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he could for the city and the few remaining citizens, and like a gentleman and a patriot, not willing to live among the thieves he knew would be placed there, he took his departure late on last Saturday evening. We can but hope that those who have remained will deport themselves as true and loyal Confederates, and suffer martyrdom rather than take the rotten oath of allegiance to the United States. Burning of the Navy.Yard. A correspondent of the Mobile Register under date of May 10th, gives a brief but graphic description of the burning of the Navy, Yard, which we append. The scenes of last night closed the long campaign of Pensacola — of its history you are sufficiently familiar. The order for the destruction of the Warrington Navy-Yard, and all public property at that place and Pensacola that could not be moved, was successfully carried into execution, and the roughly executed at the Yard and Pensacola. About 11½ o'clock the signal being given be Brig. Gen.
Confederate Monkey at Memphis. --General Beauregard has taken the Confederate credit in hand at Memphis. as will be seen by the following order. It is an example which, we hope, will be followed everywhere: Headquarters, Memphis, may 10. The following order, in compliance with orders from Gen Beauregard, is published for the information of the public: 1. The Civil Governor and Provost Marshal will arrest all parsons who refuse to take Confederate money in all ordinary business transaction. No mere subterfuge on the part of the person or persons refusing will suffice to screen the offender from the penalties of this order. 2. Banks, banking-houses, and all incorporated companies are hereby required to take Confederate notes as currency in the transaction of their business. 3. All persons will distinctly understand, that nothing in the least degree calculated to discredit the operations of the Government will be tolerated, or treated as anything else tha
following intelligence from the Memphis Appeal is the latest from the seat of war in Arkansas, a section of growing interest in such connection. We are glad to see that the Arkansans are disposing of their cotton in the right way: Des Arc, May 10--The enemy are reported to have been at Augusta, Jackson county. They look possession of all the cotton in the neighborhood. They are reported to be in considerable force at Jacksonport and Batesville. Their destination is not known. Some of restrain them, but turn them loose to do as they please ! Mitchell's son has been exchanged for Col. Morgan's brother, captured some time since by the Yankees. From Corinth. The army correspondent of the Memphis Appeal, writing on the 10th of May, gives a most interesting account of the prospective operations about Corinth, a portion of which we copy: It is now impossible for Halleck to recede. He must push on, whatever be the consequences, and the abolition Government is no doubt