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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 119 119 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment 8 8 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 6 6 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 3 3 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 2 2 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 2 2 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 2 2 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2 2 2 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Name Index of Commands 2 2 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Colonel D. T. Chandler, (search)
t of a busy day to reply immediately, because I feel that there is no more imperious call on a Confederate than to do what he may to hurl back the vile official slanders of the Federal Government at Washington in 1865, when Holt, Conover & Co., with a pack of since convicted perjurers, were doing all in their power to blacken the fame of a people whose presence they have since found and acknowledged to be indispensable to any semblance of purity in their administration of affairs. In September, 1865, I was required by the then commandant at Charlottesville to report immediately to him. The summons was brought to me in the field, where in my shirt sleeves I was assisting in the farming operations of my father-in-law, Colonel T. J. Randolph, and his eldest son, Major T. J. Randolph. I obeyed, and was sent by the next train to report to General Terry, then in command in Richmond. He informed me that I was wanted, and had long been sought for, to testify before the Commission engaged
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
s upon which this story rests, as well as to specify the exact articles of woman's apparel which constituted the disguise. It is stated by Lieutenant Dickinson, in writing, that the rebel chieftain was one of the three persons dressed in woman's attire, and that he had a black mantle wrapped about his head, through the top of which could have been seen locks of his hair. Captain G. W. Lawton, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, who published an account of the capture in the Atlantic monthly for September, 1865, asserts explicitly, upon the testimony of the officers present, that Davis, in addition to his full suit of Confederate gray, had on a lady's waterproof (cloak), gathered at the waist, with a shawl drawn over the head, and carrying a tin pail. Colonel Pritchard says, in his official report, that he received from Mrs. Davis, on board the steamer Clyde, off Fortress Monroe, a waterproof cloak or robe of dark or almost black waterproof stuff which was worn by Davis as a disguise, and whi
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 14 (search)
, 1865; Mustered out, &c. Chas. W. Hooper, Promotion, Sept., 1865; Mustered out, &c. E. C. Merriam, Promotion, Sept., 1Sept., 1865; Resigned, Dec. 4, 1865 E. W. Robbins, Promotion, Nov. 1, 1865; Mustered out, &c. N. S. White, Promotion, Nov. 18, 4. Chas. W. Hooper, Piomotion, Nov. 8, 1863; Captain, Sept., 1865. E. C. Merriam, Promotion, Nov. 19, 1863; Captain, SeSept., 1865. Henry A. Beach, Promotion, April 30, 1864; Resigned, Sept. 28, 1864. E. W. Robbins, Promotion, April 30, 1864; Captain, Nov. 1, 1865. Asa child, Promotion, Sept., 1865; Mustered out, &c. N. S. White, Promotion, Sept., 1865; CapSept., 1865; Captain, Nov. 18, 1865. F. S. Goodrich, Promotion, Oct., 1865; Mustered out, &c. E. W. Hyde, Promotion, Oct. 27, 1865; Mus8, 1864. Asa child, 8th Me., Aug. 7, 1863; First Lt., Sept., 1865. Jerome T. Furman, 52d Pa., Aug. 30, 1863; Killed at Infantry]. Nelson S. White, Dec. 22, 1863; First Lt., Sept., 1865. Edw. W. Hyde, Civil Life, May 4, 1864; First Lt., Oc
was especially fond, and we have her testimony that her kindness and care for him were warmly and bountifully returned. Her granddaughter furnished me Harriet Chapman. in after years with this description of her: My grandmother is a very tall woman, straight as an Indian, of fair complexion, and was, when I first remember her, very handsome, sprightly, talkative, and proud. She wore her hair curled till gray; is kind-hearted and very charitable, and also very industrious. In September, 1865, I visited the old lady During my interview with this old lady I was much and deeply impressed with the sincerity of her affection for her illustrious stepson. She declined to say much in answer to my questions about Nancy Hanks, her predecessor in the Lincoln household, but spoke feelingly of the latter's daughter and son. Describing Mr. Lincoln's last visit to her in February, 1861, she broke into tears and wept bitterly. I did not want Abe to run for President, she sobbed, and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The true story of the capture of Jefferson Davis. (search)
ested in any violation of their parole, but merely acting as an escort to a party of women and children, for their protection from the thieves and marauders who were roaming through the country. The horses of these men were their own private property, secured to them by the terms of their surrender. This pledge was violated, as was also the pledge of personal immunity — for some of them were remanded into captivity. The writer of an account of the capture, in the Atlantic monthly for September, 1865, who is identified by General Wilson as an officer of his command, chuckles over the appropriation of what he elegantly and politely styles Jeff's wines and other amenities --that is to say, the private stores of Mrs. Davis and her family — for Mr. Davis carried no stores — in a tone of sportive exultation, as if it were a very good thing. tIe tells it in a vein that reminds one of Master Slander's desire to have Mrs. Anne Page hear the capital joke about his father's stealing two gees<
