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n343.49 61806ShipGeorge AugustusS. Lapham'sC. Turner & E. BriggsNathaniel GoddardBoston246.92 7 BrigPedlarT. Magoun'sT. MagounTimothy WilliamsBoston224.82 8 BrigGulliverT. Magoun'sT. MagounJoseph Lee, jun.Boston247.80 91807Sch.Eliza & LydiaS. Lapham'sC. Turner & E. BriggsJohn BanisterBoston100.04 10 ShipCommerceS. Lapham'sC. TurnerJohn HollandBoston377.85 11 BrigCreoleT. Magoun'sT. MagounJohn WilliamsBoston147.28 121808BrigReaperT. Magoun'sT. MagounAndrew CabotBoston284.85 131809ShipAriadneS. Lapham'sC. TurnerNathaniel GoddardBoston382.02 14 BrigGilpinT. Magoun'sT. MagounAndrew LeachBoston209.33 15 BrigCharonT. Magoun'sT. MagounP. P. JacksonBoston238.20 16 BrigGipsyT. Magoun'sT. MagounJoseph Lee, jun.Boston283.26 171810ShipMary & FrancesS. Lapham'sC. TurnerNathaniel GoddardBoston438.90 18 ShipCordeliaS. Lapham'sC. TurnerP. P. PopeBoston425.75 19 ShipIrisS. Lapham'sC. TurnerNathaniel ParsonsBoston264.57 20 ShipSachemT. Magoun'sT. MagounJohn HollandBoston396.79 211811
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 (search)
96-1886 Painter and engraver; born in Jefferson, N. J., Aug. 21, 1796. His paternal ancestors were Huguenots. His father was a watch-maker, and in his shop he learned engraving. In 1812 he became an apprentice to Peter Maverick, an engraver on copper-plate, and became his partner in 1817. Mr. Durand's first large work was his engraving on copper of Trumbull's Declaration of Independence. He was engaged upon it a year, and it gave him a great reputation His engravings of Musidora and Ariadne (the latter from Vanderlyn's painting place him among the first line-engravers of his time. In 1835 he abandoned that art for painting, and became one of the best of American landscape-painters. His pictures are always well selected as subjects, pleasing in tone, and exquisite in coloring. Mr. Durand was one of the first officers of the National Academy of Design, and was its president for several years. He died in South Orange, N. J., Sept. 17, 1886, leaving Gen. Thomas S. Cummings, it
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Grace Greenwood-Mrs. Lippincott. (search)
d and joke, and love and worship, as her grandmother did before her. But this is not a review of Grace Greenwood's writings. Litera scripta manet. Those who wish to see the cream of our magazine writings from 1845 to 1852., will find it in Greenwood leaves, first and second series. About this time, her Poems were published. To say that they are beautiful is not enough. Though redolent of the open country, where most of them were written; though composed while doing housework, as was Ariadne; or in the saddle, like the Horseback ride, --the best element in them is the frank, generous, cordial, winning personality which pervades them all. We find, too, evidences, that below the dashing and piquant exterior there was growing up an intense sympathy with the most earnest and strenuous spirits. Already the mutterings of the distant thunder were heard, mellowed by distance, but clear enough to hush the chattering of the bobolinks, and the scream of the blue-jays. Thus the lines To
wall of Bethshon and buried them under a tree. Moses was buried in a valley in the land of Moab; Joseph, in a parcel of ground in Shechem; Eleazer, the son of Aaron, in a hill that pertained to Phinehas; and Manassah, with Amon in the garden of Uzza. The planting of rose-trees upon graves is an ancient custom: Anacreon says that it protects the dead ; and Propertius indicates the usage of burying amidst roses. Plato sanctioned the planting of trees over sepulchres, and the tomb of Ariadne was in the Arethusian Groves of Crete. The Catacombs of Thebes were excavated in the gorges of forest-clad hills, on the opposite bank of the Nile; and those of Memphis were beyond the lake Acherusia, from which the Grecian mythologists derived their fabulous accounts of the Elysian Fields. There it was supposed the souls of the virtuous and illustrious retired after death, and roamed through bowers forever green, and over meadows spangled with flowers, and refreshed by perennial streams.
