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Doc. 92.-battle of Fair Oaks, Va.

General Heintzelman's report.1

headquarters Third corps, Savage's Station, June 7, 1862.
General R. B. Marcy, Chief of Staff, Army of the Potomac, New-Bridge:
General: I have the honor to report the operations [313] of the Third and Fourth army corps, under my command during the engagements of the thirty-first of May and first of June.

On the twenty-fifth of May, Gen. Keyes's corps was placed under my command. He was directed to advance to the Seven Pines, on the Williamsburgh stage-road, about seven miles from the city of Richmond. My corps was ordered to cross the Chickahominy at Bottom's Bridge and occupy the position, two miles in advance of it, marked A and B on the accompanying map, and to watch the crossings of the White Oak swamp, with the woods beyond covering our left flank and rear.

On that day I crossed the river and occupied the positions indicated. Gen. Keyes's corps advanced. The next day a reconnaissance having been ordered, I rode forward a mile beyond the Seven Pines, and had the positions examined to the front and right. Gen. Casey's division was located a short distance back of the Seven Pines. He selected a position in front of the Seven Pines, at which to throw up some defensive works. At his request, I let him move forward and occupy the ground. He did so, and immediately commenced strengthening it with rifle-pits and abattis. The engineers now made a more thorough examination, and it was decided to hold a position about three fourths of a mile in advance, as it covered a cross-road leading from the Seven Pines toward the “Old Tavern,” the latter strongly occupied by the enemy. Gen. Casey moved his division forward, and work was commenced on this new position. It progressed but slowly, however, on account of the incessant rains. This was on the twenty-ninth; on that day there was a sharp skirmish. Major Kelley, New-York volunteers, killed, and two privates wounded. On the thirtieth, our pickets and the enemy's were again engaged. In the afternoon we had a heavy thunder-storm with torrents of rain, continuing till late in the night and putting a stop to all work.

On the next day, the thirty-first, the forenoon was quiet. At about one o'clock P. M. I first heard firing — more than there had been for several days. I sent Lieuts. Hunt and Johnson, two of my Aids, to the front, to learn what it was. At two o'clock P. M. I received a note from Lieut. Jackson, of Gen. Keyes's staff, informing me that the enemy was pressing them very hard, especially on the railroad, and asking me to send two brigades, if I had them at hand to spare. On this, I sent orders for a brigade to advance up the railroad as a support. The one selected by Gen. Kearny was Gen. Birney's brigade.

Previous to this, I had received instructions from the Commanding General to hold the Seven Pines at all hazards, but not to move the troops guarding the approaches of Bottom's Bridge and the crossing of the White Oak swamp, unless it became absolutely necessary to hold the position in front at the Seven Pines. Believing the position in front of the Seven Pines to be a critical one, and not having entire confidence in the new troops composing the division of Gen. Casey, I sought and obtained permission on Friday afternoon to advance a portion of my corps from its position near Bottom's Bridge. The order was to make such disposition of the troops of my corps as I saw fit. I immediately ordered two brigades of Kearny's division to move forward on the Williamsburgh stage-road, and encamp about three quarters of a mile in advance of Savage's station. Lieuts. Hunt and Johnson returned about half-past 2 P. M., having seen Gen. Keyes, by whom they were directed to report that his front line, which was Gen. Casey's division, was being driven in; the road from the front was at this time filled with fugitives. I mounted my horse and rode briskly to the front. At the corner of the field, not a third of a mile from my headquarters, I met the fugitives from the battle-field increasing in numbers as I advanced. I had already given orders for all the available troops to advance to support those in front, as well as sent an officer to communicate with Gen. Sumner and request his assistance. This officer met a staff-officer sent by Gen. Sumner to offer me assistance. On reaching the front, I met our troops fiercely engaged with the enemy near the Seven Pines, having lost the first position, three fourths of a mile in advance. Gen. Keyes was there, and from him I learned the position of affairs. Our reenforcements soon began to arrive. Gen. Berry's brigade was sent into the woods on our left and ordered to outflank the enemy, who occupied in force Gen. Casey's camps, and had a battery of artillery near a large wood-pile in rear of the unfinished redoubt. This position Gen. Berry held till dark, when Gen. Jameson's brigade came up, the Fifty-seventh Pennsylvania having gone up the railroad from Savage's station, as the main road was full of fugitives. I directed him to send a regiment to the right to support Gen. Peck. He sent the Eighty-seventh New-York, Col. Dodge. The other two regiments, Sixty-third and One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvania, went to the left through the woods, and were deployed, by Gen. Kearny's order, across the Williamsburgh road, and they gallantly drove the enemy out of the abattis and rifle-pits, holding their position for an hour and a half. This brought the time to about five o'clock, at which hour the enemy received a reenforcement of a division, and began to drive our troops out of the woods on the right of the road. The fire had increased so much that I went to the left to order two of Gen. Peck's regiments, from where they were guarding a road leading to the White Oak swamp, to support this line. I met them coming, having been ordered across by Gen. Keyes. They went into the woods, but, together with the troops already there, were driven out by the overwhelming masses of the enemy.

Gen. Jameson rode across to rally them, but was met by a volley from the enemy. His horse fell with three balls in him. In falling, the General's leg was caught under the animal, when some men of the Sixty-third Pennsylvania came and lifted the horse off, and helped the General [314] away. Gen. Peck's horse was shot under him, and several other officers had their horses struck, or were themselves wounded at this time. Their exertions, however, partially rallied the retiring regiments, and they fell back fighting: this brought us into a narrow strip of woods, along the main road. With the assistance of my staff and other officers, we succeeded in rallying fragments of regiments, to the number of about one thousand eight hundred men. Part of these Gen. Keyes took to the left of the road. I placed Col. Hays, of the Sixty-third Pennsylvania, in command of the remainder, and with two companies of his regiment, just returned from picket. This force I ordered to advance. They succeeded in repulsing the advancing enemy. This was late in the afternoon, and the fire gradually slackened and ceased on this part of the field. The enemy never got beyond those woods.

A new line was formed in some unfinished rifle-pits, about a mile in rear, and occupied by the troops of Gens. Couch's and Kearny's division, and such troops of Gen. Casey's as could be collected.

When the troops on the right of the road near the Seven Pines gave way, the enemy pushed several regiments across the main road, placing them between General Berry's brigade, part of Jameson's, and the portion of our troops who gave way from the right of the road. These troops, (Gen. Berry's,) however, most gallantly held their position on the rebels' right flank, and kept up such a deadly fire that no effort the enemy made could dislodge them. They remained till dark, firing away sixty rounds of ammunition to each man, and then supplying themselves with cartridges from the dead and wounded. Their fire completely commanded the open space in their front, and not a mounted man succeeded in passing under their fire.

