Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for July, 11 AD or search for July, 11 AD in all documents.

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Latest Northern news.interesting details. Grand torchlight Processional Washington — wreck of the steamship Northern Light--news from Missouri--reception of old "Fuss and Feathers" in New York, &c. We have received copies of Northern papers of dates to 7th, November. 9th, November.and 12th of November. From their columns we make up the following summary: From Washington. The New York Her old, of the 12th instant, contains the following interesting news from its special telegraphic correspondent in the Federal capital, dated the 11th: Grand torchlight procession and fireworks. Washington was taken by surprise to-night by one of the most magnificent and imposing torchlight displays ever witnessed. About half-past 7 o'clock an immense procession, composed of detachments from each regiment of General Blenker's division, suddenly appeared upon the avenue, filling the air with strains of martial music from numerous bands, and paling the moon and stars wit
ip North Briton: Particulars of the wreck of the North Briton — list of passengers — statement of one of the officers. We received intelligence yesterday from Montreal of the loss of the steamship North Briton, Captain Grange, belonging to the Montreal Steamship Company's line. The American brig J. G. Desbler, Capt. Mann, from Liverpool. England, for Cleveland, Ohio, passed Further Point at 11 A. M. on Sunday last, signalled for a pilot, and sent the following message ashore. Nov. 7.--Picked up the North Briton's boat, No. 2, with seventeen of the crew and one passenger aboard. The North Briton is ashore on Mingan islands. The North Briton sailed from Montreal on the 2d inst., and on the morning of the 5th, at 1 o'clock, she struck on Paraquet Island during a gale, the weather being very thick at the time. The following is a list of the passengers on board of her at the time of her departure: From Quebec--Hon. P. M. Vankoughnet and lady, Major Fielding,
y near the bar. What does it mean?--They have not stopped at Fernandina, as this morning is so clear we could see them if they had. We think they are defined for some point farther South to repair injuries sustained in the late engagement." Seizure of sale. On Friday last, Gov, Moore, of Alabama, seized 1,400 sacks of salt, at the Montgomery and West Point depot, that were being transported to avoid the enforcement of the hill against the exportation of this necessary article, which had just passed both Houses of the Legislature. A much larger lot was on the eve of being smuggled off, but was prevented by the prompt action of the Governor. Wire's region. A correspondent of the Lyasburg religion, writing from Meadow Ruff, under date of Nov. 7, says: Wire's Legion is here, and all of composed of native Virginians, are building and preparing for winter quarters here. North Carolina regiment that belongs to the will leave here for some other point to winter.