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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 328 328 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 46 46 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 16 16 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 9 9 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 9 9 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 7 7 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles 7 7 Browse Search
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army 6 6 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 5 5 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 4 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Strength of General Lee's army in the Seven days battles around Richmond. (search)
he series of engagements on the 26th of June was twenty-three hundred and sixty-six, including pioneers and the ambulance corps. The Narrative puts the force under General Lawton at six thousand men, but before the historian of the war ventures to make use of this contribution to his materials, he will do well to look at the official reports, at page 270 of the first volume, where he will find that General Lawton gives the force which he carried into the battle of Cold Harbor, on the 27th June, 1862, as thirty-five hundred men. I have not been able to find General Drayton's report of the part taken by his command in the battles around Richmond — if he did take part in them — and therefore cannot compare the number assigned to General Drayton in those engagements by General Johnston's narrative with any official documents, but if the reports of Holmes, Lawton and Ripley be correct, they brought less than 11,866 men to participate in those battles, instead of 26,000 as stated by Ge
ch, as soon as we had passed them, greeted the enemy with grape-shot. This created extreme confusion among our pursuers; they left their dead and wounded behind them, and took to immediate flight, followed by one of our regiments. Meanwhile the battle was going in our favour; the enemy were driven from one position to another, and by ten o'clock at night were retreating. We encamped for the remainder of the night upon the battle-field, and rose with the earliest beams of the sun. 27th June 1862. In the immediate neighbourhood of Coal Harbour, a small collection of houses some fifteen miles distant from Richmond and ten or twelve miles east of Mechanicsville, the enemy, to the number of 60,000 men, had taken a new position, strengthened by natural as well as artificial fortifications. Jackson had with him in all, including his reinforcements, about 40,000 men, every one of whom followed with enthusiasm and entire confidence their beloved, admired leader. Our cavalry force
Jackson. I. At five in the evening, on the 27th of June, 1862, General Stonewall Jackson made his appearance on the field of Cold Harbour. Fresh from the hot conflicts of the Valley — an athlete covered with the dust and smoke of the arena-he came now with his veteran battalions to enter upon the still more desperate conflicts of the lowland. At that time many persons asked, Who is Jackson? All we then knew of the famous leader was this — that he was born a poor boy beyond the Alleghanies; managed to get to West Point; embarked in the Mexican war as lieutenant of artillery, where he fought his guns with such obstinacy that his name soon became renowned; and then, retiring from active service, became a Professor at the Lexington Military School. Here the world knew him only as an eccentric but deeply pious man, and a somewhat commonplace lecturer. Stiff and rigid in his pew at church, striding awkwardly from his study to his lectureroom, ever serious, thoughtful, absen
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Morale of General Lee's army. (search)
egations. The service at sundown was especially impressive. Fully three thousand men gathered on the very ground over which had been made the grand Confederate charge which swept the field at Cold Harbor and Gaines' Mill, on the memorable 27th of June, 1862. It was a beautiful Sabbath eve, and all nature seemed to invite to peace and repose; but the long lines of stacked muskets gleaming in the rays of the setting sun, the tattered battle-flags rippling in the evening breeze, the scattering flishness. I have frequently seen men of that army display a fortitude under severe suffering, a calm resignation or ecstatic triumph in the hour of death, such as history rarely records. A noble fellow, who fell at Gaines' Mill, on the 27th of June, 1862, said to comrades who offered to bear him from the field: No! I die. Tell my parents I die happy. On! on to victory! Jesus is with me, and can render all the help I need. Another, who fell mortally wounded at second Manassas, said to me
tely by their gates-how the appearance of our men must have excited them! I wish I could see some member of the cavalry who could tell me all about it — where they went, and whom they saw. General Stuart must have gone, it is said, within a few miles, perhaps nearer, of his father-in-law, the Federal General Cooke. I wonder what the old renegade Virginian thinks of his dashing son-in-law? If he has a spark of proper feeling left in his obdurate heart, he must be proud of him. June June 27th, 1862. Yesterday was a day of intense excitement in the city and its surroundings. Early in the morning it was whispered about that some great movement was on foot. Large numbers of troops were seen under arms, evidently waiting for orders to march against the enemy. A. P. Hill's Division occupied the range of hills near Strawberry Hill, the cherished home of my childhood, overlooking the old Meadow bridges. About three o'clock the order to move, so long expected, was given. The Divis
