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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Responsibilities of the first Bull Run. (search)
explanation which put the responsibility on myself. I replied to the second question, that it had never been feasible for the army to advance farther toward Washington than it had done, and referred to a conference at Fairfax Court House [October 1st, 1861] in reference to leading the army into Maryland, in which he informed the three senior officers that he had not the means of giving the army the strength which they considered necessary for offensive operations. Mr. Davis was displeasedhdrawal from Centreville to the Peninsula. Mr. Davis refers ( Rise and fall, I., 444-5) to the instructions for the reorganization of the army given by him to the three general officers whom he met in conference at Fairfax Court House on October 1st, 1861. But the correspondence urging the carrying out of the orders was carried on with Generals Beauregard and G. W. Smith (my subordinates) in that same October. He neither conversed nor corresponded with me on the subject then, the letter to
Doc. 59 1/2. skirmish near Chapmansville, Va., September 25, 1861. The correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette gives the following account of this skirmish: camp Enyart, October 1, 1861. The necessities for aid in Western Virginia led the Government to order the Thirty-fourth regiment into the field before the brigade of Zouaves was completed. This to the officers was a great disappointment, as the drill is peculiar, rendering their cooperation a very important element of their efficiency and success. Yet, like true soldiers, they responded to the call with the regiment completed, and marched for Western Virginia with a notice of six hours, and reached Camp Enyart Thursday the 19th of September. The officers, believing that the best drill they could give the Zouaves would be to let them go through their peculiar tactics with a rebel army for interested spectators, and learning that the enemy was in force about fifty miles from their camp, took up their line of marc
no words can explain the utter absurdity of these long-talked — of fortifications as they now appear, without plan and entirely void. There are miserable remains of a camp at Mason's — a few boards, great piles of straw, and a hideous stencil, the traces which always mark a deserted Virginian position. The huts have been set on fire, and were burning all Sunday, but Mason's house is yet untouched. The Columbia turnpike is held by the Twenty-first New York regiment, which captures cattle and feasts off them, and sometimes trifles with the younger and fairer inhabitants along the way. Numbers of other regiments are disposed about, but there seems to be no means of definitely ascertaining their numbers and designations. At present they bivouac, and may either advance or establish themselves at any moment. We are all kept in the dark as to the future, except that we know our movements depend, for the moment, exclusively upon those of the enemy. --N. Y. Tribune, Oct. 1, 1861
ft of Fort Saratoga, Fort Bunker Hill. That on the right of General Sickles's camp, Fort Stanton. That on the right of Fort Stanton, Fort Carroll. That on the left towards Bladensburg, Fort Greble. By command of Major-General McClellan. S. Williams, Assistant Adjutant-General. Richard B. Irwin, Aide-de-Camp. Depredations of Federal soldiers punishable by death. The following order was also issued by General McClellan: Headquarters army of the Potomac, Washington, October 1, 1861. General Order No. 19. The attention of the General commanding has recently been directed to depredations of an atrocious character that have been committed upon the persons and property of citizens in Virginia, by the troops under his command. The property of inoffensive people has been lawlessly and violently taken from them, their houses broken open, and in some instances burned to the ground. The General is perfectly aware of the fact that these outrages are perpetrated by a fe
Doc. 63. granting letters of marque. Navy Department, Washington, October 1, 1861. Sir: In relation to the communication of R. B. Forbes, Esq., a copy of which was sent by you to this Department on the 16th ultimo, inquiring whether letters of marque cannot be furnished for the propeller Pembroke, which is about to be despatched to China, I have the honor to state that it appears to me there are objections to, and no authority for granting letters of marque in the present contest. I am not aware that Congress, which has the exclusive power of granting letters of marque and reprisal, has authorized such letters to be issued against the insurgents; and were there such authorization, I am not prepared to advise its exercise, because it would, in my view, be a recognition of the assumption of the insurgents that they are a distinct and independent nationality. Under the act of August 5, 1861, supplementary to an act entitled An act to protect the commerce of the United Stat
