Dioscurias 600 stadia,Now Iskouriah. Dioscurias, however, is 800 stadia from the Phasis, of 700 to a degree. and from Dioscurias to Caspius five days' journey, (which Hipparchus estimates at 1000 stadia,) the sum of these, as stated by Eratosthenes, would amount to 9600 stadia. This Hipparchus abridges in the following manner. From the Cyaneæ to the Phasis are 5600 stadia, and from the Phasis to the Caspius 1000 more.According to our improved charts, the distance from the meridian of the Cyaneæ to that
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 21 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 20 (search)
tter; on the contrary, they heard that men of their own race were being driven from the land and even out of the borders of Italy by the Roman People, and were paying tribute and suffering every other humiliation. In the rest of the Gallic councils their proposals and the replies they got were to substantially the same effect, nor did they hear a single word of a truly friendly or peaceable tenor until they reached Massilia.Massilia (Marseilles), founded by Phocaeans about 600 B.C., had been, from the period of the Kings, a faithful ally of Rome. Here they learned of all that had happened from their allies, who had made enquiries with faithful diligence. They reported that Hannibal had been beforehand with the RomansB.C. 218 in gaining the good-will of the Gauls, but that even he would find them hardly tractable —so fierce and untamed was their nature —unless from time to time he should make use of gold, of which the race is very covetous, to secure the favour of thei
J. B. Greenough, Benjamin L. D'Ooge, M. Grant Daniell, Commentary on Caesar's Gallic War, Gaul and the Gauls. (search)
ples of the unknown west of Europe. The term was rather geographical than racial. The Romans, though they had been brought into contact with the barbarians of the north by war and commerce for many centuries, made no distinction, before Caesar's time, between German and Gaul. The Phoenicians, those pioneer traders and intrepid sailors of antiquity, had had commercial dealings with the Gauls at a very remote period. Several centuries later, but still at an early date (about B. C. 600), the Greeks had made a settlement near the mouth of the Rhone, which afterwards grew into the prosperous city of Massilia (Marseilles), and opened up some trade routes into the interior. Both Phoenicians and Greeks found the most powerful part of the Celts already well established in western Europe, and showing evidence of previous possession for a period going back of any assignable date. The Celts had been for centuries a migratory and always a warlike people. These cha
s to Sardis in consequence of the services he had rendered to an embassy sent by Croesus to consult the Delphic oracle. On his arrival at Sardis, Croesus made him a present of as much gold as he could carry out of the treasury. Alcmaeon took the king at his word, by putting on a most capacious dress, the folds of which (as well as the vacant space of a pair of very wide boots, also provided for the occasion) he stuffed with gold, and then filled his mouth and hair with gold dust. Croesus laughed at the trick, and presented him with as much again (about 590 B. C.). The wealth thus acquired is said to have contributed greatly to the subsequent prosperity of the Alcmaeonidae. (Hdt. 6.125.) Alclmaeon was a breeder of horses for chariotraces, and on one occasion gained the prize in a chariot-race at Olympia. (Herod. l.c. ; Isocrates, de Bigis, c. 10. p. 351.) We are informed by Plutarch (Plut. Sol. c. 11), that he commanded the Athenians in the Cirrhaean war, which began B. C. 600. [P.S]
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