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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
he infamy for him. The garrison in Sumter had been in a state of intense excitement during the brief time when the Star of the West was exposed to danger. Major Anderson was ignorant of her character and object, and of the salutary official changes at Washington, or he would have instantly resented the insult to the old flag. Had he known that the Executive and the new members of his Cabinet approved his course, and were trying to aid him — had he known that, only two days before, January 7, 1861. a resolution of such approval had passed the National House of Representatives by a large majority The resolution, offered by Mr. Adrain of New Jersey, was as follows:--Resolved, That we fully approve of the bold and patriotic act of Major Anderson in withdrawing from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, and of the determination of the President to maintain that fearless officer in his present position; and that we will support the President in all constitutional measures to enforce the la
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 8: attitude of the Border Slave-labor States, and of the Free-labor States. (search)
o Wood was Mayor of the City of New York. He was a special favorite of the worst elements of society in that cosmopolitan city, and sympathized with the conspirators against the Republic, during the civil war that ensued. Four days before January 7, 1861.the Legislature of the State passed its patriotic resolutions, this disloyal man sent a message to the Common Council of the city, in which he mentioned the advantages which the people might secure by following the example of those of South t blessing in the world. Their chief magistrate, at the beginning of the troubles, was William Dennison, Jr., who was an opponent of the Slave system, and loyal to the Government and the Constitution. The Legislature of Ohio met on the 7th of January, 1861. In his message, the Governor explained his refusal to surrender alleged fugitive slaves on the requisition of the authorities of Kentucky and Tennessee; denied the right of secession; affirmed the loyalty of his State; suggested the repe
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 9: proceedings in Congress.--departure of conspirators. (search)
what then? We shall then ask you, Let us depart in peace. Refuse that, and you present us war. We accept it; and, inscribing upon our banners the glorious words, Liberty and Equality, we will trust to the blood of the brave and the God of battles for security and tranquillity. With these words ringing in the ears of Senators, and these declarations of premeditated treason hurled in the face of the President, this conspirator left the Senate Chamber and the National Capital forever, January 7, 1861. and hastened to Georgia, to cheat the people of their rights and precipitate them into the seething caldron of civil war. The Georgia Senator was followed, a few days later, January 11 and 12. by two of the ablest members of that House, namely, Hunter of Virginia, and Seward of New York. Their speeches were marked by great dignity of manner and language, but irreconcilable opposition of sentiment. Hunter's foreshadowed the aims and determination of the conspirators, while Seward'
of December 9, 1860, has a Washington dispatch of the 8th relative to a caucus of Southern Senators then being held at the Capitol, which said: The current of opinion seems to set strongly in favor of a reconstruction of the Union, without the New England States. The latter States are supposed to be so fanatical in their views as to render it impossible that there should be any peace under a government to which they were parties. And Gov. Letcher, of Virginia, in his Message of January 7, 1861, after suggesting that a commission, to consist of two of our most intelligent, discreet, and experienced statesmen, should be appointed to visit the Legislatures of the Free States, to urge the repeal of the Personal Liberty bills which had been passed, said: In renewing the recommendation at this time, I annex a modification, and that is, that commissioners shall not be sent to either of the New England States. The occurrences of the last two months have satisfied me that New Eng
ssion by a foreign and hostile power, a means of easily interposing a military force so as to cut off all communication between them. If the people of the Free States could have consented to surrender their brethren of West Virginia to their common foes, they could not have relinquished their territory without consenting to their own ultimate disruption and ruin. West Virginia was thus the true key-stone of the Union arch. The Legislature of Tennessee, which assembled at Nashville January 7th, 1861, and elected Breckinridge Democrats for officers in both Houses, had, on the 19th, decided to call a State Convention, subject to a vote of the people. That vote was taken early in March; and, on the 10th, the result was officially proclaimed as follows: for the Union 91,803; for Disunion 24,749; Union majority 67,054. Several counties did not render their returns; and it was said that their vote would reduce the Union majority to something over 50,000; but the defeat of the Secessio