When night came on they fell back about a mile, took the saw-mill road, and by eight o'clock P. M. joined their division. When we reoccupied the ground again, the rebel dead covering their front attested their coolness and the accuracy of their fire. Early in the afternoon, (three o'clock P. M.,) an order was sent, on the application of Gen. Keyes, to Gen. Kearny, to send a brigade up the railroad to his assistance. The order sent to Gen. Kearny was to send a brigade up the railroad to the front, and Gen. Birney's was ordered up. I learned, after I arrived on the field of battle, that the brigade was halted on the railroad a very short distance from the camp. I sent at least two orders for it to advance. From the reports, a few chance shots fell among the left of this brigade, but I cannot learn that it was engaged during the day. Had it gone into action between the railroad and Williamsburgh road, as I expected it would, I believe we would have driven back the enemy and have recaptured our artillery, lost before I came on the field. The gallant manner in which the brigade fought when led into action the next day by the gallant Col. J. Hobart Ward, shows what it would have done if it had taken part in the battle of the previous day. Through what misunderstanding or counter-orders it was kept back, I am unable to say. I have since learned that Gen. Kearny gave the orders.

After the battle, Gen. Birney was placed under arrest by my order, and brought before a court-martial, for disobedience of orders. The Court honorably acquitted him. Gen. Keyes has written such an excellent report of the operations of his corps, that it is scarcely necessary for me to add to it. So much has, however, been said as to the conduct of Gen. Casey's division, that it is due to him and to the troops he commanded that I should give my views.

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Danville (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Cypress Creek (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Cumberland Mountain (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Culpeper (Virginia, United States) (2)
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Boonsboro (Maryland, United States) (2)
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Bolton's Depot (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Bluff Point (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Big Creek Gap (Tennessee, United States) (2)
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Baton Rouge (Louisiana, United States) (2)
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Baldwin, Fla. (Florida, United States) (2)
Bacon Creek, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (2)
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Andersons (Nevada, United States) (2)
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Aid (Missouri, United States) (2)
Old Tavern (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Holly Springs (Mississippi, United States) (1)
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McLaws (12)
Humphrey Marshall (12)
Harman J. Korff (12)
R. P. Kennedy (12)
Harland (12)
John A. Dix (12)
Benjamin F. Butler (12)
C. E. Brown (12)
James Baker (12)
N. T. Abbott (12)
Mower (11)
W. S. Clark (11)
N. S. Berry (11)
John E. Wool (10)
Veatch (10)
C. H. Stevens (10)
Steere (10)
A. P. Sears (10)
Franklin Sawyer (10)
J. B. Sanborn (10)
St. George Rogers (10)
Thomas Rodgers (10)
J. B. Robertson (10)
Rigby (10)
Potts (10)
Naglee (10)
John H. Morgan (10)
McMullin (10)
W. Little (10)
Lawton (10)
Lamphere (10)
David Hunter (10)
H. Haupt (10)
Hartsuff (10)
M. G. Halleck (10)
Griffin (10)
J. W. Fuller (10)
John H. Finley (10)
Hugh Ewing (10)
Dogan (10)
Couch (10)
Joseph Cook (10)
B. C. Christ (10)
Colonels Cantwell (10)
J. T. Buell (10)
Brooks (10)
Samuel N. Benjamin (10)
George L. Andrews (10)
Ripley (9)
McPherson (9)
William Martin (9)
George Jones (9)
Boomer (9)
Wilmington Wingett (8)
Lafe Wilson (8)
C. B. White (8)
William H. Thomas (8)
Charles Tate (8)
William Stewart (8)
Preston Smith (8)
Thomas A. Scott (8)
Savage (8)
Rouse (8)
Lewis Randolph (8)
G. C. Phillips (8)
Charles Parker (8)
Parisen (8)
Samuel W. Owen (8)
Oglesby (8)
William Moore (8)
Mills (8)
William J. Miller (8)
S. Meredith (8)
Meade (8)
McDowell (8)
Samuel Marsh (8)
Mahan (8)
Lovell (8)
Lauman (8)
L. Lane (8)
James Knox (8)
Knapp (8)
John R. Kenly (8)
Andrew Johnson (8)
Jefferson (8)
Jardine (8)
Hoffman (8)
J. D. Hines (8)
Hewitt (8)
W. Harrow (8)
W. W. K. Harper (8)
Wade Hampton (8)
