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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 22, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for October, 5 AD or search for October, 5 AD in all documents.
Your search returned 4 results in 3 document sections:
Confederate Monkey at Memphis.
--General Beauregard has taken the Confederate credit in hand at Memphis.
as will be seen by the following order.
It is an example which, we hope, will be followed everywhere:
Headquarters, Memphis, may 10.
The following order, in compliance with orders from Gen Beauregard, is published for the information of the public:
The Civil Governor and Provost Marshal will arrest all parsons who refuse to take Confederate money in all ordinary business transaction.
No mere subterfuge on the part of the person or persons refusing will suffice to screen the offender from the penalties of this order.
2. Banks, banking-houses, and all incorporated companies are hereby required to take Confederate notes as currency in the transaction of their business.
3. All persons will distinctly understand, that nothing in the least degree calculated to discredit the operations of the Government will be tolerated, or treated as anything else tha