James Russell Lowell, Among my books, Spenser (search)
hundred naked maidens lily-white, All ranged in a ring and dancing in delight. All they without were ranged in a ring, And danced round; but in the midst of them Three other ladies did both dance and sing, The while the rest them round about did hem, And like a garland did in compass stem. And in the midst of these same three was placed Another damsel, as a precious gem Amidst a ring most richly well enchased, That with her goodly presence all the rest much graced. Look how the crown which Ariadne wove Upon her ivory forehead that same day, That Theseus her unto his bridal bore, (When the bold Centaurs made that bloody fray, With the fierce Lapithes, that did them dismay) Being now placed in the firmament, Through the bright heaven doth her beams display, And is unto the stars an ornament, Which round about her move in order excellent; Such was the beauty of this goodly band, Whose sundry parts were here too long to tell, But she that in the midst of them did stand, Seemed all the re
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
Potomac it was placed under the direction of Major Eckert, who by his intelligence rendered the most important services. The field-telegraph was composed of a few wagons loaded with wire and insulators, which were set up during the march, sometimes upon a pole picked up on the road, sometimes on the trees themselves which bordered it; and the general's tent was hardly raised when the operator was seen to make his appearance, holding the extremity of that wire, more precious than that of Ariadne in the labyrinth of American forests. An apparatus still more portable was used for following the troops on the day of battle. This was a drum, carried on two wheels, around which was wound a very slender copper wire enveloped in gutta-percha. A horse attached to the drum unwound the wire, which, owing to its wrapper, could be fastened to the branches of a tree, trailed on the ground, or laid at the bottom of a stream. A way-station was established wherever the drum stopped, even in the
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Old ships and ship-building days of Medford. (search)
ivateer from capturing the New Galen, but was not able to capture her, the Frenchman outsailing him. Columbian Centinel. Other Medford-built ships reported at Mediterranean ports in 1810 are the Commerce Columbian Centinel. at Cadiz. The Ariadne Columbian Centinel. at Cadiz. The Commerce April 27, 1810, sailed from Palermo for Tarragona. The Mt., Aetna at Fayal. The brig Mt. Aetna, one hundred and eighty-eight tons, was the first vessel built in Medford at the yard of Thatcher Magee, to sail in three or four weeks. The Gipsey, also, was built in 809 at the yard of Thatcher Magoun, for Joseph Lee, Jr., of Boston. May 8, 1810. Sailed brig Gipsey, Pulcifer for India; passenger, Capt. George Lee. August 28, 1810. The Ariadne, arrived at New York from Gottenburg, was detained off the Scaw by a Danish gunboat, but permitted to proceed after a strict examina ion. Medford ship building started at the height of the prosperity of the Northwest trade. The European trad
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 26., Old ships and ship-building days of Medford. (search)
June 18, 1812. American vessels were allowed to trade with Europe as usual, although not with Great Britain. Many of them carried supplies which were directed to Spanish ports for use by the British armies against our allies, the French. The Ariadne Ariadne. See Chapter II. is reported as taking a cargo of provisions to Cadiz under British license after obtaining informal permission of the Attorney General Bryant and Sturgis, M. S., Vol. 1811, p. 122. and the Secretary of the Treasury. Ariadne. See Chapter II. is reported as taking a cargo of provisions to Cadiz under British license after obtaining informal permission of the Attorney General Bryant and Sturgis, M. S., Vol. 1811, p. 122. and the Secretary of the Treasury. Congress permitted this trade until the crops of 1812 had been marketed. Morison. Maritime History of Massachusetts. The ship Medford is reported as follows: Boston Tue. Apr. 30, 1813 ar. ship Medford, Capt'n Hall, Cadiz 42 days. Spoke nothing. Sunday at 3 P. M. Cape Cod, was boarded from the privateer brig Sir John Sherbrook detained a few hours and permitted to proceed. A number of persons captured in a previous prize were transferred to the Medford. Many merchant vessels were tu
ision; this clime we have sought so long and vainly, and whither have fled all the lost summers of our youth, which we besought with tears to stay. A land of promise is that By-and by. In it we all have rich possessions, the anticipated enjoyment of which alone renders life tolerable. The past has proven a weary war; the present is full of thorus and beset with dangers, but in the golden By-and-by there is a recompense for all There the broken heart shall be healed, and the weary spirit find a rest. Who would sell his birth-right in this land? Though poverty, gloom and desolation environ us here, we have both wealth and health and loving friends in that fair clime. How eagerly we look for that island If it were laid down on any chart, no matter how distant, so that we knew it would surely come, we should be satisfied in the prospect. But no Ariadne comes to reveal its labyrinthine secrets, and we must rest content in its anticipation, and possess it only in our dreams.
y for saying that Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, K. C. B., in his ship the Nile, may be expected here from Halifax in the last week of the ensuing month. The A miral will be accompanied by a large fleet of British vessels and several French vessels of war. A man-of war may be expected with a middle month mail from Halifax, and it is probable she will bring further notice relative to the Admiral's movements. The squadron is subsequently destined for Mexico, in company with a French and Danish fleet. The following ships-of-war, English and French, were at Halifax on the 17th inst., English--Nile, 29, (flag ship,) Capt. Barnard; St. George, 86, Capt. Hon. F. Egerton; Mersey, 40, Capt. Caldwell, C. B., Ariadne, 26, Capt. Vansittart; Jason, 21, Captain Von Donop; Diadem, 32. Capt. Cockburn; Immortalite, 51, Capt. Hancock; Nimble, 5, Lieut Com. D' Arcy; Racer, 11, Commander Lyons; Rinaldo, 17, Commander Hewitt. French.--Gassendi, Bellone, (flag ship,) Foudre, Prony.
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