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 2.-fight at Port Royal, S. C. January 1, 1862. (search)
h-wound in the leg. I have to report that officers and men behaved with admirable bravery and coolness. The loss of the enemy, from the well-directed fire of our skirmishers, cannot be less than forty. Our loss is seven wounded, and two missing. A list is appended. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, William M. Fenton, Colonel Eighth Michigan Regiment. Order referring to Corporal J. Q. Adams. headquarters Second brigade, Beaufort, S. C., January 7, 1861. Report relative to J. Q. Adams, Eighth Michigan, Company A, wounded in the battle of the 1st inst., and left on the field: Negroes Mingo and wife Anthor testify: Saw him in a wagon at the railroad, wounded in the right side; was surrounded by spectators; he would give no information; he received water to drink from them; the rebels asked him if it was right to run them off their own land; he said it was, and there were those behind that would revenge his fall; remaining true to h
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
overs of liberty. We have this fac — simile in Valentine's splendid recumbent figure at Lexington, and hope to have it also when the Lee monument association shall have completed their work, and placed their equestrian statue at Richmond. Contributions to our archives are still gratefully appreciated. Among others we acknowledge the following: From Graves Renfroe, Esq., of Talladega, Alabama--History and Debates of the Convention of the people of Alabama, begun in Montgomery January 7th, 1861, by Hon. William R. Smith, one of the delegates from Tuscaloosa. This book contains the speeches made in secret session, and many State papers of interest and value, and is a highly prized addition to our library, as well as a renewed evidence of the interest taken in our work by our young friend, Mr. Reufroe. From Major Powhatan Ellis, of Gloucester county, Virginia--Hardee's Tactics (Confederate Edition) published at Jackson, Mississippi, 1861; a bundle of war papers, and a numbe
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alabama. (search)
, and as in some of the other States, the politicians were divided into Secessionists and Co-operationists. The latter were also divided; one party wishing the co-operation of all the slave-labor States, and the other caring only for the co-operation of the cotton-producing States. The vote for all but ten counties was, for secession, 24,445; and for co-operation, 33,685. In the ten counties, some were for secession and some for co-operation. In the convention assembled at Montgomery, Jan. 7, 1861, every county in the State was represented. William Brooks was chosen president. There was a powerful infusion of Union sentiment in the convention, which endeavored to postpone a decision, under the plea of the desirableness of co-operation. A committee of thirteen was appointed to report an Ordinance of Secession. It was submitted on the 10th. It was longer than any other already adopted, but similar in tenor. They assumed that the commonwealth, which had been created by the natio
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
hostile Indians suppressed rapid growth, and it was not until after the creation of the Territory of Mississippi, April 7, 1798, that the population became numerous. The boundaries of the Territory at first included all of Alabama north of the 31st parallel. In 1817 Mississippi was admitted into the Union as a State. A new constitution was adopted in 1832. In November, 1860, the legislature, in extraordinary session, provided for an election of delegates to a convention to be held on Jan. 7, 1861, to consider the subject of secession. That convention passed an ordinance of secession on the 9th, and, on March 30, ratified the constitution of the Confederate States. The northern portion of the State was the theatre of military operations in 1862, but the most important ones were in 1863, in movements connected with the siege and capture of Vicksburg (q. v.). On June 13, 1865, President Johnson appointed a provisional governor (W. L. Sharkey), State seal of Mississippi. who or
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Ohio, (search)
y encountered heavy rains and terrible fatigue all the way to Detroit, their destination. See Hull, William. In March, 1851, a convention revised the The State Capitol, Columbus. State constitution, and it was ratified in June; but a new constitution, framed by a convention in 1873, was rejected by the people at an election in 1874. At the beginning of the Civil War, the governor of Ohio, William Dennison, Jr., was an avowed opponent of the slave system. The legislature met on Jan. 7, 1861. In his message the governor explained his refusal to surrender alleged fugitive slaves on the requisition of the authorities of Kentucky and Tennessee; denied the right of secession; affirmed the loyalty of his State; suggested the repeal of the fugitive slave law as the most effectual way of procuring the repeal of the personal liberty acts; and called for the repeal of the laws of the Southern States which interfered with the constitional rights of the citizens of the freelabor States
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