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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
to strengthen my command. I found no available force there, however. The forces thus assembled were, the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth, Thirteenth, and Twenty-seventh Virginia, Second and Eleventh Mississippi and Fourth Alabama regiments of infantry, and a Maryland and a Kentucky battalion; four companies of artillery (Virginia), with four guns each, but without caissons, horses, or harness; and the First Regiment of Virginia Cavalry--of about two hundred and fifty men, including Captain Turner Ashby's company, temporarily attached to it by Colonel Jackson--in all, about five thousand two hundred effective men. Among the superior officers were several who subsequently rose to high distinction : Stonewall Jackson; A. P. Hill, who won the grade of lieutenant-general; Stuart, matchless as commander of outposts; and Pendleton, General Lee's commander of artillery. These troops were undisciplined, of course. They were also badly armed and equipped-several regiments being without a
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter3 (search)
d in the Rebellion record, that, on the 16th of October, General Geary ascertained that the Eighth Virginia and Thirteenth and Eighteenth Mississippi infantry, and Ashby's cavalry regiments, were at Harper's Ferry, and, crossing the Potomac at that point with ten companies of Federal infantry, attacked, defeated, and drove them off. Ashby was not under my command, so that I cannot assert that his regiment was not at Harper's Ferry at the time specified; but the three infantry regiments named belonged to Evans's brigade, of the Army I commanded, and to my certain knowledge were no nearer Harper's Ferry on the 16th than on the 21st of October. If Ashby was eAshby was ever defeated at Harper's Ferry, I believe that he died unconscious of the fact; and, under the circumstances, Confederate soldiers may reasonably doubt the occurrence, not merely of the victory claimed, but of any serious engagement. On the 21st, Evans's brigade, near Leesburg, was attacked by a detachment of Federal troops, co
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
hospital even, and of course there are no arms for recruits. I shall not, under such circumstances, permit the expense of recruiting to be incurred, without additional orders. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarters, Centreville, January 28, 1862. Major-General Jackson, Commanding Valley District, Winchester. General: I have to-day received your letters of 21st and 24th. I regret to be unable to reenforce you. May not your own cavalry--Colonel Ashby's regiment — be concentrated and used for the purpose for which you apply to me for cavalry ? I am an enemy to much distribution of troops. May not yours be brought together-so posted, that is to say, that you may be able to assemble them all to oppose an enemy coming from Harper's Ferry, Williamsport, or the northwest? Should the report given by General Hill prove to be correct, it would be imprudent, it seems to me, to keep your troops dispersed as they now are. Do you not think