cember, 1863, and thus preserved its organization during the war. After the victory over Hood, at Nashville, December 15, 1864, it marched into East Tennessee; from there it moved to Texas, where it remained with the Army of Occupation until September, 1865, when it was mustered out and returned home. Fourteenth Indiana Infantry. Kimball's Brigade--French's Division--Second Corps. (1) Col. Nathan Kimball; Bvt. Major-Gen. (3) Col. John Coons (Killed). (2) Col. William Harrow; Briith Hood's Army at Franklin. After the victory at Nashville, the regiment moved to Huntsville, Ala., on January 5, 1865; thence in April, to East Tennessee, and from there it went with the Fourth Corps to Texas, where it was mustered out in September, 1865. Forty-Eighth Illinois Infantry. Oliver's Brigade — Hazen's Division--Fifteenth Corps. (1) Col. Isham N. Haynie; Brig.-Gen. (3) Col. Lucien Greathouse (Killed). (2) Col. William W. Sanford. (4) Col. Ashley T. Galbrai
my of the Potomac, and, as brigadier-general of volunteers, had a brigade in the Fourth Army Corps after the Peninsula campaign. In 1863, he was sent to the Department of the Gulf, where, for a time, he was in charge of the defenses of New Orleans, and in May, 1864, he assumed command of the Nineteenth Army Corps. In July, with two divisions, he went to Washington and the Shenandoah valley to assist in the campaign against Early. He received the rank of major-general of volunteers in September, 1865, and commanded several departments after the war, being retired in 1876, as brigadier-general. He died in Washington, December 1, 1887. Twentieth Army Corps The right wing of the Army of the Cumberland was made the Twentieth Army Corps on January 9, 1863, under Brigadier-General A. McD. McCook, who held it until October 9, 1863, when it was merged in the Fourth Corps, which had been created on September 28th. It was prominent in the engagement at Liberty Gap, Tennessee, June 25
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Resources of the Confederacy in 1865--report of General I. M. St. John, Commissary General. (search)
rations (I think 80,000) at a convenient point on the railroad, and desired to know where you should place them. The General replied that the military situation made it impossible to answer. General Lee's letter to me, relative to the improved condition of the Commissary Department, is probably among the Confederate archives at Washington city. I am, General, respectfully and truly, (Signed) John C. Breckinridge. General I. M. St. John, Louisville, Kentucky. Richmond, Va., September, 1865. General: At your request, I have the honor to make the following statement, from the best data I could obtain: On the 1st of April, 1865, the Subsistence Bureau of the Confederate States, had available for the army of Northern Virginia: At Richmond, 300,000 rations bread and meat; at Danville, 500,000 rations bread; at Danville, 1,500,000 rations meat; at Lynchburg, 180,000 rations bread and meat; at Greensboroa, North Carolina, and the vicinity of Danville, there were in additio
I have no recollection of any communication from General Lee in regard to the accumulation of rations at Amelia Court-House. . . . The second or third day after the evacuation, I recollect you said to General Lee in my presence that you had a large number of rations (I think eighty thousand) at a convenient point on the railroad, and desired to know where you should place them. The General replied that the military situation made it impossible to answer. In a letter of the date of September, 1865, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas G. Williams, assistant commissary general, wrote to General St. John, and from his letter I make the following extract: On the morning of April 2, 1865, the chief commissary of General Lee's army was asked by telegram what should be done with the stores in Richmond. No reply was received until night; he then suggested that, if Richmond was not safe, they might be sent up on the Richmond and Danville Railroad. As the evacuation of Richmond was then activ
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hobson, Edward Henry 1825- (search)
nburg, Ky., July 11, 1825; received a common-school education; enlisted in the Kentucky Volunteers in 1846, for the war with Mexico, and was mustered out of service in June, 1847. In 1861 he organized and was commissioned colonel of the 13th Kentucky Volunteers; served at Camp Hobson till February, 1862; commanded his regiment at the battle of Shiloh with such skill that he was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers by President Lincoln. He took part in the siege of Corinth; commanded a brigade at Perrysville; and was ordered to Mumfordsville, Ky., to protect the lines of communication and to discipline new troops. Placed in command of the Southern Division of Kentucky, he was ordered to Marrowbone, Ky., to watch the movements of Gen. John Morgan. He pursued Morgan through Kentucky and Indiana, and attacked him in Ohio. He was mustered out of the service in September, 1865. General Hobson was a delegate to the National Republican Convention in 1880, and was its vice-president.
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