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Magenta (Italy) (search for this): article 12
ty of the churches, will take severe measures if the clergy continue their attacks on the laws and institutions of the country, and endeavor to disturb the public order. The brigands in the country between Concolla and Nola had made propositions to surrender. Austria. The magistrates of Pesth had tendered their resignation. A few functionaries will remain in office a fortnight longer to transact the most urgent business. Prussia. A grand ball was given by the Duke of Magenta, in honor of the coronation at Berlin, on the 30th. The occasion was one of great magnificence. The King and Queen attended. Poland. It was stated that General Lambert's departure from Warsaw was not on account of ill health, but in consequence of a summons to St. Petersburg, to report on the affairs of Poland. Turkey. The Motenegrina had fired some Turks' residences. Ragusa inhabitants has fled for refuge. Accounts from Turkey state that the question of the cotton
Plymouth, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 12
urks' residences. Ragusa inhabitants has fled for refuge. Accounts from Turkey state that the question of the cotton capacities of that country is being agitated again, and say also that the investigations are favorable. South America. Additional telegrams by the Brazil steamer via Lisbon, report that I rquiza had been defeated, with a loss of artillery wagons and 600 prisoners. Gen. Midial was preparing to attack Rosa. Rio Janeiro and Cape of Good Hope mails had reached Plymouth. The slave trade was brisk on the East coast. Business at the Cape was considerably improved. The clip of wool promised to be one of the best ever known. Intelligence from Doctors Livingstone and McKenzie, to the 15th of May, had been received. A terrible massacre had occurred in Norman's Land. The latest news. It was rumored that Krell, with all his forces, was about to re-enter the Transkran Territory. The London money market was extremely easy, but
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): article 12
The Paris Potric says that the Convention relative to Mexico will be announced to the American Government, with an inviof the expedition is to constitute a strong Government for Mexico. Two first class British men-of-war are ordered to beIf the old Union had lasted, the extension of slavery over Mexico would have been certain after a few years. Now, however, from reliable quarters that the projected intervention in Mexico is conceived with ulterior views. The time must come whene suspension was taking place. The expedition against Mexico. Six companies of the First Regiment of Marines had been selected to form part of the expedition to Mexico. The frigate Laguerriere had received final instructions, and would said for Mexico about the 4th of November. The Allied fleet at Halifax to sail for Bermuda and the Gulf. [From thes movements. The squadron is subsequently destined for Mexico, in company with a French and Danish fleet. The follow
Dublin (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 12
The steamship North Briton is the last of the season to Quebec. The political news is unimportant. The Times has published Mr. W. Furnard's account of his arrest on landing from the City of Washington at New York, but without any important comments. The Times also notices the arrest of another British subject, Mr. Cornellus Nilford, on landing from the Niagara at Boston. The statistics of exports shows a great increase of British goods to France. The sensation trial, in Dublin, of the cabdriver, Curran, charged with a wanton outrage on Miss Jolly, resulted in a verdict of guilty. He was sentenced to two years penal servitude. The steamship Edinburg sailed for New York on the 30th. She took £14,000 in specie. The American Government steamer James Adger, which put into Queenstown on the 30th, short of coal, had sailed again. Her destination was not stated. The Niagara arrived out on the 27th. The Norwegian arrived out on the 28th. The Cit
Maroc (Morocco) (search for this): article 12
continued decrease in exports. Queen Victoria would shortly visit the Duke of Newcastle at Clumber. It is stated that a pamphlet had appeared in Paris calling on the American government to take military precautions against French invasion. It was rumored, but denied, that France had made overtures to Austria for the session of Venetia. A Brussels dispatch to Turin announces the recognition of the Kingdom of Italy by Belgium. The basis of the treaty between Spain and Morocco, for the settlement of the war indemnity, had been finally arranged. The Austrian Government had resolved to re-establish a Hungary in Administration, which will carry out Government intentions in every way. The United States steamer Saginaw was at Japan. European View. The London Times publishes a long letter from Hon. Theodore S. Fay, American Minister to Switzerland, which is mainly devoted to a refutation of Earl Russell's late speech at Newcastle, in which he (Earl Rus
Denmark (Denmark) (search for this): article 12
ty for saying that Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, K. C. B., in his ship the Nile, may be expected here from Halifax in the last week of the ensuing month. The A miral will be accompanied by a large fleet of British vessels and several French vessels of war. A man-of war may be expected with a middle month mail from Halifax, and it is probable she will bring further notice relative to the Admiral's movements. The squadron is subsequently destined for Mexico, in company with a French and Danish fleet. The following ships-of-war, English and French, were at Halifax on the 17th inst., English--Nile, 29, (flag ship,) Capt. Barnard; St. George, 86, Capt. Hon. F. Egerton; Mersey, 40, Capt. Caldwell, C. B., Ariadne, 26, Capt. Vansittart; Jason, 21, Captain Von Donop; Diadem, 32. Capt. Cockburn; Immortalite, 51, Capt. Hancock; Nimble, 5, Lieut Com. D' Arcy; Racer, 11, Commander Lyons; Rinaldo, 17, Commander Hewitt. French.--Gassendi, Bellone, (flag ship,) Foudre, Prony.
