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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 22: the War on the Potomac and in Western Virginia. (search)
war show that Jefferson Davis, and his immediate accomplices in the Great Crime of the Ages, were participants in plans and deeds of wickedness which every right-minded man and woman who was misled into an adhesion to their cause should be eager to disavow, and, by genuine loyalty to their beneficent Government, to atone for. General Patterson was compelled to remain on the Maryland side of the Potomac until the beginning of July. In the mean time the General-in-chief had asked him June 20, 1861. to propose to him a plan of operations, without delay. He did so. He proposed to fortify Maryland Hights, and occupy them with about two thousand troops, provisioned for twenty days; to remove all of his supplies to Frederick, and threaten with :a force to open a route through Harper's Ferry; and to send all available forces to cross the Potomac near the Point of Rocks, and, uniting with Colonel Stone at Leesburg, be in a position to operate against the foe in the :Shenandoah Valley, o
666 Present, also, at Stafford Court House; Glendale; Chantilly; Cold Harbor; Petersburg. notes.--Recruited in New York City, and musterd into service June 20, 1861, as the First Regiment, Sickles's Brigade. It left the brigade camp on Staten Island, July 23, 1861, and was stationed at Washington a few weeks, after which m, Md. 4 Picket, Sept. 16, 1862 1 Present, also, at Malvern Hill; Gettysburg; Mine Run; North Anna; Totopotomoy. notes.--Organized at Harrisburg, Pa., June 20, 1861, from companies recruited in the central counties of the State. The regiment was immediately assigned to duty at Cumberland, Md., but in August it marched to notes.--This regiment sustained the greatest percentage of loss of any in the entire Union Army. It was a fine regiment and well officered. Leaving the State June 20, 1861, it went to Virginia, where it was brigaded under command of Colonel William T. Sherman, with which command it marched to First Bull Run; its casualties in tha
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 8: from the battle of Bull Run to Paducah--Kentucky and Missouri. 1861-1862. (search)
rds of similar papers, or to be used by some historian who may need them by way of illustration. I have heretofore recorded how I again came into the military service of the United States as a colonel of the Thirteenth Regular Infantry, a regiment that had no existence at the time, and that, instead of being allowed to enlist the men and instruct them, as expected, I was assigned in Washington City, by an order of Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott, to inspection duty near him on the 20th of June, 1861. At that time Lieutenant-General Scott commanded the army in chief, with Colonel E. D. Townsend as his adjutant-general, Major G. W. Cullum, United States Engineers, and Major Schuyler Hamilton, as aides-de-camp. The general had an office upstairs on Seventeenth Street, opposite the War Department, and resided in a house close by, on Pennsylvania Avenue. All fears for the immediate safety of the capital had ceased, and quite a large force of regulars and volunteers had been collect
the first to move. The Massachusetts Sixth had taken the lead one day earlier, and was even now battling its way through the streets of Baltimore. Barely A young volunteer from the West This youthful warrior in his hickory shirt looks less enthusiastic than his two comrades of the Fourth Michigan Infantry shown on the previous page. Yet the Fourth Michigan was with the Army of the Potomac from Bull Run to Appomattox. The regiment was organized at Adrian, Mich., and mustered in June 20, 1861. It left the State for Washington on June 26th, and its first service was the advance on Manassas, July 16th to 21, 1861. It participated thereafter in every great battle of the Army of the Potomac until it was relieved from duty in the trenches before Petersburg, June 19, 1864. The veterans and recruits were then transferred to the First Michigan Infantry. The regimental loss was heavy. Twelve officers and 177 enlisted men were killed or mortally wounded, and the loss by disease wa
and in eastern Tennessee, for a short period in 1863 and 1864, at and after the battle of Chickamauga. The last report of the army, February, 1865, showed an aggregate present of over seventy-three thousand. The Army of Northern Virginia laid down its arms at Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865. First Corps—Army of Northern Virginia The organization of the volunteer Confederate forces under Brigadier-General Beauregard into the First Corps, Army of the Potomac, was announced on June 20, 1861. There were then six brigades, which number was increased later to eight. The strength of the corps was about thirty thousand. A division organization was afterward adopted, and one of these divisions, commanded by Major-General Longstreet, was denominated the Center of Position, Army of Northern Virginia, at the opening of the Peninsula campaign. It contained about fourteen thousand men. As the Second Division (or Corps) of the army, the troops fought from Fair Oaks, where they were
