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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Barton or search for Barton in all documents.

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June 17, 1863. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that since mailing my despatch, No. 316, I have received further details of the capture of the Atlanta, sent, through the kindness of Colonel Barton, by telegraph from Fort Pulaski. The Atlanta, Captain William Webb, came down this morning, via Wilmington River, to attack our vessels in Warsaw Sound, accompanied by two wooden steamers, filled, it is said, with persons as spectators. Tsecured by Engineer J. G. Young, and the vessel backed off into deep water, when she was brought to an anchor. The wounded, sixteen in number, were removed to the steamer Island City, which had been kindly brought over from Fort Pulaski by Colonel Barton, United States army. The officers of the vessel were sent to the tug Oleander, and a portion of the crew to the United States steamer Cimerone, for transportation to Port Royal. The Atlanta was found to have mounted two six-inch and two s
ttysburgh. On Monday, July sixth, I left Washington for Baltimore to meet yourself and Mr. Knapp. Upon consultation, it was deemed advisable that I should proceed at once to Gettysburgh. In company, therefore, with Mr. Bullard, Mr. Murray, Mr. Barton, and two Germans, sent to our aid by Mr. Hitz, of Washington, I left Baltimore on Monday evening, upon a freight-train, containing two loaded cars for the Commission. Heavy trains, heavy grades, delays of all kinds, prevented us from reachinhool-house, and the presence of Messrs. Johnson, Biddle, Edgerly, Hoag, Gall Paige, and Hovey, (relief agents,) at our storehouse in the town. The lodge established, I left it in change of Mr. O. C. Bullard, who was assisted by Mr. Murray and Mr. Barton, and the Germans from Washington, and reported to Dr. Bellows. The next day our store-house was given up to the Provost-Marshal, and another room on Baltimore street was by his permission taken. The latter place, the store of Messrs. Fahnes
-General John C. Pemberton, Pa.; Major-General Stevenson, Ala.; Major-General Martin Luther Smith, La.; Major-General Forney, Ala.; Major-General Bowen, Mo.; Brigadier-General Lee,----; Brigadier-General Moore, La.; Brigadier-General Hebert, La.; Brigadier-General Abraham Buford, Ky.; Brigadier-General Schoepff; Brigadier-General Baldwin; Brigadier-General Harris, Tenn.; Brigadier-General Vaughan, Mo. ; Brigadier-General Taylor; Brigadier-General Cummings; Brigadier-General Gardner; Brigadier-General Barton; Brigadier-General Withers, La. Pemberton, as is well known, is a Philadelphian by birth, who early in life married a Southern lady, and has since cast his lot with that section. He has been a trusted friend of Jeff Davis, and was by him intrusted with the special defence of Vicksburgh. He denies having made the speech attributed to him about the last dog, etc. It must have been invented probably by Johnston, and published to raise the hopes of his army. General Forney is an
of the afternoon and the evening, General Strong rode to the front and ordered his brigade, consisting of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, Colonel Shaw, (colored regiment,) the Sixth Con necticut, Colonel Chatfield, the Forty-eighth New-York, Colonel Barton, the Third New-Hampshire, Colonel Jackson, the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania and the Ninth Maine, Colonel Emery, to advance to the assault. At the instant, the line was seen slowly advancing in the dusk toward the Fort, and before a double-quic assault General Strong gallantly rode at its head. When it fell back, broken, torn, and bleeding, Major Plimpton of the Third New-Hampshire was the highest commissioned officer to command it. General Strong, Colonel Shaw, Colonel Chatfield, Colonel Barton, Colonel Green, Colonel Jackson, all had fallen; and the list I send you will tell how many other brave officers fell with them. Stories are flying about that this regiment and that regiment broke and run; that but for the frightened Fifty-f