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was nothing to remind us of war; all was peaceful loveliness; we talked of days long passed, and almost forgot that our land was the scene of bitter strife. Sometimes I almost fancy that we are taking one of our usual summer trips, with power to return when it terminates; and then I am aroused, as from a sweet dream, to find myself a homeless wanderer, surrounded by horrors of which my wildest fancy had never conceived a possibility, in this Christian land and enlightened day. Sunday, September 14, 1862. Just returned from church. Mr. K. gave us a delightful sermon on our dependence on God as a people. When Moses held up his hand, then Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, then Amalek-prevailed. Oh, that our hands may always be held up for our cause and armies! Next Thursday (18th) is the day appointed by our President as a day of thanksgiving for our successes. His proclamation is so beautiful that I will copy it: To the People of the Confederate States: O
Chapter XI Good advice from General Nelson his tragic death putting Louisville in a state of defense assigned to the command of the Eleventh division capture of Chaplin heights battle of Perryville reported among the killed a Thrilling incident General Buell relieved by General Rosecrans. I reported to Major-General Nelson at the Gait House in Louisville, September 14, 1862, who greeted me in the bluff and hearty fashion of a sailor — for he had been in the navy till the breaking out of the war. The new responsibilities that were now to fall upon me by virtue of increased rank caused in my mind an uneasiness which, I think, Nelson observed at the interview, and he allayed it by giving me much good advice, and most valuable information in regard to affairs in Kentucky, telling me also that he intended I should retain in my command the Pea Ridge Brigade and Hescock's battery. This latter assurance relieved me greatly, for I feared the loss of these troops in the g
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The battle of South Mountain, or Boonsboro‘ (search)
The battle of South Mountain, or Boonsboro‘ Fighting for time at Turner's and Fox's gaps. by Daniel H. Hill, Lieutenant-General, C. S. A. The conflict of the 14th of September, 1862, is called at the North the battle of South Mountain, and at the South the battle of Boonsboro‘. So many battle-fields of the Civil War bear double names that we cannot believe the duplication has been accidental. It is the unusual which impresses. The troops of the North came mainly from cities, towns, anp of the battle-field of South Mountain, prepared in 1872, ten years after the fight, by the United States Bureau of Engineers, represents ten regiments and one battalion under Longstreet at the foot of the mountain on the morning of the 14th of September, 1862. But Longstreet was then an ordinary day's march from that point. In fact, after the removal of Colquitt's brigade, about 7 A. M., there was not a Southern soldier at the foot of the mountain until 3 P. M., when Captain Park of the 12t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Stonewall Jackson's intentions at Harper's Ferry. (search)
rder General Walker does not recollect to have received. It certainly was sent by Captain Bartlett to Walker's signal officer, and just as certainly received by the latter. It is hardly possible that so important an order, at such a time, should not have been forwarded by the signal officer to General Walker. The following order was also sent from Captain Bartlett's signal-station to General Walker's officer on Loudoun Heights: Special Orders headquarters Valley District, No.--September 14, 1862. 1. To-day Major-General McLaws will attack so as to sweep with his artillery the ground occupied by the enemy, take his batteries in reverse, and otherwise operate against him as circumstances may justify. 2. Brigadier-General Walker will take in reverse the battery on the turnpike, and also sweep with his artillery the ground occupied by the enemy, and silence the battery on the island in the Shenandoah, should he find a battery there. 3. Major-General A. P. Hill will move
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Cumberland Gap. (search)
ucky, and was familiar with every foot of the State. Pointing out to him the region I had marked across the map I said, Can I take my division by that route to the Ohio River? Yes, possibly, by abandoning the artillery and wagons. However, there was practically no choice. To retreat on Lexington would have placed my division, with its reduced numbers, between Stevenson in our immediate rear, Smith in our front, Bragg on our left, and Humphrey View of Cumberland Gap from the South, Sept. 14, 1862. from a Lithograph. A, Battery No. 1; B, Battery No. 2; C, Fort McClellan; D, Battery No. 3; E, Fort Halleck; 1, 1st Tennessee Regt.; 2, 2d Tennessee; 5, 49th Indiana; 6, 14th Kentucky; 8, Headquarters Provost Guard; 9, 3d Kentucky; 10, 33d Indiana; 11, General Baird's Headquarters; 12, General Carter's Headquarters; 13, House used as General Morgan's Headquarters. Marshall on our right, with the passes of the Wild Cat or of the Big Hill to overcome. I therefore determined to r
