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ity, but it is generally supposed that their country extended from the Visurgis or Weser in the west to the Albis or Elbe in the east, and from Melibocus in the north to the neighbourhood of the Sudeti in the south, so that the Chamavi and Langobardi were their northern neighbours, the Chatti the western, the Hermunduri the southern, and the Silingi and Semnones their eastern neighbours. This tribe, under their chief Arminius or Hermann, forming a confederation with many smaller tribes in A.D. 9, completely defeated the Romans in the famous battle of the Teutoburg Forest. In later times they were conquered by the Chatti, so that Ptolemy speaks of them only as a small tribe on the south of the Hartz mountain. Their name afterwards appears, in the beginning of the fourth century, in the con federation of the Franks.: the fifth race is that of the PeuciniThe Peucini are mentioned here, as also by Tacitus, as identical with the Basternæ. As already mentioned, supposing them to be names fo
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ARCUS TIBERII (search)
ARCUS TIBERII erected in 16 A.D. to commemorate the recovery of the standards which had been captured by the Germans at the defeat of Varus in 9 A.D. (Tac. Ann. ii.41). It stood at the north-west corner of the basilica Julia, on the north side of the Sacra via, which was made narrower at this point by having its curb bent toward the south. The arch was single, as represented on a relief on the arch of Constantine (HC 74, fig. 28), and was approached by steps from the level of the forum. Various architectural fragments were discovered in 1835 and 1848, with parts of the inscription The fragments of inscriptions supposed to have belonged to the arch have as a fact (as is pointed out in CIL cit., following RGDA 2, 127) no connection with it-despite the statement in HC cit. But the arch, which, as Tacitus tells us, was propter aedem Saturni, has certainly been correctly identified (AJA 1912, 398). (CIL vi. 906, 31422, 31575), and its concrete foundations, 9 metres long and 6.3 wide,
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ISIS, AEDES (search)
templis multa tabella tuis ... ante sacras fores) and Ovid (A.A. i. 77: nec fuge linigerae Memphitica templa iuvencae; Am. ii. 13. 7) speak of a temple or temples of Isis as a conspicuous resort of women, especially of prostitutes, a characteristic also of the later temple (Iuv. ix. 22; Mart. ii. 14. 7; x. 48. I). On the other hand, repressive measures against Egyptian cults were carried out by Augustus in 28 B.C. (Cass. Dio liii. 2. 4), by Agrippa in 21 (ib. liv. 6. 6), and by Tiberius in 9 A.D. (Tac. Ann. ii. 85; Suet. Tib. 36), who is even said to have destroyed a temple of Isis and thrown her statue into the Tiber (Joseph. Ant. xviii. 3. 4). Between the reign of Tiberius and 65 A.D. (Lucan viii. 831) the cult of Isis had been officially received in Rome, and this temple in the campus Martius, if not built in the previous century, must have been built then, perhaps by Caligula. It was burned in 80 A.D. (Cass. Dio lxvi. 24. 2), restored by Domitian (Eutrop. vii. 23. 5; Chron. 146;
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, MARS, ARA (search)
o ad aram Martis sellis curulibus consederunt). These are the only passages in which the ara is expressly mentioned, and indicate a site not too far from the porta Fontinalis-probably on the north-east side of the Capitoline hill-to be reached by a porticus of that early date, and relatively near the place of holding the comitia (OVILE, q.v.). Two other passages mention a templum or nao/s of Mars in the campus Martius (not that in circo Flaminio, see above), one referring to an occurrence of 9 A.D. (Cass. Dio Ivi. 24. 3: 8 o(/ te ga\r tou= )/*arews nao\s o( e)n tw=| pedi/w| au)tou= w)/n e)kepaupwnh/qh), and the other a little later (Consol. ad Liv. 231: sed Mavors templo vicinus et accola campi). A line in Ovid (Fast. ii. 859-60: ex vero positum permansit Equiria nomen / qua deus in campo prospicit ipse suo) also seems to refer to a statue of the god looking out from a shrine. Whether Livy's statement (vi. 5. 8: eo anno (388 B.C.) aedes Martis Gallico bello vota dedicata est) refers t