Turquie (Turkey) (search for this): article 12
magnificence. The King and Queen attended. Poland. It was stated that General Lambert's departure from Warsaw was not on account of ill health, but in consequence of a summons to St. Petersburg, to report on the affairs of Poland. Turkey. The Motenegrina had fired some Turks' residences. Ragusa inhabitants has fled for refuge. Accounts from Turkey state that the question of the cotton capacities of that country is being agitated again, and say also that the investigatioTurkey state that the question of the cotton capacities of that country is being agitated again, and say also that the investigations are favorable. South America. Additional telegrams by the Brazil steamer via Lisbon, report that I rquiza had been defeated, with a loss of artillery wagons and 600 prisoners. Gen. Midial was preparing to attack Rosa. Rio Janeiro and Cape of Good Hope mails had reached Plymouth. The slave trade was brisk on the East coast. Business at the Cape was considerably improved. The clip of wool promised to be one of the best ever known. Intelligence from Doctors Livi
Manchester (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 12
e cabdriver, Curran, charged with a wanton outrage on Miss Jolly, resulted in a verdict of guilty. He was sentenced to two years penal servitude. The steamship Edinburg sailed for New York on the 30th. She took £14,000 in specie. The American Government steamer James Adger, which put into Queenstown on the 30th, short of coal, had sailed again. Her destination was not stated. The Niagara arrived out on the 27th. The Norwegian arrived out on the 28th. The City of Manchester arrived out on the 30th. She broke her shaft after leaving Queenstown for Liverpool, but was safely towed to the latter point. France. The Moniteur publishes a paragraph relative to controversies on government policy in journals generally supposed to speak under government inspiration. It says such publications are only self-inspired, and announces that it alone is the sole organ of the policy of the Government, and that no semi-official journals exist in France. The Paris
United States (United States) (search for this): article 12
Hungary in Administration, which will carry out Government intentions in every way. The United States steamer Saginaw was at Japan. European View. The London Times publishes a long letton of slavery in its relation to the existing contest, asserts that the recognition of the Confederate States and peaceable separation will accomplish everything which the Northern anti-slavery party "For our own part, we, as Englishmen, shall be glad to see the establishment of the Confederate States, simply because the political power of the slave-owners will be so much less than of yore.lic, which was so completely founded on principles of slavery, as is the Government of the Confederate States, and which was moreover able to propagate slavery by aggressions it which the ConfederateConfederate States alone can never venture." At a conservative demonstration at Worcester Earl Shrewsbury, in allusion to American affairs, said they saw democracy on its trial and how it failed. He thoug
Poland (Poland) (search for this): article 12
night longer to transact the most urgent business. Prussia. A grand ball was given by the Duke of Magenta, in honor of the coronation at Berlin, on the 30th. The occasion was one of great magnificence. The King and Queen attended. Poland. It was stated that General Lambert's departure from Warsaw was not on account of ill health, but in consequence of a summons to St. Petersburg, to report on the affairs of Poland. Turkey. The Motenegrina had fired some Turks' residePoland. Turkey. The Motenegrina had fired some Turks' residences. Ragusa inhabitants has fled for refuge. Accounts from Turkey state that the question of the cotton capacities of that country is being agitated again, and say also that the investigations are favorable. South America. Additional telegrams by the Brazil steamer via Lisbon, report that I rquiza had been defeated, with a loss of artillery wagons and 600 prisoners. Gen. Midial was preparing to attack Rosa. Rio Janeiro and Cape of Good Hope mails had reached Plymouth. T
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