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ere they fought under the immediate orders of Generals Couch and Abercrombie. There they joined the First United States Chasseurs, Col. Coch Russell and Williams, I refer to the reports of Gens. Couch and Abercrombie. Those regiments, as well as Brady's battery, First Pennsylvaniof Peck's brigade, the Twenty-third Pennsylvania, Col. Neill, of Abercrombie's brigade, a portion of the Thirty-sixth New-York, Col. Innes, a along the whole line, but fiercest in front of Fair Oaks, where Abercrombie with five regiments — composing Graham's old brigade — was postem's Bridge, which they supposed were our only lines of retreat. Abercrombie made a gallant stand, and the remainder of Couch's force held th or two, striking an elevated field in front of Fair Oaks, where Abercrombie was in extremity. They got there in the nick of time. He was aay station, this being the field to which the enemy had driven Gen. Abercrombie. Two of his regiments were still stubbornly contesting the fie
ef Commissary, was very active in carrying orders, and rendered me most efficient service during the battle. The arrival of Gen. Sedgwick's division, of Gen. Sumner's corps, on my extreme right, late in the afternoon, was most opportune. Gen. Abercrombie's brigade had maintained itself most gallantly, but would have been overwhelmed by the masses of the enemy, but for his timely assistance. The greatest distance the enemy, with their over-whelming numbers, claim to have driven us back is bubattery commanded by Capt. Phillips, First infantry; the Sixteenth in the rear of and supporting the Fifth Ohio battery, which was in position on the left of Captain Phillips's battery; five companies of the Eleventh regiment, in command of Major Abercrombie, in line of battle, supporting the First Minnesota battery, in position still on the left of the Fifth Ohio battery; the Thirteenth Iowa and five companies of the Eleventh in rear of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth, in close column by division,
thout confusion, when ordered to do so. The artillery of the division having passed, the brigade followed in good order. On arriving inside the fortifications we took position, the Fifteenth Iowa in line of battle in rear of and to the right of the battery commanded by Capt. Phillips, First infantry; the Sixteenth in the rear of and supporting the Fifth Ohio battery, which was in position on the left of Captain Phillips's battery; five companies of the Eleventh regiment, in command of Major Abercrombie, in line of battle, supporting the First Minnesota battery, in position still on the left of the Fifth Ohio battery; the Thirteenth Iowa and five companies of the Eleventh in rear of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth, in close column by division, as a reserve. At night, five companies of the Thirteenth Iowa, in command of Major Van Hosen, were sent into the woods in front of our position as a grand guard. Thus we remained during the night and until the battle had commenced on the morning