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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASILICA AEMILIA BASILICA PAULI (search)
e latter postulate is perhaps to be conceded; for the fornix Fabianus cannot have stood anywhere near the basilica Iulia (Jord. i. 2.210). In that case Suet. Aug. 29 porticum basilicamque Gai et Luci must then refer to two separate monuments: for whatever the porticus may be, the basilica Gai et Luci must be the basilica Iulia (Mon. Anc. iv. 13-16: basilicam quae fuit inter aedem Castoris et aedem Saturni ... nominis filiorum meum incohavi). But the passage of Dio refers to a dedication in 12 A.D., which will not fit the date of the inscription of Lucius Caesar (2 B.C., see p. 74) any more than it agrees with the date of the dedication of the porticus Liviae. The remains of the basilica Aemilia, of which nothing was previously visible, have been for the most part laid bare by the recent excavations. It occupied the whole space between the temple of Faustina (from which it was separated by a narrow passage) and the Argiletum. There are some remains, including a column base which proba
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, BASILICA IULIA (search)
d the vicus Iugarius. It was perhaps begun by Aemilius Paullus on behalf of Caesar, probably in 54 B.C. (cf. the difficult passage Cic. ad Att. iv. 16. 8, a letter written in that year, and the commentators, especially Becker, Top. 301-306; Jord. i. 2. 394; and contrast AJA 1913, 25, n. 2), dedicated in an unfinished state in 46 (Mon. Anc. iv. 13; Hier. a. Abr. 1971), completed by Augustus, burned soon afterwards, and, when rebuilt in an enlarged form by Augustus, dedicated again in 12 A.D. in the names of Gaius and Lucius Caesar (Mon. Anc. iv. 13- 16; Cass. Dio Ivi. 27 ;*)iouli/a, is a correction, the text (supra, 73) having *lioui/a. Suet. Aug. 29). It is not certain, however, that the building was entirely finished when dedicated for the second time (cf. Mon. Anc. loc. cit.). It was injured by fire under Carinus (Chron. p. 148) and restored by Diocletian (ib.), and again in 416 A.D. by a certain Gabinus Vettius Probianus, prefect of the city, who also adorned it with
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CONCORDIA, AEDES, TEMPLUM (search)
. 17; Cic. pro Sest. 140; August. de civ. d. iii. 25). Opimius probably built his BASILICA (q.v.) at the same time, close to the temple on the north. In 7 B.C. Tiberius undertook to restore the temple with his spoils from Germany (Cass. Dio lv. 8. 2), and the structure was completed and dedicated as aedes Concordiae Augustae, in the name of Tiberius and his dead brother Drusus, on 16th January, 10 A.D. (Ov. Fast. i. 640, 643-648; Cass. Dio lvi. 25; Suet. Tib. 20, where the year is given as 12 A.D.). It is represented on coins (Cohen, Tib. 68-70; BM. Tib. 116, 132-4). A later restoration, perhaps after the fire of 284, is recorded in an inscription (CIL vi. 89), which was seen on the pronaos of the temple by the copyist of the inscriptions in the Einsiedeln Itinerary. After the restoration by Opimius, this temple was frequently used for assemblies of the senate (Cic. Cat. iii. 21: pro Sest. 26; de domo 111; Phil. ii. 19, 112; iii. 31; v. 18; Sall. Cat. 46,49 ; Cass. Dio lviii. II. 4;
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PORTICUS LIVIAE (search)
PORTICUS LIVIAE begun by Augustus on the site of the house of VEDIUS POLLIO (q.v.) in 15 B.C., and finished and dedicated to Livia in 7 B.C. (Cass. Dio liv. 23; lv. 8; In ib. Ivi. 27. 5 Atovla has been emended into )*iouli/a, as the date there given is 12 A.D.(See BASILICA IULIA, BASILICA AEMILIA.) Suet. Aug. 29; Ov. Fast. vi. 639). It is represented on three fragments of the Marble Plan (10, 11, 109), and was situated on the north slope of the Oppius on the south side of the clivus Suburanus, between this street and the later baths of Trajan. The porticus was rectangular, about 115 metres long and 75 wide, with an outer wall and double row of columns within. In each of the long sides were three niches, the central one square, the others semi-circular. There was also a semi-circular apse on the south side. The entrance was on the north, where a flight of steps, 20 metres wide, led down to the clivus Suburanus. In the centre of the area was something that appears to have been a fo
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
asilica Aemilia to Augustus and his grandsons, 74. A.D. 2Tiberius resides in Gardens of Maecenas, 269. Arch of Lentulus and Crispinus, 40. 3Temple of the Magna Mater restored, 324. Horti Lamiani, 267. House of Augustus burnt, 157. 6Tiberius rebuilds Temple of Castor, 103. 7Altar of Ceres Mater and Ops Augusta, 110. Temple of Isis destroyed (?), 284. 10(before). Livia restores Temple of Bona Dea Subsaxana, 85. Arch of Dolabella and Silanus, 38. Temple of Concord completed, 139. 12Basilica Julia rebuilt after a fire, 79. 14Augustus restores Aqua Julia, 24. 14-37Reign of Tiberius: Tiberius builds Temple of Augustus, 62; and its library, 63, 84; Domus Tiberiana, 199. 14-16Schola Xanthi, 468. 15Cura riparum Tiberis instituted after inundation, 537. 16Arch of Tiberius in Forum, 45. 17Temple of Fors Fortuna dedicated, 213. of Flora dedicated, 209. of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 110. of Janus in Forum Holitorium dedicated, 277. of Spes dedicated by Ger