ACHMET son of Seirim (*)Axme\t ui(o\s *Seirei/m). Works On the Interpretation of Dreams (*)Oneirokritika/) Author He is the author of a work on the Interpretation of Dreams, *)Oneirokritika/, and is probably the same person as Abú Bekr Mohammed Ben Sírín, whose work on the same subject is still extant in Arabic in the Royal Library at Paris, (Catal. Cod. Manuscr, Biblioth. Reg. Paris. vol. i. p. 230, cod. MCCX.,) and who was born A. H. 33, (A. D. 653-4,) and died A. H. 110. (A. D. 728-9.) (See Nicoll and Pusey, Catal. Cod. Manuscr. Arab. Biblioth. Bodl. p. 516.) This conjecture will seem the more probable when it is recollected that the two names Ahmed or Achmet and Mohammed, however unlike each other they may appear in English, consist in Arabic of four letters each, and differ only in the first. There must, however, be some difference between Achmet's work, in the form in which we have it, and that of Ibn Sirin, as the writer of the former (or the translator) appears from in
he north of the Hartz mountains, now forming the south of Hanover and Brunswick. He was born in the year 18 B. C., and in his youth he led the warriors of his tribe as auxiliaries of the Roman legions in Germany (Tac. Ann. 2.10), where he learnt the language and military discipline of Rome, and was admitted to the freedom of the city, and enrolled amongst the equites. (Vell. 2.118.) He appears in history at a crisis which is one of the most remarkable in the history of Europe. In the year A. D. 9, the Romans had forts along the Danube, the Rhine, on the Elbe and the Weser. Tiberius Nero had twice (Vell. 2.107) overrun the interior of Germany, and had left Varus with three legions to complete the conquest of the country, which now seemed destined to become, like Gaul, a Roman province. But Varus was a man whose licentiousness and extortion (D. C. 56.18; Vell. 2.117) made the yoke of Rome intolerable to the Germans. Arminius, who was now twenty-seven years old, and had succeeded his f
chiefs, and had obtained in consequence the sovereignty of the Breucians. The Dalmatian Bato, suspecting the designs of the Breucian, made war upon the latter, took him prisoner, and put him to death. This led to a fresh war with the Romans. Many of the Pannonians joined the revolt, but Silvanus Plautius subdued the Breucians and several other tribes ; and Bato, seeing no hope of success in Pannonia, laid waste the country and retired into Dalmatia. At the beginning of the following year (A. D. 9), after the winter, Tiberius returned to Rome, while Germanicus remained in Dalmatia. But as the war was still protracted, Augustus resolved to make a vigorous effort to bring it to a conclusion. Tiberius was sent back to the army, which was now divided into three parts, one under the command of Silvanus, the second under M. Lepidus, and the third under Tiberius and Germanicus, all of whom prosecuted the war with the utmost vigour in different directions. Tiberius and Germanicus marched aga
Caldus 3. CALDUS, the last member of the family who occurs in history. He was one of the Romans who were taken prisoner by the Germans in the defeat of Varus, A. D. 9, and seeing the cruel tortures which the barbarians inflicted upon the prisoners, he grasped the chains in which he was fettered and dashed them against his own head with such force, that he died on the spot. (Vell. 2.120.) The name Caldus occurs on several coins of the Caelia gens. One of the most important is given, as is mentioned above, in the Dict. of Ant. [L.S]
Cameri'nus the name of an old patrician family of the Sulpicia gens, which probably derived its name from the ancient town of Cameria or Camerium, in Latium. The Camerini frequently held the highest offices in the state in the early times of the republic; but after B. C. 345, when Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Rufus was consul, we do not hear of them again for upwards of 400 years, till Q. Sulpicius Camerinus obtained the consulship in A. D. 9. The family was reckoned one of the noblest in Rome in the early times of the empire. (Juv. 7.90, 8.38.)
Cameri'nus 9. Q. Sulpicius Camerinus, Q. F. Q. N., was consul in A. D. 9, the birth-year of the emperor Vespasian. (Suet. Vesp. 3; Plin. Nat. 7.48. s. 49.)
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