William Gregg (8)
H. S. Fairchilds (8)
S. B. Davis (8)
George E. Curtis (8)
A. H. Coleman (8)
Carroll (8)
Samuel U. Benjamin (8)
F. Ball (8)
J. B. Armstrong (8)
Villipigue (7)
S. George Rogers (7)
Oliver P. Morton (7)
W. W. Holmes (7)
Milton A. Hall (7)
Eddy (7)
Zeigler (6)
Henry Williams (6)
Whitney (6)
George H. Watts (6)
Johannes Watson (6)
Wainwright (6)
V. P. Twombley (6)
A. T. Torbert (6)
Topping (6)
Frank M. Suiter (6)
Stonewall (6)
Stark (6)
J. W. Sprague (6)
Soest (6)
Sherrill (6)
P. H. Sheridan (6)
Sedgewick (6)
P. A. Scott (6)
Sangster (6)
Ruger (6)
Romer (6)
J. R. Roberts (6)
Lewis Richmond (6)
Jack Powell (6)
Pleasanton (6)
Owen Phillips (6)
D. D. Perkins (6)
E. G. Parrott (6)
C. C. Parker (6)
W. S. Oliver (6)
Nostrand (6)
Niles (6)
J. Murray (6)
William C. Morrison (6)
McMillen (6)
R. McClellan (6)
Maury (6)
Rodney Mason (6)
Link (6)
Abraham Lincoln (6)
David Lewis (6)
John D. Lee (6)
Krzyzanowsky (6)
Henry W. Kingsbury (6)
John Kane (6)
Joe Johnston (6)
Immell (6)
John G. Huntington (6)
R. B. Hayes (6)
Frederick Harrison (6)
Edward Harlan (6)
E. A. Hamilton (6)
E. Haight (6)
Fairchild (6)
Este (6)
Martin Egan (6)
D'Utassy (6)
S. W. Cunningham (6)
M. M. Crocker (6)
Jim R. S. Cox (6)
James Clements (6)
M. Clark (6)
John S. Clark (6)
J. Childs (6)
O. H. P. Champlin (6)
Richard Cary (6)
Hill Carter (6)
J. A. Campbell (6)
Burton (6)
R. C. Buchanan (6)
G. F. Browning (6)
J. N. Brown (6)
Bristow (6)
Branch (6)
Best (6)
E. G. Beckwith (6)
Beardsley (6)
Beachbard (6)
Banning (6)
Avery (6)
George Washington (5)
Robinette (5)
Perczel (5)
John J. Peck (5)
James S. Palmer (5)
Joseph A. Matthias (5)
W. H. Lathrop (5)
John C. Breckinridge (5)
Wylie (4)
Charles S. Winder (4)
James Wilson (4)
Thomas Williams (4)
John D. Wilkins (4)
Jasper Whiting (4)
Whitfield (4)
W. F. Wheeler (4)
Oliver Wells (4)
George Webster (4)
Thomas Watson (4)
F. Watson (4)
Thomas J. Warrington (4)
Warnock (4)
William Warner (4)
M. Ward (4)
Hobart Ward (4)
George Ward (4)
Thomas Walton (4)
Charles E. Walker (4)
Virginians (4)
Vanduzer (4)
A. G. Tuther (4)
M. M. Trumbull (4)
A. T. A. Torbert (4)
Toombs (4)
David Tod (4)
Tobin (4)
John S. Thornton (4)
George Thompson (4)
John Strong (4)
Generals Stevens (4)
Starke (4)
R. G. Staples (4)
Edwin M. Stanton (4)
A. Snyder (4)
Thomas Snowden (4)
Thomas Kirby Smith (4)
T. Kirby Smith (4)
S. B. Smith (4)
Morgan L. Smith (4)
C. M. Skinner (4)
Dan Sickles (4)
F. J. Shunk (4)
W. T. Sherman (4)
R. O. Selfridge (4)
Henry A. Seiberlich (4)
Schirmer (4)
Caleb Sawyer (4)
Saunders (4)
Rust (4)
H. S. Russell (4)
John Ross (4)
Rohmer (4)
T. R. Robeson (4)
Willis S. Roberts (4)
Ringold (4)
Thomas Riley (4)
H. T. Reid (4)
Jonathan A. Rawlings (4)
S. M. Quincy (4)
Purcell (4)
William Preston (4)
R. B. Potter (4)
Polk (4)
William Pierce (4)
Peters (4)
Edward B. Perry (4)
Pelouze (4)
Passano (4)
William G. Paine (4)
R. A. Oakford (4)
D. A. Oakey (4)
Michael O'Brien (4)
J. W. Newman (4)
William B. Nesbit (4)
Neff (4)
George W. Neal (4)
William H. Myers (4)
Muhlenberg (4)
William Mount (4)
Morrell (4)
Robert B. Mitchell (4)
Miezner (4)
T. C. Merrill (4)
Means (4)
McParlin (4)
McMillan (4)
McKechnie (4)
Nathaniel McCalla (4)
Joseph Mayo (4)
J. B. May (4)
Thomas Manning (4)
Lightfoot (4)
Francis Leland (4)
R. E. Lee (4)
Lebair (4)
Leahy (4)
J. J. Landrum (4)
H. J. Korff (4)
Koenig (4)
N. Kimball (4)
E. A. Kimball (4)
William Kerr (4)
H. G. Kennett (4)
Wensel Kennedy (4)
Watson Jones (4)
Samuel Jones (4)
James John (4)
Jenkins (4)
Jameson (4)
L. L. James (4)
Thomas H. Hunt (4)
T. Jefferson Hood (4)
Jesse Holton (4)
Gilbert Holman (4)
James Hines (4)
Hincks (4)
J. W. Hill (4)
Henry (4)
Havelock (4)
Hass (4)
J. F. Hartrauft (4)
William Hart (4)
John Hancock (4)
J. H. Hammond (4)
C. H. Hale (4)
Hackleman (4)
Guilet (4)
J. J. Grafton (4)
W. A. Gorman (4)
William F. Gordon (4)
Charles H. Goodwin (4)
William B. Goodrich (4)
L. M. Goldsborough (4)
Christopher Gibson (4)
Gesner (4)
Gates (4)
Garnett (4)
A. B. Fuller (4)
W. W. F. Fox (4)
J. Heron Foster (4)
C. W. Flusser (4)
Fitzgerald (4)
E. P. Fitch (4)
Edward Ferrero (4)
D. G. Farragut (4)
Emerson (4)
Durell (4)
William W. Duffield (4)
A. N. Duffie (4)
Samuel Drury (4)
George W. Douglas (4)
William Davis (4)
Hunter Davidson (4)
Darety (4)
Croome (4)
Creighton (4)
Crane (4)
Lewis Craig (4)
Cowing (4)
William Cornell (4)
Richard H. Coolidge (4)
Conkling (4)
Conkle (4)
J. W. Conine (4)
Henry Conaway (4)
J. T. Collins (4)
Colgrove (4)
D. B. Churchill (4)
S. L. Christie (4)
Chittenden (4)
R. H. Chilton (4)
Chambers (4)
D. Casey (4)
Jacob Carver (4)
