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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Berkeley, Sir William, (search)
d his exiled son as their sovereign, and Berkeley proclaimed him King of Virginia. Sir William administered the government tinder a commission sent by Charles from his place of exile (Breda, in Flanders). Virginia was the last territory belonging to England that submitted to the government of the republicans on the downfall of monarchy. This persistent attachment to the Stuarts offended the republican Parliament, and they sent Sir George Ayscue with a strong fleet, early in the spring of 1652, to reduce the Virginians to submission. The fleet bore commissioners authorized to use harsh or conciliatory measures — to make a compromise, or to declare the freedom of the slaves of the royalists, put arms in their hands, and make war. The commissioners were met with firmness by Berkeley. Astonished by the boldness of the governor and his adherents, they deemed it more prudent to compromise than to attempt coercion. The result was, the political freedom of the colonists was guaranteed
Boer, A Dutch term meaning farmer. given to the descendants of the Holland emigrants to the Cape of Good Hope in 1652. They gradually extended civilization over a wide territory. The British acquired the settlement in 1796 as a fruit of war. In 1803 it was restored to the Dutch, but in 1806 was again seized by the British. In the Congress of Vienna (1814) Holland formally ceded it to Great Britain. This settlement became known as Cape Colony. A large majority of the Boers moved north in 1835-36, a number settling in the region which afterwards became known as the Orange Free State, and the remainder in the present colony of Natal. The settlers in the latter region stayed there until Great Britain took possession of it in 1843, when they removed farther north, and organized the South African, or, as it has been generally called, the Transvaal, Republic. In 1877 the South African Republic was annexed by the British government; in 1880 the Boers there rose in revolt: in 1881
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Clap, Roger 1609-1691 (search)
Clap, Roger 1609-1691 Pioneer; born in Salcomb, England, April, 1609; settled in Dorchester, Mass., with Maverick and others in 1630; was representative of the town in 1652-66, and also held a number of military and civil offices. In 1665-86 he was captain of Castle William. He wrote a memorial of the New England worthies, and other Memoirs, which were first published in 1731 by Rev. Thomas Prince, and later republished by the Historical Society of Dorchester. He died in Boston, Mass., Feb. 2, 1691.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Coinage, United States (search)
words New England on the other. The silver was alloyed a quarter below the English standard, with the expectation that the debasement would prevent the coin leaving the country. Thus the pound currency of New England came to be one-fourth less than the pound sterling of Great Britain; and this standard was afterwards adopted by the British Parliament for all the English American colonies. The mint-house in Boston existed about thirty-four years. All the coins issued from it bore the dates 1652 or 1662, the same dies being used, probably, throughout the thirty-four years of coining. Some coins had been made in Bermuda for the use of the Virginia colony as early as 1644. Copper coins bearing the figure of an elephant were struck in England for the Carolinas and New England in 1694. Coins were also struck for Maryland, bearing the effigy of Lord Baltimore. In 1722-23, William Wood obtained a royal patent for coining small money for the English plantations in America. He made i
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cornwaleys, or Cormwaleys, Thomas (search)
Cornwaleys, or Cormwaleys, Thomas pioneer; born about 1600; was one of the leaders in the establishment of the colony at St. Mary's. In 1635 he led a force against Claiborne, and in 1638, when Lord Baltimore sent out a code to be adopted by the General Assembly, he opposed it, alleging that the charter of the freemen gave them the right to enact their own laws. During 1638 he was made deputy governor; in 1642 was commissioned commander of an expedition against the Indians; in 1652 became a member of the general court; and in 1657, when the government was restored to Lord Baltimore, he was appointed assistant governor. He returned to England in 1659, and died there in 1676.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cotton, John 1585-1652 (search)
Cotton, John 1585-1652 Clergyman; born in Derby, England, Dec. 4, 1585; became minister of St. Botolph's Church, Boston, Lincolnshire, about 1612, and remained there, a noted preacher and controversialist, for twenty years, constantly leaning towards Puritanism. For his non-conformity he was cited to appear before Archbishop Laud, when he fled to America, arriving in Boston in September, 1633. He was soon afterwards ordained a colleague with Mr. Wilson in the Boston Church. His ministry there for nineteen years was so influential that he has been called The patriarch of New England. He was a firm opponent of Roger Williams, and defended the authority of ministers and magistrates. He and Davenport were invited to assist in the assembly of divines at Westminster, but were dissuaded from going by Hooker. He died in Boston, Dec. 23, 1652. God's promise to his plantations.— The following sermon, to which a large historical importance has been given, was preached in England, a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Easton, Nicholas, 1593-1675 (search)
Easton, Nicholas, 1593-1675 Colonial governor; born in 1593; came to America in 1634, and settled in Ipswich, Mass. In 1638 he removed to Rhode Island and erected the first house in Newport; was governor of Rhode Island and Providence in 1650-52. He died in Newport, R. I., Aug. 15, 1675.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Edict of Nantes, the, (search)
Edict of Nantes, the, An edict promulgated by Henry IV. of France, which gave toleration to the Protestants in feuds, civil and religious, and ended the religious wars of the country. It was published April 13, 1598, and was confirmed by Louis XIII. in 1610, after the murder of his father; also by Louis XIV. in 1652; but it was revoked by him, Oct. 22, 1685. It was a great state blunder, for it deprived France of 500,000 of her best citizens, who fled into Germany, England, and America, and gave those countries the riches that flow from industry, skill, and sobriety. They took with them to England the art of silk-weaving, and so gave France an important rival in that branch of industry.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jenks, Joseph -1683 (search)
Jenks, Joseph -1683 Inventor; born near London; came to America in 1645, and is supposed to have been the first brassfounder on this continent. On May 6, 1648, he secured a patent from the Massachusetts legislature for a water-mill and for a saw-mill. In 1652 he made the dies, it is said, for the silver coinage—the pine-tree money of that province. In 1654 he made a fire-engine for Boston, and in 1655 he received a patent for an improved method of manufacturing scythes. In 1667 he had an appropriation for the encouragement of wire-drawing. He died in Lynn, Mass., in 1683
Gorgeana was incorporated. There the first representative government in Maine was established (1640). On the death of Sir Ferdinando (1647) the province of Maine descended to his heirs. and was placed under four jurisdictions. Massachusetts, fearing this sort of dismemberment of the colony might cause the fragments to fall into the hands of the French, made claim to the territory under its charter. Many of the people of Maine preferred to be under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, and in 1652 a large number of the freeholders in five towns took the oath of allegiance to the Bay State. The latter province then assumed supreme rule in Maine, and continued it until the restoration of the Stuarts (1660), when Charles II., on the petition of the heirs of Gorges, sent over a commission to re-establish the authority of the grantees. Massachusetts. after long resistance, purchased the interests (1677) of the claimants for £12,000 sterling. In 1674 the Dutch conquered the territory ea
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