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appeared conspicuously in America. April was almost gone before Abercrombie, who was to be next in command to the Earl of Loudoun, with Webbroyal American regiment of four thousand. At the same time came Abercrombie. Letters awaited him in praise of Washington. He is a very des England trusted foreigners rather than Americans. I find, said Abercrombie, you will never be able to carry on any thing to any purpose in oduce a great change of affairs. On the twenty-fifth of June, Abercrombie arrived at Albany, firmly resolved that the regular officers shogain; for, said he, we can defend our frontiers ourselves. Thus Abercrombie dilatorily whiled away the summer, ordering a survey of Albany, ar the road had been opened, the forts erected. Why delay? But Abercrombie was still lingering at Albany, when, on the twenty-ninth of Julyials had conquered Acadia; provincials had defeated Dieskau; but Abercrombie and his chief sheltered their own imbecility under complaints of
sted to Forbes; and against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, Abercrombie, a friend of Bute, was commander-in-chief, though Pitt see hundred and sixty-seven in number; of the whole force Abercrombie was commander-in-chief; but the general confidence restender arms in the forest. On the morning of the seventh, Abercrombie had no better plan than to draw back to the landing-placa mile and a half from the enemy. Early the next day, Abercrombie sent Clerk, the chief engineer, across the outlet to rec more than six mortars and two pieces of artillery. But Abercrombie, a victim to the extremest fright and consternation, hurhelmed Pitt with melancholy; but Bute, who insisted that Abercrombie and the troops had done their duty, comforted himself inelp to restore the love of virtue and religion. While Abercrombie wearied his army with lining out a useless fort, the parppointing him commander-in-chief. Returning to England, Abercrombie was screened from censure, maligned the Americans, and a
those days. Officers of the customs gave as their excuse for habitually permitting evasions of the laws of trade, that it was their only mode of getting rich; for they were quartered chap. XV.} 1759. upon by their English patrons for more than the amount of all their honest perquisites. See their own statement to Hutchinson, in the Hutchinson Correspondence. Townshend returned home, to advocate governing America by concentrating power in England; and like Braddock, Sharpe, Shirley, Abercrombie, Loudoun, Gage, and so many more of his profession, to look upon taxation of the colonies by the metropolis as the exercise of a necessary duty. In Georgia, Ellis, the able governor, who had great influence in the public offices, was studying how the colonies could be administered by the central authority. In South Carolina Lyttleton persuaded himself that he had restored the royal sway. Yet the fruits of his administration were distrust and discontent. The arbitrary manner in which