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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 1,234 1,234 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 423 423 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 302 302 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 282 282 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 181 181 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 156 156 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 148 148 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 98 98 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 93 93 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 88 88 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for 1864 AD or search for 1864 AD in all documents.

Your search returned 19 results in 11 document sections:

l four-wheeled, VII., 311; service, organization of, for transportation of wounded, VII., 312, 316; train of the engineer corps, Falmouth, Va., VII., 314, 315; train at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C., VII., 313; medical supply wagons parked, 1864, VII., 313; at City Point, Va., VII., 313. Amelia, ship, VI., 122. Amelia Court House, Va.: III., 304, 309; V., 266; Lee's Army at, VIII., 30; X., 72. Amelia Springs, Va., III., 344; V., 268. Oldest Church in America, II., 324, 330, 340, 344, 346; IV., 4, 31 seq., 39 seq., 45, 50 seq., 97, 199, 101, 118, 120, 122, 126; cavalry corps, IV., 137, 189 seq., 195, 203, 220, 223, 224, 233, 240, 242, 243, 258, 265, 299 seq., 324, 332 seq.; V., 22 seq., 26 seq.; artillery of 1864, V., 50, 94, 228, 250; VII., 87, 216, 219, 233, 270; ambulance corps of, VII., 297 seq., 306; supplies for, VII., 307 seq.; VIII., 19, 22 seq.; supplies of, VIII., 30; post office of, VIII., 33, 49; transportation by water, VIII., 50, 59; Sixth Ve
ionally effective in the Gettysburg campaign, June 1–July 4, 1863, IV., 32, 34; of the war, most conspicuous instances of (1864-1865), IV., 34; depot of, established in July, 1863, IV., 33, 35; in winter quarters, IV., 36, 37; difficulties of equippi0; leaving camp, IV., 116, 117; with infantry on provost-guard duty, IV., 182, 183; true value appreciated by authorities, 1864, IV., 189; detail guarding a wagon-train, 1862, IV., 191; brief description of one of the companies of, IV., 195; camp buithe war, IV., 83; unsuccessful raid and clever escape of, October, 1863, IV., 92, 94, 96, 100, 101; rapid decline of, from 1864 to end of war, IV., 103; plundering of horses by, IV., 105; invasion of West Virginia by, IV., 104, 106; successful raid o Confederate offices of, VII., 38, 40; of prisoners, selection of Northern site for prison by, VII., 64, 69; of prisoners, 1864, VII., 83; of prisoners in the North, efficiency of, VII., 180, 182; of the Confederacy, unequal to his responsibilities,
ds, C. J., VII., 240. Edwards, J., X., 205. Edwards, J. D.: I., 4, 42; V., 159; VIII., 31, 121. Edwards, N. O.: photographer, VI., 17; IX., 163. Edwards, O., X., 213. Edwards Ferry, Va. (see also Ball's Bluff, Va.), I., 348, 352; VIII., 88. Egan, T. W., III., 76; X., 223. Eggleston, G. C.: I., 103, 312, 340; quoted, III., 28, 39; IX., 166, 178. Egypt, horse of U. S. Grant, IV., 290. Egypt Station, Miss., III., 342. Election Day in 1864, plots of Confederates in New York and Chicago, VIII., 300, 302. Elizabeth, N. J., home of Winfield Scott. X., 165. Elizabeth City, N. C., I., 356. Elizabeth Court House, W. Va., IV., 106. Elizabeth River, Va.: V., 258; VI., 157, 158. Elizabethtown, Ky.: II., 328; IV., 148. Elk Mountain, Md.: signal station at, VIII., 320, 321. Elk River, Ala., I., 213, 362. Elk River, Tenn., II., 137, 178, 342. Elk River, bridge over, near Dechard, II., 2
30, 182, 243, 288; personal memoirs, IX., 290, 308, 317, 322; X., 19; during the wilderness, X., 29; on Lookout Mountain, X., 30, 32; in 1863, X., 33; before Vicksburg, X., 35; after Vicksburg, X., 35; at United States Military Academy, X., 36; in 1864, X., 37; his ancestors, X., 38; in the autumn of 1863, X., 39; in the autumn of 184, X., 39; death of, X., 40; self-confidence of, X., 40; at City Point, in June, 1864, X., 41; his skill as drillmaster, X., 42; on his first trip north, X., 43; at Shiloh, X., 44; in 1865, X., 45; resignation from army, July 31, 1854, X., 46: with staff in 1864, X., 47; with Gen'l Rawlins, X., 49; at City Point, Va., 1865, 49; as an author, X., 50; policies as President, X., 50; generosity of, to Confederates, X., 136; war horse Cincinnati, X., 301. Grant, U. S., Jr. IX., 119. Grant, U. S., 3d, IX., 119. Grant, Mrs. U. S.: III., 13; IX., 119. Grapevine bridge. Va. I., 279, 299. Grappe's Bluff, La., VI., 229. Gratiot Street
122, 159, 167, 316; V., 212, 294, 296; VII., 261; VIII., 18, 95, 114, 226, 227, 234, 238, 264, 276, 325, 345; IX., 89; with staff, X., 40, 169, 161, 168, 169. Hoover Gap, Tenn., II., 340. Hopkins, A., VI., 310. Hopkins, G., VII., 318. Hopkins, O., I., 105. Horner, C. F., X., 2. Hornet's Nest, Shiloh, Tenn., I., 202, 206, 209. Horse Shoe Bend, Ky., II., 334. Horse artillery V., 33. Horses: (see also Cavalry) sentry guarding feed for Federal, 1864, IV., 67; killed in battle. IV., 105 seq.; types of, for which the Northern States were ransacked, IV., 313, 315. Horseshoe Ridge, Ga., II., 284. Hospitals: camp near Washington, D. C., VII., 15; construction, good type of, developed during the war, VII., 215; on the firing-line, VII., 229; nearest the fiercest fighting, VII., 233; field and temporary, VII., 256 seq.; field, VII., 256-272; two of the first field, VII.; 257; emergency carriage-and wagon-shops converted into, VII.,