ess of these allegations I appeal to the impartial and sober judgment of posterity. The volunteers who were assembled under this proclamation of Governor Jackson, of June 13th, had few arms except their squirrel rifles and shotguns, and could scarcely be said to have any military equipment. The brigadier generals who were appointed were assigned to geographical divisions, and, with such men as they could collect, reported in obedience to their orders at Booneville and Lexington. On June 20, 1861, General Lyon and Colonel F. P. Blair, with an estimated force of seven thousand well-armed troops, having eight pieces of artillery, ascended the Missouri River, and debarked about five miles below Booneville. To oppose them, the Missourians had there about eight hundred men, poorly armed, without a piece of artillery, and but little ammunition. With courage which must be commended at the expense of their discretion, they resolved to engage the enemy, and after a combat of an hour and
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), West Virginia, state of (search)
t Virginia declares for the Union......April 21, 1861 First Wheeling convention on the future of western Virginia meets in Washington Hall, Wheeling......May 13, 1861 First Virginia Federal Infantry mustered in on Wheeling Island by Major Oaks......May 15, 1861 Second Wheeling convention meets at Washington Hall, Wheeling, June 11, 1861; adopts a declaration of rights, June 13; an ordinance to reorganize the State government, June 19; and elects Francis H. Pierpont governor......June 20, 1861 General Rosecrans defeats Confederates under Gen. R. S. Garnett, in the battle of Rich Mountain......July 11, 1861 Battle of Carnifex Ferry; Confederates under Gen. H. A. Wise attacked by Federals under Rosecrans......Sept. 10, 1861 General Reynolds repulses Confederates under Lee in battle at Cheat Mountain......Sept. 12-14, 1861 Convention at Wheeling passes an ordinance to form a new State in western Virginia called Kanawha, Aug. 20, 1861; ordinance ratified by popular vot
Beauregard's headquarters. In the conferences which followed between him and Generals Johnston, Beauregard, and Smith, he objected to the organization of the army into corps and divisions, and to the appointment of major-generals, as suggested; but yielded so far as to consent to the formation of divisions and the appointment of two division-generals (Van Dorn and Longstreet) to the Army of the Potomac, Designation of General Beauregard's forces, as per orders issued by him, on the 20th of June, 1861. and two others (G. W. Smith and Jackson) to the Army of the Shenandoah. Designation of General Johnston's forces, before and after his junction with General Beauregard. This matter, which we may call a compromise, being thus settled, the plan of invading Maryland was earnestly supported by the three senior generals. Mr. Davis, however, would not agree to it. He declared that he could draw no troops from the points named, and that there were no arms in the country for new levies, if
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), List of officers of the Confederate States Marine corps, January 1, 1864. (search)
te of Commission.Present Duty. Colonel CommandantLloyd J. BeallU. S. Fort MarylandMay 23, 1861.May 23, 1861.Headquarters. Lieutenant-ColonelHenry B. TylerVirginia VirginiaJune 18, 1861.June 18, 1861.  MajorGeorge H. FerrettVirginia VirginiaJune 20, 1861.June 20, 1861.Drewry's Bluff. Paymaster, with the rank of MajorRichard T. AllisonKentucky MarylandMay 10, 1861.May 10, 1861.Richmond, Virginia. Adjutant, with rank of MajorIsrael GreeneNew York VirginiaJune 19, 1861.June 19, 1861.HeadquarteJune 20, 1861.Drewry's Bluff. Paymaster, with the rank of MajorRichard T. AllisonKentucky MarylandMay 10, 1861.May 10, 1861.Richmond, Virginia. Adjutant, with rank of MajorIsrael GreeneNew York VirginiaJune 19, 1861.June 19, 1861.Headquarters. Quartermaster, with the rank of MajorA. S. TaylorVirginia VirginiaDec. 3, 1861.Dec. 4, 1861.Richmond, Virginia. CaptainJohn D. SimmsVirginia VirginiaJuly 15, 1861.July 15, 1861.Drewry's Bluff. CaptainJ. R. F. TattnallConnecticut GeorgiaJan. 22, 1862.Jan. 22, 1862.Savannah, Georgia. CaptainAndrew J. HaysAlabama AlabamaMarch 29, 1861.March 29, 1861.With Army of Tennessee. CaptainGeorge HolmesMaine FloridaMarch 29, 1861.March 29, 1861.Drewry's Bluff. CaptainR. T. ThomVirginia AlabamaMarc
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
untains to Van Buren, Ark., December 27-29. Duty at various points in Missouri till April, 1863. Operations against Marmaduke April 20-May 2. Moved to Pilot Knob, Mo. Duty in District of Southeast Missouri till July, 1863.) Battery mustered out July 28, 1865. Battery lost during service 5 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 16 Enlisted men by disease. Total 22. Battery B, 2nd Illinois Regiment Light Artillery Organized at Springfield, Ill., June 20, 1861. Attached to Dept. of Missouri to April, 1862. Unattached Artillery, Army of the Tennessee, to May, 1862. Artillery, 4th Division, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1862. 1st Division, District of Jackson, Tenn., to November, 1862. District of Jackson, 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. District of Corinth, 17th Army Corps, to January, 1863. District of Corinth, 16th Army Corps, to March, 1863. Artillery, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps,
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