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cksburg; another Western Tennessee, down the Mobile and Ohio railroad; and the third was to land at Pascagoula There three columns were to unite at some point, capture Mobile, then Montgomery, and occupy all of Mississippi, and that portion of the State of Alabama, west of the Alabama river. To accomplish this grand object, Sherman was given 70,000 veteran troops. The expedition so largely planned was in angulated by the moving of the two first columns. Sherman left Vicksburg the 1st of February, at the head of thirty five thousand infantry, two or three thousand cavalry, and from sixty to eighty pieces of artillery. Almost simultaneously Grierson or Smith began their march through North Mississippi with twelve or fifteen thousand cavalry and mounted infantry. Mobile, at the same time, was threatened by water with the enemy's fleet of gunboats, and by land from Pensacola and Pascagoula. The question naturally arose with those anxious about the fate of this section what was