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Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), Some thynges of ye olden tyme. (search)
Some thynges of ye olden tyme. Dr. Alexander McKenzie. The ancient records of the First Church in Cambridge are very interesting but are not a complete account of all that was done here in the early days. The church was founded in 1636 and the oldest record is very near that date. There are some items of interest which not only tell us what was done, but give us a glimpse of some of the methods of that period. In 1638 Roger Harlakenden died. The record spells the name Harlakingdon —— they were not very particular about their spelling in those days. He left a legacy of £ 20 to the church. This appears to have been paid in 1640 by Herbert Pelham, who married the widow Harlakenden, in a young cow. For three summers the milk was given to different persons-brother Towne, brother John French, sister Manning; and in 1643 the cow was yeelded to Elder Frost for his owne, but her value had shrunk to 15. This is only one sign of the care which the church had for the poor, and it
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), Historic churches and homes of Cambridge. (search)
d here: because the town was conveniently situated and because it was here under the orthodox and soul-flourishing ministry of Mr. Tho. Shepheard. Twelve important men of the colony were chosen to take orders for the college, and of these were Shepard, Cotton, Wilson, Harlakenden, Stoughton, Dudley and Winthrop. Thus from the first, college interests were closely linked to those of the First Church. Church and State were one in those days; Christo et Ecclesiae was the college motto. In 1638 Newtowne became Cambridge, and the same year the college was called Harvard. Its first leader, Nathaniel Eaton, for maltreating his pupils was dismissed, and for a time Samuel Shepard administered the college affairs. In 1664, however, Henry Dunster became president. He was a member of Shepard Church, as was also Elijah Corlet, master of the Faire Grammar School, on the site of which the Washington Grammar School now stands. In 1642 the first college commencement was held in the First Chu
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), A guide to Harvard College. (search)
rosity of General Samuel J. Bridge, we have here from the hands of the sculptor D. C. French. the face and figure of an English Puritan minister such as we may suppose the founder of the college to have possessed. Few facts concerning the life of John Harvard have come down to us. We know that he was a graduate from the English Cambridge University, for which reason the name of Newtowne was changed to Cambridge. After leaving England John Harvard settled in Charlestown, and at his death in 1638 left to the colledge at Newetowne his library and £ 500 in money. This one act on his part determined forever the name and future of our University. The statue was unveiled October 15, 1884. Continuing our walk and crossing Kirkland street, another group of college buildings comes into view. The first which we pass, a brick building, is the Lawrence Scientific School, the gift of Abbott Lawrence of Boston in 1848. Immediately back of this stands the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, built