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the. A lathe in which the work is held by a socket or grasping device attached to the revolving mandrel of the head-stock. It is used for turning short work such as cups, spools, balls, and a great variety of ornamental and useful articles. See chuck. Churn. A vessel in which milk or cream is agitated to induce the separation of the oily globules from the other portions. The ancient mode of making butter was probably the same as practiced by the Bedouin Arabs and the Moors in Barbary at the present day. The cream is placed in a goat-skin and agitated by hand or by treading it with the feet. The butter and honey mentioned by Isaiah VII. 15, is to this day an article of food in the East. The butter and honey are mixed and the bread dipped in it. The word chamea, rendered butter in our translation of the Bible, seems to have referred to several forms of milk and its productions, such as sweet or sour milk, cream, thick milk, curd, or butter. The latter is perhaps t
observances; for the embalming of bodies was of this character, and was under the control of the priests. c is the knife as represented in the Egyptian hieroglyphics. d shows an old Egyptian butcher with his dismembering-knife, and his steel stuck into his belt. e f g are from Assyrian knives in the British Museum. In the Egyptian museum of the late Dr. Abbott, New York City, are several of the Egyptian knives of Ethiopic stone. The operation of circumcision is now performed in Barbary with an ordinary pair of scissors. The knives of ancient Egypt were usually of bronze, though blades of iron and steel were not unknown. Those of the latter metal have seldom, if ever, come down to our times, as they so readily rust and fall to pieces. They are, however, clearly distinguished from the bronze by being colored blue in the paintings of Byban el Molouk, the bronze being red or brown. Blue swords (steel) are shown in the paintings of Thebes. These old knives had tangs l
a staff. Mo-roc′co. A fancy leather tanned with sumach and dyed. Used for bookbinding, ladies' shoes, upholstering furniture, cushions, etc. The Saracens, on their expulsion from Spain, carried with them into Africa their art of preparing leather, and it is now named from the place to which the manufacture was then removed, — Morocco. True morocco leather is prepared from goat-skins, but sheep-skins are extensively used in the preparation of an inferior quality. The coast of Barbary yet yields a large supply of goat-skins for the morocco-leather manufacturers of France and England. For some centuries the principal supply was from the Levant, which still yields a large quantity of goat-skins and morocco leather. The operations in the manufacture of morocco are substantially similar to those through which hides for upper leather are passed. The unhairing, process is followed by treatment in a tumbling cylinder in which the hides are agitated and beaten to remove
the workman, traveling upon the seeds which are placed in the trough below. The oil procured from the bruised seeds by heat and pressure is added to vegetable oil and wax to the required consistence for candles. Oil-mills. Olive-mill of Barbary. A (Fig. 3382) illustrates a mill for crushing seeds preparatory to extracting the oil therefrom by pressure. The seeds are fed from the hopper a by a roller b, the amount being regulated by an adjustable plate, and pass between the crushinjustable bearings, so that the distance between them may be varied. The larger roller is driven by belt and pulley, and has a spurgear which moves the smaller one. B shows a mill, heater, and press combined. Fig. 3383 is the olive-mill of Barbary. Oil-of-brick. An empyreumatic oil used by lapidaries as a vehicle for emery, by which precious stones are sawn or cut. The brick is soaked in oil and subjected to distillation at a high temperature. Oil-paint′ing. The process of
ne or sulphuric acid in solution; wash in clean water, scented with rose or orange-flower water, and dry. Many varieties of sponge are found in warm seas, but that of commerce is almost exclusively derived from the Grecian Archipelago, Syria, Barbary, and the West Indies. The Syrian or Turkish, also known as toilet sponge, is most esteemed. Next in value, and closely resembling it, is that from the Grecian Archipelago. Coarser varieties, valuable on account of their firmness and tenacity, come from Greece and Barbary. That from the West Indies is harsher, coarser, and less durable than the Mediterranean kinds. On the Barbary coast sponge-fishing is most actively prosecuted during the months of December, January, and February; at other seasons the places where the sponges grow are overgrown with sea-weeds, which are swept away by the storms occurring in November and December. The summer fisheries are conducted in shallower water by divers or by wading; the produce is less
aling over of wounds, and protuberances, from whatever cause, which twist or warp the grain from its straight course. Table of woods (Eastern U. S. means East of Rocky Mountains). Name of Tree.Botanical Name.Native Place, or where chiefly grown.Qualities, Uses, etc. AcaciaAcacia proxima mordiWarm climatesHard, tough. Shipbuilding, gum, tanning. AlderAlnus glutinosa, etc.Europe, etc.Hard. Cogs, pumps, wooden shoes, spoons, turnery. AlmondAmygdalus communisSouth of Europe, Syria, BarbaryHard. Tool-handles, cogs, pulleys, etc. AmboineW. coast of AfricaFancy tables and boxes. ApplePyrus malusAmerica & EuropeMedium. Turnery, ornamental cabinet-work, etc. Apple (Am. crab)Pyrus coronariaEastern U. S.Hard, light red. Turnery. Arbor vitaeThuja occidentalis etc.Temperate climesSoft. Carpentry, etc. AshFraxinus excelsiorBritain, etc.Hard, tough. Handles, turnery, hoops, machine-work. Ash (black)Fraxinus sambucifoliaEastern U. S.Hard, very lasting. Hoops. splints, etc. A