of Roman emperors, reigned from A. D. 37 to A. D. 41. His real name was Caius Caesar, and he received that of Caligula in the camp, from caligae, the foot dress of the common soldiers, when he was yet a boy with his father in Germany. As emperor, however, he was always called by his contemporaries Caius, and he regarded the name of Caligula as an insult. (Senec. De Constant. 18.) He was the youngest son of Germanicus, the nephew of Tiberius, by Agrippina, and was born on the 31st ot August, A. D. 12. (Suet. Cal. 8.) The place of his birth was a matter of doubt with the ancients ; according to some, it was Tibur; according to others, Treves on the Moselle; but Suetonius has proved from the public documents of Antium that he was born at that town. His earliest years were spent in the camp of his father in Germany, and he grew up among the soldiers, with whom he became accordingly very popular. (Tac. Annal. 1.41, 69; Suet. Cal. 9; D. C. 57.5.) Caligula also accompanied his father on his
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ime-serving adherent to the new order of things. The complaisance of Capito found favour with Augustus, who accelerated his promotion to the consulship, in order, says Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 3.75),that he might obtain precedence over Labeo. It may be that Capito was made consul before the proper age, that is, before his 43rd year. He was consul suffectus with C. Vibius Postumus in A. D. 5. Several writers erroneously confound the jurist with C. Fonteius Capito, who was consul with Germanicus in A. D. 12. Pomponius says (as we interpret his words), that Labeo refused the offer of Augustus to make him the colleague of Capito. Ex his Ateius consul fuit : Labeo noluit, quum offerretur ei ab Augusto consulatus, et honorem suscipere. (Dig. 1. tit. 2. s. 2.47.) We cannot agree with the commentators who attempt to reconcile the statement of Pomponius with the inference that would naturally be drawn from the antithesis of Tacitus : Illi [Labeoni]. quod praeturam intra stetit, commendatio ex injur
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ca'pito, Fonteius 4. C. Fonteius Capito, a son of C. Fonteius Capito, the friend of M. Antony. [No. 3.] He was consul in A. D. 12, together with Germanicus, and afterwards had, as proconsul, the administration of the province of Asia. Many years later, in A. D. 25, he was accused by Vibius Serenus, apparently on account of his conduct in Asia; but, as no sufficient evidence was adduced, he was acquitted. (Fasti Cap.; Suet. Cal. 8; Tac. Ann. 4.36.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ough we must carefully separate what is certain from what is doubtful. Thus it is often asserted that the thirteenth satire belongs to A. D. 119 or even to A. D. 127, because written sixty years after the consulship of Fonteius (see 5.17), as if it were unquestionable that this Fonteius must be the C. Fonteius Capito who was consul A. D. 59, or the L. Fonteius Capito who was consul A. D. 67, while, in reality, the individual indicated is in all probability C. Fonteius Capito, who was consul A. D. 12, since we know, from Statius, that Rutilius Gallicus (see 5.157) was actually city praefect under Domitian. Again, the contest between the inhabitants of Ombi and of Tentyra is said (15.27) to have happened " nuper consule Junio; " but even admitting this name to be correct, and the MSS. here vary much, we cannot tell whether we ought to fix upon Appius Junius Sabinus, consul A. D. 84, or upon Q. Junius Rusticus, consul A. D. 119. We have, however, fortunately evidence more precise. 1. We
k had related merely to past times,he probably would not have feared to have read it. Labienus seems never to have been engaged in any plots against Augustus; but his enemies at length revenged themselves upon him, by obtaining a decree of the senate that all his writings should be burnt. This indignity affected Labienus so much, that, resolving not to survive the productions of his genius, he shut himself up in the tombs of his ancestors, and thus perished. His death probably took place in A. D. 12, as Dio Cassius relates (56.27) that several libellous works were burnt in that year. Caligula allowed the writings of Labienus, as well as those of Cremutius Cordus and Cassius Severus, which had shared the same fate, to be again collected and read. (Senec. Controv. v. pp. 328-330, ed. Bipont.; Suet. Cal. 16.) We find mention of only three orations of Labienus:-1. An oration for Figulus against the heirs of Urbinia: the cause of the latter was pleaded by C. Asinius Pollio. (Quint. Inst.
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