Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for October, 5 AD or search for October, 5 AD in all documents.

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orrence and indignation, they are to be found chronicled in the anuals of St. Louis within the last five weeks. When we were called upon to record the ruthless massacre, by United States soldiers, of women and children, which took place on the 10th of May, the act seemed so diabolical and appalling that it did not appear possible it could be passed over by the Administration without punishment, much less be repeated. The murders of day before yesterday, however, were still more unprovoked, and d the pistol shot proceed, no one was hurt, the troops having expended their ammunition upon the crowd in Court, where there was a probability that the number of their victims would be the greater. On the occasion of the woman massacre on the 10th of May, by orders of Capt. Blautowski, it was subsequently proved, at his inquest, that his death was not occasioned by any attack from the surrounding crowd, but that one of his own soldiers gave him his mortal wound with a Minnie rifle. It is very