Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January 22nd, 1861 AD or search for January 22nd, 1861 AD in all documents.

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on resolutions approving the Crittenden propositions, and by the adoption of resolutions in the New York and Massachusetts Legislatures, (doubtless to be followed by others,) offering men and money for the war of coercion. We have thus placed before you the facts and conclusions which have become manifest to us from this post of observation where you have placed us. There is nothing to be hoped from Congress; the remedy is with you alone, when you assemble in sovereign Convention. We conclude by expressing our solemn conviction that prompt and decided action by the people of Virginia in Convention will afford the surest means, under the providence of God, of averting an impending civil war, and preserving the hope of reconstructing a Union already dissolved. [Signed,] J. M. Mason, E. S. Martin, R. M. T. Hunter, H. A. Edmundson, D. C. Dejarnette, Roger A. Pryor, M. R. H. Garnett, Thos. S. Bocock, Shelton F. Leake, A. G. Jenkins. Washington City, 22d January, 1861
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.the Commissioner to Washington — CaptainDoubleday — Clerical,&c. Charleston, Jan. 22d, 1861. We still remain in a state of "masterly inactivity," to the great annoyance of our troops. On yesterday, it is said that Col. Hayne was to have offered to the Government at Washington his "ultimatum," but up to the present writing we have heard nothing from him. We expect to hear nothing but a rejection of all overtures for peace made by our Commissioner. Verily, those men at the North seem to have lost their senses. The idea of forcing even little Carolina back into society with them — society that has stunk in our nostrils for twenty years&is the height of impudence. This Cayting Dobleday, of Fort Sumter, I learn from a reliable gentleman, to-day, has dealings with Spirits. He believes in Spirits and Spiritualism, and therefore ought to be excused for that silly letter to his dear friend down East. I learn, also, to-day, that<