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The charge of Cooke's cavalry at Gaines's Mill. (search)
r-General Wesley Merritt, colonel Fifth Cavalry, superintendent United States Military Academy, writes me, April 8th, 1885: The cavalry remained, with you in immediate command, on that portion of the field, until after midnight on the 27th of June, 1862. It provided litter-bearers and lantern-bearers for our surgeons who went over the field of battle, succoring and attending the wounded. . . . The cavalry was the last force to leave the field and to cross the Chickahominy, Major Williawas not driven from his front, but the charge of your cavalry did stop the advance of the enemy, and this enabled Porter's troops to get off the field. I am by no means alone in the belief that the charge of the cavalry at Gaines's Mill, on June 27th, 1862, saved Fitz John Porter's corps from destruction. . . . You did not direct your command at once to cross the river. There were no frightened men in your vicinity. All the frightened men were far to your right; you could not have reached th
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 7.48 (search)
tests made in 1873-74 proved conclusively, as is now well known, that on clear days the air may be composed of differently heated masses, saturated in different degrees with aqueous vapors, which produce exactly the deadening effects described above. I submit as a case in point a similar effect, and its explanation as furnished by Mr. R. G. H. Kean to Professor Tyndall, and considered by the latter of sufficient value to find a place in his published works: On the afternoon of June 27th, 1862, I rode, in company with General G. W. Randolph, then Secretary of War of the Confederate States, to Price's house, about nine miles from Richmond. The evening before General Lee had begun his attack on McClellan's army, by crossing the Chickahominy about four miles above Price's, and driving in McClellan's right wing. The battle of Gaines's Mill was fought the afternoon to which I refer. The valley of the Chickahominy is about one and a half miles wide from hill-top to hill-top.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. (search)
Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. Joseph Wheeler, Lieutenant-General, C. S. A. In the van. General Bragg succeeded General Beauregard in command of the Confederate troops at Tupelo, Miss., about fifty miles south of Corinth, on June 27th, 1862. The field returns of June 9th, a week after our army reached Tupelo, reported it at 45,080. To prevent misconception, and to avoid frequent repetitions, I will here state that through-out this paper when I mention the figures of field returns of Confederate troops I shall always include all officers, all non-commissioned officers, and all privates who are reported present for duty.--J. W. This return included the Army of Mississippi, reinforced by the troops brought from Arkansas by Generals Price and Van Dorn, together with detachments gathered from various localities. About two thousand cavalry not included in this return also belonged to the army. This was the maximum force General Bragg could expect to concentrate at that po
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
he Fifth Corps back for that purpose, and; as we have observed, the soldiers slept on their arms after the fight at Ellison's Mill. During the night most of the heavy guns and wagons were thrown across the river, and at a little before dawn June 27, 1862. the troops were skillfully withdrawn to a strong position near Gaines's Mills, between Cool Arbor A tavern called New Cool Arbor was nearer Dr. Gaines's than Old Cool Arbor, as will be observed by reference to the map. and the Chickahoming, for Magruder, by great skill in his display of troops, made each believe that his particular position might be assailed at. any time by an overwhelming force. See telegraphic correspondence between McClellan and these commanders, June 26 and 27, 1862, in McClellan's Report, pages 128, 129. Magruder, as we have observed, managed with his inferior force to keep up a flurry of excitement all along the front of the National army during the whole day, threatening first one point and then anoth
  C 1 15 16   12 12 103   D 1 18 19   15 15 156   E 2 17 19   10 10 145   F 1 12 13   10 10 117   G 2 13 15   25 25 152   H   5 5 1 18 19 113   I 1 17 18 1 16 17 139   K 1 7 8   17 17 125 Totals 15 126 141 5 174 179 1,312 141 killed == 10.7 per cent. Total of killed and wounded, 521 died in Confederate prisons (previously included), 24. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Yorktown, Va., April 5, 1862 1 Spotsylvania, Va. 52 Chickahominy, Va., June 27, 1862 1 Cold Harbor, Va. 5 White Oak Swamp, Va. 1 Fort Stevens, D. C. 7 Antietam, Md. 7 Charlestown, W. Va. 1 Fredericksburg, Va. (1862) 2 Opequon, Va. 3 Fredericksburg, Va. (1863) 4 Cedar Creek, Va. 11 On Picket, Pa., June 4, 1863 1 Petersburg, Va. 3 Fairfield, Pa. 1 Place unknown 2 Wilderness, Va. 39     Present, also, at Dranesville; Williamsburg; Golding's Farm; Malvern Hill; Crampton's Pass; Gettysburg; Rappahannock Station; Mine Run; Sailor's Cree
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