William Carruth (4)
James Carr (4)
E. M. Carey (4)
A. P. Campbell (4)
Caesar (4)
G. Cadwalader (4)
Bull (4)
N. C. Bryant (4)
Charles R. Brundage (4)
J. Brumback (4)
John W. Browning (4)
Joseph E. Brown (4)
De Witt C. Brown (4)
Michael Boyle (4)
James L. Botsford (4)
Bohlen (4)
George W. Blake (4)
Henry M. Binney (4)
Alfred Bing (4)
Biddle (4)
John Bell (4)
Belknap (4)
De Beck (4)
G. M. Bascom (4)
Bartholomew (4)
William F. Barry (4)
Barras (4)
O. L. Baldwin (4)
Averell (4)
Austin (4)
G. L. Andrews (4)
Allis (4)
D. P. Allen (4)
T. W. Sweeny (3)
W. Sanborn (3)
Nagle (3)
James McFadden (3)
R. B. Marcy (3)
Oscar L. Jackson (3)
H. Dillon (3)
Reuben Daily (3)
F. N. Burke (3)
G. T. Beauregard (3)
William Alexander (3)
Abercrombie (3)
Harvey Zimmerman (2)
David Zeck (2)
Ira M. Young (2)
George W. Young (2)
Yon (2)
H. Yaryan (2)
Edward W. Yaryan (2)
Andrew Wurfas (2)
T. Wright (2)
Wren (2)
J. Wortherwell (2)
Wooster (2)
Charles Woody (2)
William Woodberry (2)
William F. Wood (2)
E. S. Wood (2)
Harvey J. Wolf (2)
Asa Winters (2)
A. H. Winslow (2)
John Winer (2)
John W. Winchell (2)
Francis Wilson (2)
W. Williston (2)
R. S. Williston (2)
George H. Willis (2)
William H. Williams (2)
William B. Williams (2)
T. Williams (2)
S. Williams (2)
Gordon Williams (2)
Anslum E. Wiley (2)
E. A. Wild (2)
Wiezner (2)
E. B. Whitten (2)
E. Whittemore (2)
Randolph Whitehead (2)
Charles Whitehead (2)
W. White (2)
John B. White (2)
Frank White (2)
Allen C. White (2)
Joseph T. Wheeler (2)
James N. Wheelan (2)
Charles F. Wheaton (2)
Weston (2)
Robert M. West (2)
Frederick Wernsing (2)
U. Wenrich (2)
Thomas Welsh (2)
Gideon Welles (2)
Welch (2)
E. J. Weiser (2)
Webber (2)
James B. Weaver (2)
J. S. Way (2)
W. Washman (2)
Warren (2)
Leander Ward (2)
J. Hobart Ward (2)
Guy C. Ward (2)
George F. Ward (2)
Walterhouse (2)
Walter (2)
W. P. Wallace (2)
Wadsworth (2)
John W. Voss (2)
Charles Viner (2)
Jacob Vatter (2)
John Vansickle (2)
Cornelius Vannuyse (2)
Vandergrift (2)
Henry G. Van (2)
J. Vail (2)
I. C. Urie (2)
J. Upton (2)
Underwood (2)
R. C. Tyler (2)
George W. Turner (2)
Thomas Trustman (2)
Henry B. Trout (2)
Albert Tracy (2)
E. D. Townsend (2)
James Torpy (2)
Tisdale (2)
C. F. Tilton (2)
Tillinghast (2)
Tiesemann (2)
Thrush (2)
Thrapp (2)
M. R. Thompson (2)
J. W. Thompson (2)
W. A. Thomas (2)
Philip Thomas (2)
Henry Thilker (2)
Calvin Terry (2)
Terrel (2)
J. P. Taylor (2)
Tarpey (2)
Tanner (2)
Upton Talhelm (2)
N. P. Talbott (2)
Greenberry Talbott (2)
Talbot (2)
L. B. Sylvester (2)
Swigart (2)
Elzy Swain (2)
John R. Sumter (2)
W. M. Summers (2)
Isaac Summers (2)
Allen Stubbs (2)
J. M. Stuart (2)
Strother (2)
George G. Strong (2)
George C. Strong (2)
Silas A. Strickland (2)
Strayer (2)
J. B. Strange (2)
J. Strafford (2)
Stout (2)
J. Stonehall (2)
Roswell Stone (2)
Joseph Stone (2)
J. M. Stone (2)
Xavier Stoll (2)
Adam Y. Stokes (2)
John Stofel (2)
Stites (2)
John H. Stewart (2)
A. Stevenson (2)
M. Stevens (2)
John Stevens (2)
Jesse B. Stevens (2)
Stephenson (2)
Stephens (2)
Willis Stanton (2)
Wallace Stanton (2)
Homer Stanton (2)
Stahel (2)
J. Edward Stacy (2)
J. E. Stacey (2)
Spurr (2)
John Springmeyer (2)
Spraul (2)
Spratt (2)
William Sprague (2)
C. B. Spennett (2)
A. Warner Spencer (2)
Spaulding (2)
H. S. Sparrow (2)
Benjamin Spalding (2)
George P. Southack (2)
Sorrell (2)
Sorrel (2)
Webster Snowden (2)
William S. Smith (2)
William Smith (2)
Robert S. Smith (2)
O. J. Smith (2)
James P. Smith (2)
James H. Smith (2)
Henry B. Smith (2)
George A. Smith (2)
Edward D. Smith (2)
E. Kirby Smith (2)
David Smith (2)
Daniel W. Smith (2)
Christopher E. Smith (2)
C. W. Smith (2)
Billy Smith (2)
George N. Smalley (2)
Joshua Small (2)
John Slossner (2)
J. A. Slocum (2)
William W. Sloan (2)
D. F. Slaughter (2)
U. Slato (2)
Slade (2)
Skiles (2)
John R. Simpson (2)
T. Y. Simons (2)
John Simon (2)
Louis Siebert (2)
Austin T. Shryer (2)
Louis Shofer (2)
Frederick Shoemaker (2)
Holly Shirman (2)
J. H. Shirley (2)
Shermer (2)
C. M. Sherling (2)
Jonathan Shepard (2)
John Shepard (2)
Robert Shemely (2)
D. Shearer (2)
Robert Shaw (2)
Morgan Shaw (2)
Sharpe (2)
John Shane (2)
Isaac Shafer (2)
Shaeffer (2)
Allan M. Seymour (2)
William H. Seward (2)
Joseph Servings (2)
M. H. Seriner (2)
Joseph Senior (2)
Segoine (2)
Matthias Seegar (2)
Searing (2)
Scully (2)
H. B. Scott (2)
A. V. Scott (2)
H. Scofield (2)
J. G. Scoby (2)
Jacob Schulz (2)
Schramm (2)
William Schouler (2)
Privates Christian Schmidt (2)
Schlen (2)
Joseph Schlab (2)
John T. Schiff (2)
Schiefner (2)
Joseph Schern (2)
Schenofski (2)
Schambeck (2)
F. M. Schaeffer (2)
