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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sweeny, Thomas William 1820-1892 (search)
Sweeny, Thomas William 1820-1892 Military officer; born in Cork, Ireland, Dec. 25, 1820; served in the war against Mexico, in which he lost an arm. In May, 1861, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and was distinguished at Wilson's Creek, where he was severely wounded. In January, 1862, he was colonel of the 52d Illinois Volunteers, and was engaged in the battles at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, and Iuka Springs. He became brigadier-general again late in 1862, and in the Atlanta campaign commanded a division, distinguishing himself in several of the battles. The city of New York gave him a silver medal for his services in the war with Mexico, and the city of Brooklyn gave him one for his services in the Civil War. In May, 1870, he was retired with the rank of brigadiergeneral, United States army. He died in Astoria, N. Y., April 10, 1892.
68 U. S. Grant inaugurated President......March 4, 1869 Legislature ratifies the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution; vote, in Senate 17 to 7; in House, 52 to 27......March 5, 1869 Elihu B. Washburne appointed Secretary of the Treasury......March 5, 1869 John A. Rawlins appointed Secretary of War......March 11, 1869 Appropriation made by legislature for the Northern Illinois Hospital for the Insane at Elgin......1869 Constitution framed by a convention at Springfield, May, 1870, ratified by the people; 134,227 to 35,443......July 2, 1870 Remains of President Lincoln transferred from the temporary tomb to the crypt of the monument at Oak Ridge Cemetery......May, 1871 Deepening of the Illinois and Michigan canal to create a current from Lake Michigan to the Illinois River, begun in 1865, is completed......July 18, 1871 Illinois and Michigan Canal turned over to the State......August, 1871 Chicago fire, which burns over 2,124 acres and destroys 17,500
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vermont, (search)
nder Lieut. Bennett H. Young, rob the banks of St. Albans, escaping into Canada with over $200,000......Oct. 19, 1864 Norwich University removed to Northfield......1866 Vermont ratifies the Fourteenth Amendment......Nov. 9, 1866 Vermont ratifies the Fifteenth Amendment......Oct. 21, 1869 Gov. P. J. Washburn dies; Lieut.-Gov. W. Hendee succeeds......Feb. 7, 1870 Five hundred Fenians, marshalled and armed at Fairfield, invade Canada and are driven back by Canadian militia......May, 1870 State constitution amended: council of censors abolished; legislative sessions and State elections made biennial......1871 Board of education abolished and the office of State superintendent of education created......1874 State reform school at Waterbury destroyed by fire......Feb. 12, 1874 Celebration at Bennington of one-hundredth anniversary of the battle of Bennington......Aug. 15-16, 1877 Revision of State laws of Vermont under act of 1878 completed......1880 Manufa