Browsing named entities in The Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six: a picture of the city and its industries fifty years after its incorporation (ed. Arthur Gilman). You can also browse the collection for May 21st, 1884 AD or search for May 21st, 1884 AD in all documents.

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le Ponds, and Wellington Brook. Subsequently, all of these sources of supply were connected. Spy Pond afterwards was, however, condemned as a source of supply for domestic use, and no water was drawn from it for the use of Cambridge, but the waters of Wellington Brook and Little Pond helped furnish a supply for several years by being brought into Fresh Pond. As the city grew the demand for water increased, until these sources were entirely inadequate, and other water was looked for. May 21, 1884, the additional privilege was given to Cambridge to take the waters of Stony Brook and its tributaries for the purpose of extinguishing fires, and for domestic and other purposes, and with the added right to take land for building dams, creating storage basins, and doing everything else necessary to utilize the water thus given them. The act was accepted by the city council, the waters were formally taken, and have since been paid for and brought into Fresh Pond. Stony Brook and its