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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 1,747 1,747 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 574 574 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 435 435 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 98 98 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 90 90 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 86 86 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 58 58 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 54 54 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 53 53 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 49 49 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for 1865 AD or search for 1865 AD in all documents.

Your search returned 15 results in 10 document sections:

W. W., X., 255. Allen's Farm, Va., I., 332. Allen's farmhouse, Va., I., 323. Allsop, Mrs Iii., 65. Allsop Farm, Va., III., 63. Almond Eye, horse of B. F. Butler, IV., 318. Alpine, Ga., II., 274, 278. Alton, Ills., prison, VII., 54 seq., 144. Alvarado,, C. S. S., VI., 119. Alvord, C. A., II., 69. Ambulance corps: VII., 297 seq.; N. Y. Fifty-seventh Inf., VII., 299. Ambulances: of the Union Army taking part in the Grand Review, 1865, VII., 11; drill in the field, VII., 305; going to the front, VII., 309; types of, for the transportation of wounded, VII., 310, repair shop at Washington, D. C., VII., 311; murderous two-wheeled and merciful four-wheeled, VII., 311; service, organization of, for transportation of wounded, VII., 312, 316; train of the engineer corps, Falmouth, Va., VII., 314, 315; train at Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C., VII., 313; medical supply wagons parked, 1864, VII., 313; at City Point, Va., VII.,
ountains, Ark., II., 326. Bottom's bridge, Va.: I., 286, 294; IV., 126. Botts, J. M.: opposition of, to secession, VII., 195; mansion of, in Culpeper Co., Va., VII., 195; and his family, VII., 197. Bounty-jumping, VIII., 280, 282. Bowditch, H. I., VII., 226. Bowen, J. S.: I., 360; II., 214; 334, X., 279. Bowers, T. S.: III., 81; VIII., 359; X., 49. Bowie, G. W., X., 195. Bowling Green, Ky., I., 182, 196, 211 Boxes for the soldiers, in 1865, VII., 321. Boxes ready for the boys at the front Vii., 322. Boy generals, VIII., 193, 196. Boy musicians, VIII., 189, 192, 237. Boy soldier, Confederate, VIII., 383. Boyd, Belle Viii., 289, 291. Boyd, D. F., I., 105. Boydton, Va., III., 344. Boyle, J., II., 326. Boyle, J. T., X., 297. Boynton, H. Van N., X., 235. Boys: already veterans, VIII., 179; who made good soldiers, VII., 189; of the War Days, VIII., 190; in the Federal ar
ence, IV., 17; importance of, not realized at the beginning of the war, IV., 16-38; American, IV., 13 seq., 17 seq., 19; history of, from pre-revolutionary days to the end of the Civil War, IV., 18 seq.; reorganization of regular, by Congress in 1833 and 1836, IV., 22; regular, the first United States, short history of, IV., 23; Depot, Gilsboro, D. C., IV., 33; exceptionally effective in the Gettysburg campaign, June 1–July 4, 1863, IV., 32, 34; of the war, most conspicuous instances of (1864-1865), IV., 34; depot of, established in July, 1863, IV., 33, 35; in winter quarters, IV., 36, 37; difficulties of equipping, organizing and instructing, at outbreak of war, IV., 48; foraging by, usual means of obtaining supplies, IV., 49; its organization and equipment, IV., 39-70; poor slowing of, in first two years of the war, IV., 48; Northern and Southern, efficiency of, compared, IV., 50, 52; quarter-master, perpetual motion of, IV., 51; volunteer regiments, armament of, IV., 52, 56, 58; wat
II., 181, 189, 200, 214, 216, 218, 334; III., 219; VI., 148, 318. Grand Junction, Tenn., II., 204. Grand Prairie, Ark., I., 368. Grand Review, 1865, Washington, D. C.: III., 349; Federal Cav. and their reward, IV., 257; Ambulances in, VII., 11; VIII., 39; IX., 109, 233, 235, 237, 259; X., 162, 163, 290. Gra X., 40; self-confidence of, X., 40; at City Point, in June, 1864, X., 41; his skill as drillmaster, X., 42; on his first trip north, X., 43; at Shiloh, X., 44; in 1865, X., 45; resignation from army, July 31, 1854, X., 46: with staff in 1864, X., 47; with Gen'l Rawlins, X., 49; at City Point, Va., 1865, 49; as an author, X., 50; 1865, 49; as an author, X., 50; policies as President, X., 50; generosity of, to Confederates, X., 136; war horse Cincinnati, X., 301. Grant, U. S., Jr. IX., 119. Grant, U. S., 3d, IX., 119. Grant, Mrs. U. S.: III., 13; IX., 119. Grapevine bridge. Va. I., 279, 299. Grappe's Bluff, La., VI., 229. Gratiot Street Prison, St. Louis,
, 211, 213, 215, 225, 230, 240, 243, 247, 257, 295, 313, 318, 322, 331, 334; X., 4, 28, 34; residence in Richmond, Va., X., 51, 52,; ancestors of, X., 52; in 1850, X., 55, 57; Supt. U. S. Military Academy, X., 58; brigadier of the Confederacy, X., 60: opinions in secession and slavery, X., 60; in the field, X., 61; commands Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, X., 62; 1863, X., 63, 65; in Gettysburg campaign, X., 66; after the war, X., 67; retreat of, from Gettysburg, X., 68; in 1865, X., 69; Commander-in-chief of the Confederate army, X., 70; in defence of Petersburg, X., 70; in the wilderness, X., 70; with his staff, X., 71; Appomattox Court House, X., 72; as college president, X., 72; in 1867, X., 73; in 1869, X., 73; rank of General, X., 74. Lee, R. E., Jr. quoted, X., 63. Lee, S. D.: quoted, II., 188, 328, 332, 346; III., 138, 330; V., 67, 72; X.,247 268. Lee, S. P., VI., 119, 120, 149, 179, 190, 260, 315. Lee. W. H. F.: I., 275; III., 196, 324