Charles M. Scarce (2)
R. Saxton (2)
R. M. Sawyer (2)
W. H. Sanger (2)
Addison Sanders (2)
George F. Sample (2)
Salisbury (2)
Saint Clair (2)
J. Ryan (2)
Richard H. Rush (2)
John C. Ruly (2)
John A. Ruly (2)
George G. Ruggles (2)
Rufos (2)
John Rowman (2)
John E. Rosseo (2)
G. W. Ross (2)
John H. Rose (2)
James W. Romeyn (2)
Joseph Rogers (2)
John Robinson (2)
Ritter (2)
Ritchie (2)
John Riprogle (2)
William Riger (2)
Henry Riger (2)
M. P. Richardson (2)
T. S. Rice (2)
Jacob Rice (2)
Jonathan Rhoads (2)
Rhine (2)
Thomas G. Rhett (2)
Jacob Reynolds (2)
Revere (2)
John M. Renz (2)
Rensellaer (2)
J. A. Remly (2)
William Reeves (2)
Reedy (2)
Redington (2)
Redfield (2)
Reber (2)
Read (2)
Rawson (2)
Rawalle (2)
Manoah Ratliff (2)
Rariden (2)
Ransome (2)
W. F. Ransom (2)
T. E. G. Ransom (2)
Ramsay (2)
W. C. Ramalle (2)
Adam Ralls (2)
E. L. Quinton (2)
Patrick Quinn (2)
Elliott Pyle (2)
Roger A. Pryor (2)
Franklin Prouty (2)
William F. Price (2)
Samuel Price (2)
A. W. Powers (2)
H. H. Powell (2)
William Porter (2)
W. S. Poor (2)
Pompella (2)
Otis W. Pollock (2)
Poe (2)
William G. Plummer (2)
Oliver S. Plummer (2)
Plume (2)
Abel M. D. Piper (2)
M. Pinney (2)
Henry Pine (2)
Pindar (2)
H. Pierson (2)
George Pierce (2)
E. F. Pierce (2)
Picket (2)
F. H. Phelps (2)
John Phares (2)
E. A. Phalen (2)
Pettitts (2)
Adam Pettis (2)
William Pettigrew (2)
Robert Petitt (2)
S. D. Perkins (2)
L. Perkins (2)
James Perkins (2)
Griffith C. Pentecost (2)
Penrose (2)
M. Pennefether (2)
Penn (2)
George A. Peet (2)
E. Pedan (2)
James Peader (2)
W. Peaden (2)
D. B. Peabody (2)
David Patterson (2)
William Passner (2)
George Parmer (2)
S. B. Parkman (2)
Scott Parker (2)
Amon Parker (2)
A. J. Parker (2)
Pancost (2)
James H. Palmer (2)
T. F. Page (2)
L. Page (2)
G. Page (2)
Benjamin Ott (2)
Osborne (2)
Frank Osborn (2)
S. B. Oneard (2)
B. F. Onderdonk (2)
J. F. Ogborn (2)
Odin (2)
Oden (2)
James Oakes (2)
G. O. Oakes (2)
Michael O'Donnell (2)
H. O'Donnell (2)
O'Connor (2)
George F. Noys (2)
G. B. Norris (2)
Thomas Nolan (2)
John Nolan (2)
R. M. Nimmo (2)
Robert Nickum (2)
Newton (2)
Rufus Newman (2)
Elijah A. Newland (2)
John Newcomb (2)
J. Nevel (2)
W. H. Neely (2)
Naughton (2)
Nation (2)
Nader (2)
E. Myers (2)
A. Myers (2)
Thomas Murphy (2)
H. M. Murphy (2)
George W. Murphy (2)
Albert Murdock (2)
James W. Munsum (2)
William Munford (2)
Thomas Mundy (2)
William L. Muchmore (2)
James E. Moulton (2)
W. Mothersill (2)
James A. Morrow (2)
George Morrison (2)
Peter Morely (2)
G. W. Morell (2)
William H. Moore (2)
J. F. Moore (2)
James Edward Montgomery (2)
R. W. Montague (2)
B. F. Montague (2)
Martin L. Monroe (2)
Stanley Moniton (2)
A. B. Monahan (2)
Molyneau (2)
Jacob M. Moles (2)
William Moffitt (2)
George H. Moffitt (2)
Thomas Moffit (2)
Moe (2)
Joseph Mitchel (2)
Mindil (2)
Milligan (2)
Joseph W. Miller (2)
Benjamin F. Miller (2)
George Milhelm (2)
H. R. Mighels (2)
J. F. Middleton (2)
Charles Meyers (2)
Philip I. Metzger (2)
Joseph Messick (2)
Charles Messer (2)
Sergeant C. F. Meskle (2)
Merriett (2)
Menger (2)
Meline (2)
Daniel Meeker (2)
Meagher (2)
Duncan McRea (2)
John McQuirk (2)
David McQuinney (2)
McMurtrie (2)
McMurray (2)
M. McMullen (2)
W. L. McMillen (2)
Jesse McLean (2)
McLaw (2)
Charles McKenzie (2)
C. F. McKenzie (2)
McKenny (2)
Frank McKee (2)
T. S. McIntosh (2)
McIlvaine (2)
John McGroverny (2)
McGregor (2)
Joseph McFerrin (2)
John McFerrin (2)
McFarlin (2)
McFarland (2)
McElrath (2)
John B. McElhaney (2)
Andrew J. McDowell (2)
McDonald (2)
McCullough (2)
Daniel McCrohan (2)
William McCoy (2)
McCord (2)
Michael McCarthy (2)
J. McCarthy (2)
D. McCarthy (2)
M. McCarter (2)
McCann (2)
McCall (2)
McCain (2)
T. D. McAlpine (2)
M. T. McAlpine (2)
Maulsby (2)
Samuel A. Matthews (2)
William Mattchet (2)
John Mathews (2)
Benjamin Mathews (2)
Mastick (2)
W. W. Mason (2)
E. D. Mason (2)
B. F. Marten (2)
J. Marshall (2)
James C. Mansell (2)
William Manning (2)
Asa Maloy (2)
Mahone (2)
R. Maguire (2)
Magill (2)
George Maddox (2)
John Madden (2)
A. L. Madden (2)
Macon (2)
Macomb (2)
Frank Mackey (2)
David F. Mack (2)
James W. Lyons (2)
J. Lyons (2)
David Lyons (2)
Lynne (2)
J. Lynde (2)
J. E. Lynch (2)
St. John Lyde (2)
William T. Lusk (2)
Luke (2)
George P. Lord (2)
Henry Lontz (2)
W. Log (2)
M. S. Livingston (2)
A. J. Livingston (2)
Litzinger (2)
Samuel Little (2)
David M. Little (2)
L. Lindsey (2)
John Lindsey (2)
Abe Lincoln (2)
Liggett (2)
Abram Lewis (2)
W. H. H. Leonard (2)
Walter Lenox (2)
Nicholas Lenk (2)
J. Lehane (2)
Lafayette Larsh (2)
W. Larrabee (2)
Paris Larimore (2)
Lantz (2)
Lanstrum (2)