Chapter 10: private letters, [Oct. 1, 1861, to March 12, 1862.] Oct.--, 1861.--Yesterday rode to Chain Bridge, thence to Upton's Hill, and did not get back until after dark. . . . I can't tell you how disgusted I am becoming with these wretched politicians. Oct. .--. . . The enemy made some demonstrations up the river this morning, which prevented me from crossing the river until 1.30; then I rode to Munson's Hill, etc., and found everything going on well. We shall be ready by to-morrow to fight a battle there, if the enemy should choose to attack; and I don't think they will care to run the risk. I presume I shall have to go after them when I get ready; but this getting ready is slow work with such an administration. I wish I were well out of it. . . . We almost expected a little row up the river yesterday, but it amounted to nothing. The enemy fired 112 shots with artillery at our people at Great Falls, slightly grazing one man's arm and wounding a horse slightly. F
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Naval chronology 1861-1865: important naval engagements of the Civil war March, 1861-June, 1865 (search)
. September 14, 1861. An expedition from the U. S. frigate Colorado, under Lieut. J. H. Russell, destroyed the privateer Judah, under the Confed. guns at Pensacola. September 16, 1861. A naval expedition from Hatteras Inlet, under command of Lieut. J. Y. Maxwell, destroyed Fort Ocracoke, on Beacon Island, N. C. September 17, 1861. Ship Island, near the mouth of the Mississippi River, occupied by Federal forces from the steamer Massachusetts. October, 1861. October 1, 1861. U. S. steamer Fanny, with 35 men of the 9th N. Y. Volunteers, captured by the Confederates on the north shore of Hatteras Inlet. October 4, 1861. Commander Alden, U. S. S. South Carolina, captured two schooners off the S. W. Pass of the Mississippi, with four to five thousand stands of arms. October 5, 1861. Two boats from U. S. S. Louisiana, Lieut. A. Murray, destroyed a Confed. schooner, being fitted out for a privateer, at Chincoteague Inlet, Va. October 12,
y 17, 1862. Thomas, Stephen, Feb. 1, 1865. Thurston, C. M., Sept. 7, 1861. Todd, John B. S., Sept. 19, 1865. Turchin, John B., July 17, 1862. Tuttle, James M., June 9, 1862. Tyler, Daniel, Mar. 13, 1862. Van Allen, J. H., April 15, 1862. Van Derveer, F., Oct. 4, 1864. Van Wyck, C. H., Sept. 27, 1865. Viele, Egbert L., Aug. 17, 1861. Vincent, Strong, July 3, 1863. Vinton, F. L., Sept. 19, 1862. Vogdes, Israel, Nov. 29, 1862. Von Steinwehr, Adolph, Oct. 12, 1861. Wade, M. S., Oct. 1, 1861. Wagner, Geo. D., Nov. 29, 1862. Wallace, W. H. L., Mar. 21, 1862. Ward, John H. H., Oct. 4, 1862. Weber, Max, April 28, 1862. Weed, Stephen H., June 6, 1863. Welsh, Thomas, Mar. 13, 1863. Wild, Edw. A., April 24, 1863. Williams, D. H., Nov. 29, 1862. Williams, Thos., Sept. 28, 1861. Wistar, Isaac, Nov. 29, 1862. Brigadier-generals, U. S. Volunteers (by Brevet) Abbott, Ira C., Mar. 13, 1865. Abbott, J. C., Jan. 5, 1865. Abert, Wm. S., Mar. 13, 1865. Acker, Geo. S., Mar.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Nichols, Henry E. 1861- (search)
Nichols, Henry E. 1861- Naval officer; born in New York; entered the United States Naval Academy, Oct. 1, 1861; was promoted captain, March 3, 1899. In July, 1898, he joined Admiral Dewey's fleet at Manila. On Jan. 26, 1899, he was transferred to the double-turret monitor Monadnock, and with this vessel performed valuable service in co-operation with the army in the movements north of Manila. From April to June the Monadnock, while lying off Paranaque, was under the fire of the insurgents almost daily. The officers and crew suffered severely from the intense heat. Admiral Dewey offered to send another vessel to Paranaque, but Captain Nichols and his men expressed a desire to remain till the place was captured. On June 10, 1899, while the Monadnock was shelling the insurgent trenches, Captain Nichols was overcome by heat, and died within a few hours.
, JrSept. 18, 1849. 6.925Pecare and SmithDec. 4, 1849. 7.300D. H. ChamberlainApr. 23, 1850. 7,493G. Leonard, JrJuly 9, 1850. 7.887S. W. MarstonJan. 7, 1851. 9,922George LeonardAug. 9, 1853. 13,581W. W. MarstonSept. 18, 1855. 14,118E. T. StarrJan. 15, 1856. 15.797J. AdamsSept. 30, 1856. 21.188W. H. ElliotAug. 17, 1858. 28,460W. H. ElliotMay 29, 1860. 1. (c.) Cylinder without other Barrel, etc.—Continued. No.Name.Date. 28,461W. H. ElliotMay 29, 1860. 33,332W. H. ElliotOct. 1, 1861. 39,032J. C. CampbellJune 30, 1863. 42,648W. H. ElliotMay 10, 1864. 43,606J. RupertusJuly 19, 1864. 51,752J. ReidDec. 26, 1865. 57,448J. H. VickersAug. 21, 1866. 57,622Converse and HopkinsAug. 28, 1866. 84,976F. WessonDec. 15, 1868. 2. Chambered Cylinder revolving on Vertical Axis behind a Barrel. 183J. W. CochranApr. 28. 1837. 188J. W. CochranApr. 29, 1837. 603Haviland and BennettFeb. 15, 1838. 677H. and C. DanielsApr. 5, 1838. 7,218H. IversonMar. 28, 1850. 2. Cham
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