6; II., 1; difficulties in obtaining some of the photographs for the, III., 170; within Confederate lines, VIII., 105; illustrated, VIII., 108. Photographing the Civil War: L, 30-54; the benefits to the historian, I., 14, 30 seq.; Brady's Headquarters, I., 39, 48; during Civil War, favorable comparison of, with present methods, I., 43, 45 seq.; difficulties of, quoted, I., 48; the Civil War, artistic skill displayed in, I., 54; as a record, I., 60-87; in field, V., 195; the soldiers, 1861-65, VIII., 14, 15; photographers who followed the army, VIII., 25; method used in spying by Lytel, VIII., 297. Photographs: important factors in giving vivid and graphic descriptions of the Civil War, I., 32-34 seq.; how made, I., 46; sold to government, I., 52; how collected and difficulties encountered, I., 52; past history made present, by Civil War pictures, I., 60, 64, 66; the most daring, taken during Civil War, I., 100; discovery and collection of, VIII., 105; their use in the spy ser
61; capitol at, VII., 61; prison in, VII., 78; Libby Prison, VII., 91; Libby Prison after the war, VII., 93; Libby Prison, 1865, when used as prison for Confederates, VII., 94,121; Libby Prison, 1865, VII., 121; prisons in, VII., 136; Libby Prison, V1865, VII., 121; prisons in, VII., 136; Libby Prison, VII., 143, 160, 164 seq.; Castle Thunder prison at, VII., 199; ruins in, VII, 237, 238, 239 seq.; Chiniborazo Hospital, VII., 243; City Hospital, VII., 243, 349; VIII., 46, 51,109,127; ruins of Tredegar Iron Works at, VIII., 133, 150 seq., 158 seq., 1; statue of George Washington at, IX., 228; Washington's headquarters in, IX., 228; St. John's Church at, IX., 229; ruins, 1865, IX., 231; Hollywood cemetery at, IX., 283; Henry Clay monument in, IX., 285; Gallego Flour Mills at, IX., 306; Southern eroad station at, IX., 306; remains of cars near the station, IX., 306; residences in ruins, IX., 307; ruins of paper mill (1865), IX., 324; ruins in, IX., 324; residence of Robert E. Lee, X., 51.; visited by Massachusetts troops, X., 138. Richmond
V., 95; fleet steaming up the Alabama River, IV., 138; blockhouses along railroads as means of protection to lines of communication, IV., 149, 151; loss of supplies, estimation of, in the great raid by General Wheeler, IV., 164; ammunition-train, right of way afforded to, IV., 216-217; cavalry completely subordinated to infantry in first half of war, IV., 220; ram flotilla, VI., 314; surgeons-general and their work, VII., 347, 348; fleet bombarded by Confederate battery, VIII., 107; soldiers, 1865, IX., 329; percentage tables of losses in battles, X., 124; armies, losses, X., 148; army tabular statements of, X., 150; army, regimental casualties of, X., 152 seq.; casualties of regiments during entire term of service, X., 154; reserves on picket duty, X., 288, 289. Union, Loudon Co., Va. , II., 326. Union,, U. S. S., VI., 308. Union battery, No. 1, two miles below Yorktown, Va., I., 269. Union battery, No. 4, Yorktown, Va.: I, 253, 255. Union Church, Va. (see
2. Villepigue, J. B., I., 237; X., 256. Vincennes,, U. S. S., VI., 189. Vincent, S., II., 249, 252, 253, 254, X., 137. Vincent's brigade, II., 255. Vindicator,, U. S. S., I., 239; VI., 221; IX., 165. Vinton, D. H., II., 328. Vionville, losses at, X., 126, 140. Virginia: North Anna River, in, I., 43, 135; adopted the ordinance of secession subject to popular vote, I., 346; campaigns, map of, I., 369; negroes, fugitives, II., 30; campaign of 1864 and 1865, III., 38; military maps of, N. E., V., 2; University of, V., 58; capes of, V., 80; New York Seventh invades, VIII., 76; Twelfth New York Infantry advances into, VIII, 89; preparations for a struggle, VIII., 96; home scene, IX., 151; troops at opening of war, X., 98; Confederates visit Boston, X., 138. Virginia troops, Confederate: Artillery: Stannard's battery, I., 348. Cavalry: I., 354; Ashby's, I., 364; Stuart's, I., 354; First., I., 350, 364; IV., 82, 98; Second, IV., 87; Fourth, I.,
es of, I., 69, 94; the key to, I., 121, 123; fortifications about, I., 125, 126 seq.; Vibbard draw, Long Bridge at, I., 131; Camp Sprague, at, I., 141, 144, 148, 159; Camp James near, I., 167; McClellan trains, Army of the Potomac, I., 254; II., 18, 53, 58, 102; national capitol, III., 139, 143 seq.; locomotives stored in, III., 145; Chain Bridge at, III., 147; Long Bridge at, III., 147; group of war department officials, III., 157; grand review at, III., 345, 319; IV., 257; Capitol building, 1865, III. 348; Federal cavalry mess house at, IV., 107; Prospect Hill, IV., 1731; map of defenses, V., 2; Federal guns in the grand review at, V., 4; artillery brigade in the grand review, V., 4, 18 seq., 75; scene in defenses of, V., 79, 80 seq.; centers of defense of, V., 82; Scott's plans for defense of, V., 84 seq.: defenses of, at Fort Lyon, V., 85; fortifications of, V., 86 scq.; condition of defenses of, before the war, V., 86 seq.; Aqueduct bridge, V., 90, 95; preparations for defense, V.