Lancaster (2)
C. O. Lamotte (2)
J. L. Lambert (2)
E. Lambert (2)
J. R. Lamb (2)
H. Lamb (2)
T. B. Lamar (2)
Lakin (2)
Charles Lair (2)
M. M. Lacy (2)
Joseph Kuhn (2)
Krepps (2)
C. Kostmann (2)
J. Koltoff (2)
W. Koff (2)
Klingsoch (2)
David Kline (2)
John C. Kitselman (2)
R. C. Kise (2)
Peter Kirn (2)
Robert Kirkup (2)
James Kinkead (2)
Warren R. King (2)
Thomas Ketcham (2)
William O. Kerr (2)
William A. Kerr (2)
Alexander S. Kerr (2)
Kercheval (2)
George Kent (2)
Frederick Kent (2)
M. Kennedy (2)
Kempton (2)
J. T. Kemper (2)
Patrick Kelly (2)
J. P. Kelley (2)
William Keever (2)
John Keegan (2)
Keating (2)
P. Kearney (2)
George Kays (2)
August Kaiser (2)
Kahill (2)
Warrenton Junction (2)
Henry L. Jones (2)
T. E. Joiner (2)
Peyton Johnston (2)
John C. Johnston (2)
Herschel V. Johnston (2)
William H. Johnson (2)
Benjamin Johns (2)
Martin John (2)
Jocelyn (2)
F. Jewell (2)
Mathew Jellson (2)
Samuel Jeffery (2)
Simon Jaseph (2)
Janeway (2)
Jacobson (2)
Jacob (2)
William Jackson (2)
Joseph Jackson (2)
J. W. Jackson (2)
H. K. Jackson (2)
James M. Jackaway (2)
Ives (2)
J. Isle (2)
John Isaacs (2)
Irwin (2)
Ireland (2)
George H. Ide (2)
Robert H. Hutchins (2)
Robert A. Hutchings (2)
James Hurst (2)
J. R. Hurd (2)
John Hunter (2)
D. Hunter (2)
George Hunt (2)
W. Humphries (2)
W. T. Humboldt (2)
Henry Huier (2)
Martin Hughes (2)
G. Hughes (2)
Benjamin F. Hughes (2)
John T. Huff (2)
Thomas Hudson (2)
Ira Hudson (2)
Hubert (2)
H. C. Hoxsey (2)
Howett (2)
A. P. Howe (2)
Howards (2)
N. B. Howard (2)
H. O. Howard (2)
Charles Howard (2)
Hotaling (2)
Hosen (2)
George Hort (2)
Horner (2)
Horne (2)
Hopper (2)
J. Ward Hopkins (2)
J. Hooker (2)
Homes (2)
J. A. Holyoke (2)
J. Holt (2)
A. F. Holt (2)
N. A. Holsen (2)
Holloway (2)
Joseph Holliday (2)
Edward Hogan (2)
Joseph Hoever (2)
John Gray Hodges (2)
James Hobday (2)
Hiss (2)
Hinkle (2)
Samuel Hindes (2)
Benjamin R. Hinchman (2)
Charles Hinch (2)
Higginson (2)
Higgins (2)
T. Hettle (2)
John E. Hershey (2)
Herrin (2)
Benjamin F. Herbert (2)
Richard Henniger (2)
H. S. Henneman (2)
W. Henior (2)
Wesley H. Henderson (2)
James Heller (2)
Heirvack (2)
Hedgeman (2)
Hebert (2)
Enoch Heavenridge (2)
H. F. Hazelton (2)
C. H. Hazelton (2)
William Hayward (2)
Thomas Hays (2)
James S. Haynes (2)
Hayne (2)
Hawill (2)
J. Haverty (2)
Jasper Havenridge (2)
Hately (2)
R. Hatch (2)
William D. Hasper (2)
Harvey (2)
Solomon Harter (2)
W. H. Harris (2)
Lewis K. Harris (2)
L. A. Harris (2)
John K. Harris (2)
Addison Harrington (2)
John Harnnes (2)
Harney (2)
Harding (2)
Hardee (2)
Hanson (2)
Hansan (2)
Hannibal (2)
Hannes (2)
Hannery (2)
Patrick Hanlon (2)
John Hanlon (2)
Haney (2)
Samuel J. Hamrick (2)
W. B. Hammill (2)
John P. Hamilton (2)
William Halsted (2)
E. P. Halsted (2)
Halsby (2)
F. L. Hall (2)
Owen Haley (2)
George Haig (2)
Hagin (2)
Hackelman (2)
Guy (2)
A. Grollet (2)
Gro (2)
Benjamin Gregory (2)
Wilson Gregg (2)
D. S. Greenough (2)
Martin Greene (2)
George S. Greene (2)
Thomas H. Gray (2)
John Gray (2)
Benjamin R. Gray (2)
George Granger (2)
Gough (2)
Thomas Goudy (2)
Thomas W. Gorman (2)
R. C. Goodwin (2)
William Goodloe (2)
M. Gooding (2)
George L. Godfrey (2)
George A. Glidden (2)
Henry Glenn (2)
Thomas Gleason (2)
Glassie (2)
W. L. Givens (2)
John Gilpin (2)
William Gilmore (2)
James A. Gilmore (2)
Frank T. Gilmore (2)
P. G. Gilman (2)
Valentine Gilbe (2)
William Gibson (2)
Albert Gibson (2)
Geomans (2)
George W. Gentle (2)
General (2)
Geayer (2)
Anthony Gavin (2)
George W. Gaugh (2)
W. B. Gau (2)
James Gaston (2)
Gary (2)
George C. Garretson (2)
John Garner (2)
Garland (2)
Garibaldi (2)
Garden (2)
Thomas Gallaway (2)
Gale (2)
Gadberry (2)
Furbay (2)
Fulton (2)
C. H. Fuller (2)
Charles Fulghum (2)
Benjamin St. James Fry (2)
Alnut A. Frulghum (2)
F. Frolghum (2)
Charles Friedeborn (2)
Marion French (2)
H. C. Freeman (2)
M. Frames (2)
F. W. Fox (2)
Fouts (2)
M. D. P. Foster (2)
Forces (2)
Forbes (2)
D. W. Foote (2)
Flynn (2)
Flower (2)
Flesher (2)
J. Flemming (2)
Flanagan (2)
G. C. Flafmeisher (2)
George W. Fitzsimmons (2)
William Fischer (2)
Samuel Finch (2)
Fields (2)
James Ferry (2)
L. O. Ferrson (2)
Jacob B. Ferris (2)
Fenner (2)
B. F. Fay (2)
Faulkner (2)
John Farrell (2)
Farrel (2)
E. D. Farr (2)
John F. Farner (2)
W. W. Farmer (2)
Farley (2)
Albert Fales (2)
J. J. Evans (2)
Thomas Ennis (2)
Jacob Emrick (2)
Elzey (2)
D. M. Elmore (2)
D. C. Ellis (2)
Henry H. Elliott (2)
John Eighmy (2)
John Egan (2)
Oliver Edwards (2)
Anderson Edwards (2)
J. F. Edmunds (2)
Eckert (2)
Simeon Eaton (2)
L. H. Dyer (2)
Dwight (2)
Dustan (2)
Duryea (2)
John W. Dunn (2)