a Railroad, Manassas Station, Va. : I., 161 seq.; II., 38 seq., 39, 41, 104; IV., 90, 91; destruction of, at Bristol Station, Va., IV., 99; IV., 184, 209; V., 32-34 seq.; machine shops and yards of, V., 91; defense of the, V., 227, 271, 275; a bridge on line of, V., 279; debris from Jackson's raid, V., 283; guarding of, at Union Mills, Va., V., 283; VIII., 51, 204. Orange Court House. Va.: III., 30; IV., 104; V., 260. Orange Plank Road, wilderness, Va. : III., 40, 41; view taken 1864, VIII., 177, 178. Orations Ix., 112, 122, 290, 304. Orchard Knob, Tenn.: II., 300, 302, 318, 346. Orchards, the, Va. (see also Oak Grove, Va.), I., 366. Ord, E. O. C.: II., 160, 324, 327; III., 208, 294, 321; V., 268; with family, X., 193, 232. Order of American Knights Vii., 204. Ordinance of secession adopted by South Carolina I., 346; V., 256. Ordnance, Confederate: V., 156; supplies at beginning of war, V., 158 seq.; sources of supply, V., 158; ma
regard to, VII., 160, 161, 162 seq.; stories of placing of, under the fire of their own batteries, VII., 105, 176; increased numbers of, during 1863, a drain upon resources of the North, VII., 166; on both sides received supplies from the outside (1864), VII., 172; of the North and South compared as regards supplies, clothing, shelter, health conditions, etc., VII., 180-186; Iowa veterans at Libby Prison, VIII., 251; political, VIII., 270. Prisons: VII., 19 seq.; little provision made for, t of Confederate prisoners at Fort Warren the best in the whole war, VII., 162; rations, some rumors in regard to, VII., 164, 166; fund for, VII., 166, 168; of the South, reports of suffering in, multiplied, in latter part of 1863 and beginning of 1864, VII., 168; rations, VII., 168; Union, rations served in, VII., 168; rations as reduced, VII., 168; history of the Confederacy, two most prominent figures of, VII., 173, 176, 178, 180; in Alabama and Georgia, VII., 178; Old Capitol, at Washington,
cy, B. F., VII, 65. Tracy, E. D., X., 151. Tracy, W. G., II., 334. Tramp Tramp Tramp, IX., 235. Trans-Mississippi Army, X., 274. Transport wagon train Iii., 31. Transportation of wounded: means employed for, VII, 302; of Federal sick and wounded: VII., 302-316; over long distances, means not provided for, VII., 304; important letter showing inadequacy of, VII, 304, 306; of wounded after August 2, 1862, great improvement in, VII., 306, 308; act of Congress, 1864, in regard to ambulance service for, VII., 310. Transports: U. S. army, I., 203; on the Mississippi, II., 182; ocean liners used as, VIII., 39, 45; steamers, VIII., 43; on the Tennessee, VIII., 45. Tranter's Creek, N. C., I., 366. Trapier, J. H., X., 283. Traveller: Lee's horse, IV., 298; described by Gen. Lee, IX., 120, 121. Travers, T. B., VII, 123. Traverses: at Fort Fisher, N. C., VI, 255. Trawick, W. B., VII, 147. Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond,
864, III., 15, 16; transports, organization and efficiency of, III., 31, 33; canvas pontoon boats in 18, 64, III., 121; troops, gradual withdrawal of, to other points from the capital, III., 153; cavalry, its successful operations in the Valley in 1864, III., 167; abundance versus Southern starvation, III., 182; recruits, city and country, compared, III., 272, 273; and Confederate armies, losses of, in the war, III., 347; supplies, great wealth of, August, 1862, IV., 95; fleet steaming up the Alers: First, I., 364; II, 346; Second, III, 332. United States Christian Commission: amount of money raised by, VII., 17; meaning of organization, VII., 17; work of, VII., 322 seq.; office of, VII., 322, 323; headquarters of the, in the field, 1864, VII., 337; distribution of supplies at White House, Va., VII., 342, 343, 344. United States Coast Survey: V., 251. United States General Hospital, Jeffersonville, Ind. , VII, 214. United States Marine Corps: officers and privates
. H., II., 328. Vionville, losses at, X., 126, 140. Virginia: North Anna River, in, I., 43, 135; adopted the ordinance of secession subject to popular vote, I., 346; campaigns, map of, I., 369; negroes, fugitives, II., 30; campaign of 1864 and 1865, III., 38; military maps of, N. E., V., 2; University of, V., 58; capes of, V., 80; New York Seventh invades, VIII., 76; Twelfth New York Infantry advances into, VIII, 89; preparations for a struggle, VIII., 96; home scene, IX., 151; troo, seq.; Union, X., 148 seq. Vogdes, I.: VII., 47; X., 303. Voice of the South, the, Jefferson Davis, quoted, IX., 290. Volunteer about to lose some weight, VIII., 93. Volunteer song, IX., 344. Volunteer, the, E. J. Cutler, IX., 76, 80. Volunteers: character of, in the armies of the North and South (1864), IV., 16, 28; from East and West, VIII., 95; of the Confederacy, illustration of, VIII., 105. Von Schaack, G., X., 229. Von Steinwehr, A., X., 227.