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 8.89 (search)
told me that McCook had encamped the night before at Alpine, twenty miles from Lafayette, toward which his march was directed. Our cavalry pickets had been driven in on the Alpine road the afternoon before, and had been replaced by infantry. Soon after the report by Lieutenant Baylor, a brisk fire opened upon the Alpine road, two miles from Lafayette. I said to my staff, as we galloped toward the firing, It is to be South Mountain over again. This referred to the defense, on the 14th of September, 1862, of the passes of that mountain by my gallant division, reduced by fighting and marching to five thousand men. We learned, on reaching the Alpine road, that General Daniel Adams's skirmishers had been attacked by two regiments of cavalry, which were repulsed. General Adams said to me, The boldness of the cavalry advance convinces me that an column is not far off. Lucius Polk's brigade was brought down from Pigeon Mountain, and every disposition was made to celebrate appropriately t
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
ain eastward of the pass or hollow, and a good road went over it just westward of the pass. Crampton's Gap was a similar pass, and opened into Pleasant Valley, back of Maryland Heights, a few miles from Harper's Ferry.), and to send six brigades to assist McLaws (who was guarding Crampton's Gap) in his operations for seizing Maryland Heights and Harper's Ferry. Lee was mistaken. The discovery of his plan had led to more vigorous action in the National army, and on the following day Sept. 14, 1862. a startling apparition met the eyes of the Confederates on South Mountain. Stuart had reported the previous evening that only two brigades were in pursuit, and Hill felt quite sure that he could defend the Gap with his five thousand troops, notwithstanding they were somewhat scattered; but at an early hour in the morning Pleasanton's cavalry, with a battery, was seen moving along Alfred Pleasanton. the pike toward the Gap, followed by Cox's Kanawha division of Reno's command, while
2 220   E 4 17 21   30 30 233   F 1 19 20 1 28 29 251   G   19 19   27 27 260   H 1 19 20   29 29 215   I   11 11   24 24 221   K   20 20   36 36 247   L   7 7   36 36 223   M 1 12 13 2 19 21 230 Band         3 3   Totals 15 159 174 3 341 344 2,895 battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Middletown, Va., May 24, 1862 3 White House, Va., June 21, 1864 1 Manassas, Va., Aug. 28, 1862 1 St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864 17 South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862 1 Gurley Farm, Va., June 25, 1864 1 Louisa C. H., Va., May 2, 1863 2 Picket, Va., Aug. 9, 1864 1 Brandy Station, Va., June 9, 1863 1 Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 14, 1864 1 Aldie, Va., June 17, 1863 8 Malvern Hill, Va., Aug. 16, 1864 4 Middleburg, Va., June 19, 1863 11 Charles City Road, Va., Aug. 18, 1864 3 Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863 1 Reams' Station, Va., Aug. 25, 1864 3 Shepherdstown, Va., July 16, 1863 9 Yellow Tavern, Va., Sept. 29, 1864 1 Manassas,
2-15, 1862.             126th New York Miles's ---------- 13 42 976 1,031 32d Ohio Miles's ---------- 10 58 674 742 Munfordsville, Ky.             Sept. 14, 1862.             67th Indiana Gilbert's ---------- 11 32 888 931 Crampton's Gap, Md.             Sept. 14, 1862.             96th Pennsylvania Slocum'Sept. 14, 1862.             96th Pennsylvania Slocum's Sixth 20 71 --- 91 16th New York Slocum's Sixth 20 41 --- 61 South Mountain, Md. The Pennsylvania Reserves sustained a severe percentage of loss in this action, but their regiments being small their casualties do not appear in this list.             Sept. 14, 1862.             23d Ohio Cox's Ninth 32 95 3 130 4Sept. 14, 1862.             23d Ohio Cox's Ninth 32 95 3 130 45th Pennsylvania Willcox's Ninth 27 107 --- 134 17th Michigan Willcox's Ninth 26 106 --- 132 7th Wisconsin Hatch's First 11 116 20 147 6th Wisconsin Hatch's First 11 79 2 92 30th Ohio Cox's Ninth 17 53 -- 70 Antietam, Md.             Sept. 17, 1862.        
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
s Cleburne's 17 95 -- 112 13th Tennessee Preston Smith's Cleburne's 12 35 1 48 Maryland Heights, Md.             Sept. 13, 1862.             7th South Carolina Kershaw's McLaws's 13 100 -- 113 Crampton's Gap, Md.             Sept. 14, 1862.             16th Georgia Cobb's McLaws's 24 56 107 187 24th Georgia Cobb's McLaws's 12 59 55 126 15th North Carolina Cobb's McLaws's 11 48 124 183 Antietam, Md.             Sept. 17, 1862.             3d North Carolina Garl69 -- 80 19th Georgia Colquitt's D. H. Hill's 13 76 -- Includes loss at South Mountain on the 14th.89 9th Louisiana Starke's Jackson's 25 57 -- 82 49th North Carolina Ransom's Walker's 16 61 -- 77 Munfordville, Ky.             Sept. 14-17, 1862.             10th Mississippi Chalmers's Withers's 13 95 -- 108 Iuka, Miss.             Sept. 19, 1862.             3d Texas (dismounted cav'y) Hebert's Little's 22 74 --
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