James Dunn (2)
George Dunlap (2)
Thomas Duffy (2)
Duffle (2)
N. M. Dudley (2)
Duckworth (2)
Ducat (2)
W. Drexillieus (2)
H. Dreutler (2)
Drayton (2)
Frank Doyle (2)
Downy (2)
Cornelius Downs (2)
Downey (2)
John W. Downes (2)
Joseph Dorep (2)
Harry Doolittle (2)
Yankee Doodle (2)
William Donovan (2)
Dudley Donnelly (2)
W. P. Dodd (2)
George R. Dobbins (2)
M. S. Ditson (2)
P. F. Dillon (2)
C. Dillon (2)
Charles Dillingham (2)
Dillard (2)
Dieckman (2)
Dickman (2)
William Dickerson (2)
Joseph Dickenson (2)
Dews (2)
Alfred DeWeale (2)
Devoe (2)
Devens (2)
Derby (2)
J. Denishon (2)
Debeck (2)
Dearborne (2)
John O. Dea (2)
De Kay (2)
A. Day (2)
James Davis (2)
Jacob M. Davis (2)
Elmore Davis (2)
Thomas A. Davies (2)
David (2)
Robert Dare (2)
William Daniels (2)
Bolivar D. Daniels (2)
J. B. Danforth (2)
William Dane (2)
Dana (2)
T. Daly (2)
S. Daley (2)
Cutter (2)
F. Cuthbert (2)
D. Custard (2)
G. A. Cushman (2)
Joseph B. Curtis (2)
Currans (2)
Louis Cupp (2)
Alfred Cummings (2)
Alexander Cummings (2)
Alfred Cumming (2)
Thomas Cully (2)
G. W. Cullum (2)
Larkin Cullins (2)
Cubberly (2)
Crowder (2)
Cyrus D. Cross (2)
Crooks (2)
Cravens (2)
Stephen Crandell (2)
P. Cramig (2)
J. S. Crain (2)
William Cox (2)
F. B. Cox (2)
Cowles (2)
Cowgill (2)
Jonathan T. Cowan (2)
John T. Cowan (2)
John T. Coverdale (2)
Cott (2)
Elpathan K. Corey (2)
J. Corcoran (2)
William Corbin (2)
John C. Corbin (2)
Wickliffe Cooper (2)
E. C. Cooper (2)
Coons (2)
Coon (2)
Lycurgus Cooley (2)
W. F. Cook (2)
Conway (2)
John Conoway (2)
Z. T. Connor (2)
John Connor (2)
R. Connolly (2)
Robert Conner (2)
G. Conley (2)
James Conlan (2)
Moses Conklin (2)
Nesbit Comly (2)
Joel Combs (2)
Comanding (2)
A. W. Colwell (2)
T. J. Collins (2)
George J. Coles (2)
John Coleman (2)
Hugh Coleman (2)
John M. Coffin (2)
Charles Cockayne (2)
Lewis Cobb (2)
William Clowgh (2)
E. Clowgh (2)
John Clough (2)
Benjamin Cline (2)
Richard F. Clifton (2)
John H. Clifton (2)
James Clifton (2)
Benjamin F. Clifton (2)
F. L. Cleveland (2)
S. Clement (2)
T. T. Clay (2)
Robert W. Clarke (2)
William J. H. Clark (2)
William Clark (2)
W. T. Clark (2)
Temple Clark (2)
Rolan Clark (2)
James Clark (2)
J. W. Clark (2)
Frank Clark (2)
A. Clark (2)
Joseph Christy (2)
Caspar C. Christ (2)
Chrisman (2)
A. Chrisler (2)
William H. Cherry (2)
George H. Cherry (2)
George W. Chenworth (2)
W. H. Cheesbrough (2)
Chapman (2)
James R. Chalmors (2)
James R. Chalmers (2)
Chairman (2)
Cavins (2)
Preston Cates (2)
John Cates (2)
Peter Carter (2)
J. D. Carter (2)
John Carrington (2)
Carothers (2)
A. Carnahan (2)
E. H. Carey (2)
Caracker (2)
Cannon (2)
F. M. Cammack (2)
Calvert (2)
Calloway (2)
John Callanan (2)
Callahan (2)
Caldwell (2)
Jerry Calden (2)
T. W. Cahill (2)
Isaac W. Cahill (2)
Byrne (2)
Monuce Byrd (2)
G. W. Buxton (2)
C. F. Buxton (2)
Butterfield (2)
John Butler (2)
Robert Busscimeyer (2)
George William Bush (2)
Burt (2)
Henry Burrows (2)
Burrell (2)
J. Burns (2)
Burnholts (2)
A. P. Burnham (2)
Joseph Burkhardt (2)
T. Burke (2)
J. Burke (2)
Julius C. Burgoyne (2)
Horatio Burgoyne (2)
Burdett (2)
Burbick (2)
W. A. Bullitt (2)
William Brown (2)
Thomas C. Brown (2)
Peter R. Brown (2)
F. H. Brown (2)
David B. Brown (2)
H. Brokamp (2)
Brink (2)
John H. Brin (2)
A. Brightman (2)
H. C. Bright (2)
Barnett Bright (2)
Owen Breene (2)
P. Brady (2)
Benjamin H. Bradshaw (2)
W. H. Bradley (2)
A. W. Bradford (2)
Albert G. Brackett (2)
George R. Boush (2)
John Bourk (2)
Wood Bouldin (2)
Lawson Botts (2)
J. Botsford (2)
G. Bortchy (2)
Borcherdt (2)
George H. Bonebrake (2)
Samuel B. Bond (2)
James S. Bolander (2)
William Boggs (2)
Blum (2)
J. J. P. Blinn (2)
Blenker (2)
Birdsall (2)
M. H. Bingham (2)
Moses Billingsly (2)
Charles Billingsly (2)
James L. Bigger (2)
William A. Bickford (2)
Charles Besselman (2)
F. Berrier (2)
Martin Benziger (2)
Benton (2)
Henry Bennett (2)
Daniel Bennett (2)
H. Belcher (2)
C. G. Baylor (2)
Isaac Baum (2)
Thomas Batliff (2)
Solomon Bates (2)
Bateman (2)
J. C. Bassett (2)
Bartlett (2)
Bartelson (2)
J. W. Barrows (2)
Barrell (2)
S. B. Barnwell (2)
Samuel A. Barnes (2)
Ozias Barker (2)
John Barker (2)
Israel Barker (2)
Baring (2)
G. M. Barcom (2)
Barclay (2)
Barber (2)
Ballinger (2)
Isaac W. Baldwin (2)
William Baker (2)
E. A. Bailey (2)
M. Backus (2)
Bachman (2)
James L. Autry (2)
Audenried (2)
Atcheson (2)
Asst (2)
Asmsser (2)
Ashby (2)
W. H. Asbury (2)
John S. Arthur (2)
T. Arnold (2)
Armistead (2)
John Arginsinger (2)
Archy (2)
Archer (2)
W. H. Arbor (2)
William Andrews (2)
C. A. Andrews (2)
William R. Anderson (2)
W. B. Anderson (2)
George Anderson (2)
C. L. Anderson (2)
Charles H. Alvey (2)
Aloys (2)
Alonzo Allison (2)
S. W. Allen (2)
Newall B. Allen (2)
G. H. Alden (2)
A. H. Aikins (2)
M. Ackley (2)
Ackland (2)
Enoch Abrams (2)
Abner (2)
Bowers A. Abbott (2)
O. Wood (1)
Samuel Wilkeson (1)
Thurber (1)
Swartwout (1)
William Starr (1)
L. C. Rankin (1)
Pritchard (1)
A. M. Powell (1)
Nemesis (1)
Moses (1)
Moriarty (1)
Mizner (1)
Milhau (1)
Mersey (1)
McLain (1)
McKelvy (1)
C. McKeever (1)
McClain (1)
Thomas D. Maurice (1)
Marton (1)
Loomis (1)
Lamburg (1)
Kirkham (1)
A. W. Kelley (1)
Alexander Hays (1)
Eskley (1)
Dumas (1)
Christmas (1)
Chetlain (1)
Bryner (1)
Babcock (1)
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August 30th (42)
30th (33)
August 29th (32)
August 30th, 1862 AD (30)
29th (27)
September 1st (26)
September 1st, 1862 AD (24)
27th (24)
17th (24)
August 31st, 1862 AD (22)
28th (20)
August 28th, 1862 AD (18)
August 22nd (18)
3rd (18)
August 29th, 1862 AD (16)
August 23rd, 1862 AD (16)
9th (16)
August 22nd, 1862 AD (14)
September 2nd (14)
23rd (14)
18th (14)
15th (14)
13th (14)
31st (13)
August 26th, 1862 AD (12)
August 24th, 1862 AD (12)
May 18th, 1862 AD (12)
September 14th (12)
August 28th (12)
19th (12)
12th (12)
8th (12)
20th (11)
September 20th, 1862 AD (10)
September 2nd, 1862 AD (10)
August 27th, 1862 AD (10)
August 9th, 1862 AD (10)
September 12th (10)
August 9th (10)
5th (10)
4th (10)
August 25th, 1862 AD (8)
1862 AD (8)
September 17th (8)
September 15th (8)
August 26th (8)
August 15th (8)
August 8th (8)
26th (8)
24th (8)
16th (8)
October 5th, 1862 AD (6)
September 23rd, 1862 AD (6)
September 22nd, 1862 AD (6)
September 18th, 1862 AD (6)
September 17th, 1862 AD (6)
September 15th, 1862 AD (6)
September 5th, 1862 AD (6)
August 21st, 1862 AD (6)
August 11th, 1862 AD (6)
August 10th, 1862 AD (6)
August 8th, 1862 AD (6)
May 22nd, 1862 AD (6)
September 11th (6)
September 5th (6)
August 25th (6)
August 24th (6)
August 23rd (6)
August 18th (6)
25th (6)
14th (6)
7th (6)
October 9th, 1862 AD (5)
1st (5)
January 27th, 1863 AD (4)
October 8th, 1862 AD (4)
September 30th, 1862 AD (4)
September 28th, 1862 AD (4)
September 27th, 1862 AD (4)
September 26th, 1862 AD (4)
September 21st, 1862 AD (4)
September 14th, 1862 AD (4)
September 8th, 1862 AD (4)
September 3rd, 1862 AD (4)
September, 1862 AD (4)
August 13th, 1862 AD (4)
July 18th, 1862 AD (4)
June 26th, 1862 AD (4)
June 1st, 1862 AD (4)
May 6th, 1862 AD (4)
July 25th, 1861 AD (4)
1200 AD (4)
October 6th (4)
October 5th (4)
October 4th (4)
September 13th (4)
September 7th (4)
September (4)
August 31st (4)
August 27th (4)
August 21st (4)
August 20th (4)
August 10th (4)
August 7th (4)
May 29th (4)
May 24th (4)
May 12th (4)
January 1st (4)
22nd (4)
11th (4)
10th (4)
October 3rd (3)
May 25th (3)
August 29th, 1962 AD (2)
1863 AD (2)
November 11th, 1862 AD (2)
October 28th, 1862 AD (2)
October 25th, 1862 AD (2)
October 18th, 1862 AD (2)
October 12th, 1862 AD (2)
October 7th, 1862 AD (2)
September 24th, 1862 AD (2)
September 19th, 1862 AD (2)
September 16th, 1862 AD (2)
September 12th, 1862 AD (2)
August 20th, 1862 AD (2)
August 18th, 1862 AD (2)
August 16th, 1862 AD (2)
August 15th, 1862 AD (2)
August 6th, 1862 AD (2)
August 2nd, 1862 AD (2)
August, 1862 AD (2)
July 31st, 1862 AD (2)
July 28th, 1862 AD (2)
July 25th, 1862 AD (2)
July 22nd, 1862 AD (2)
July 17th, 1862 AD (2)
July 10th, 1862 AD (2)
June 30th, 1862 AD (2)
May 29th, 1862 AD (2)
May 28th, 1862 AD (2)
May 27th, 1862 AD (2)
May 25th, 1862 AD (2)
May 21st, 1862 AD (2)
May 19th, 1862 AD (2)
May 15th, 1862 AD (2)
May 10th, 1862 AD (2)
May 9th, 1862 AD (2)
May 3rd, 1862 AD (2)
May, 1862 AD (2)
April 1st, 1862 AD (2)
March 18th, 1862 AD (2)
March 13th, 1862 AD (2)
March, 1862 AD (2)
July 21st, 1861 AD (2)
July 18th, 1861 AD (2)
July, 1861 AD (2)
April, 1861 AD (2)
1861 AD (2)
1857 AD (2)
November 8th (2)
October 7th (2)
October 1st (2)
September 29th (2)
September 25th (2)
September 23rd (2)
September 22nd (2)
September 20th (2)
September 19th (2)
September 16th (2)
September 10th (2)
September 9th (2)
September 8th (2)
September 6th (2)
September 3rd (2)
August 19th (2)
August 14th (2)
August 13th (2)
August 12th (2)
July 29th (2)
July 17th (2)
July 16th (2)
July 14th (2)
June 30th (2)
June 1st (2)
June (2)
May 30th (2)
May 27th (2)
May 26th (2)
May 22nd (2)
May 21st (2)
May 19th (2)
May 14th (2)
May 13th (2)
May 3rd (2)
April 30th (2)
April 1st (2)
March 29th (2)
March 15th (2)
6th (2)
June 7th, 1862 AD (1)
September 21st (1)
May 31st (1)
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