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Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Battle or search for Battle in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Captain James M. Garnett, ordnance officer Rodes's division, 2d corps, army of Northern Virginia. (search)
outflanked, gave way, and we were only saved from great disaster by Battle's brigade of our division (which the General had directed me to ordg everything before it. As soon as I had delivered the order to General Battle, hearing the rest of our division become engaged, in obedience hem all good-bye, and spent the night at division Headquarters, General Battle being in command. Moved at four yesterday morning to our old p, the Yankees fired into the rear-guard, which was two regiments of Battle's brigade, under General Ramseur himself, and that started the demo's Hill, getting there just in time to hear General Ramseur and General Battle speak. They informed the troops that reinforcements were coming, Kershaw's division and Rosser's cavalry brigade, and General Battle delivered two very good speeches, one to his brigade and one to Generaes's. When General Ramseur alluded to General Rodes, in speaking to Battle's brigade, I could not refrain from tears, and there were many othe
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.10 (search)
readers to consider what was said about this controverted question by the witness best qualified to know—General Bryan Grimes—who planned and commanded the last charge at Appomattox. I enclose, therefore, the following extract from Grimes's own report, or statement, published in 1879, and never questioned before his death. As stated by him, he was given by General Gordon the divisions of Walker and Evans in addition to his own division, which was composed of Phil Cook's Georgia brigade, Battle's Alabama brigade, Grimes's old brigade, and Cox's brigade. It is proper to state that General Grimes was not in the rear, but was with the line of battle and narrowly escaped being killed. All soldiers know how hard it is for an unmounted officer at one end of a long line of battle to know what is done at the other. Hence, it does not disparage Captain Kaigler's veracity or courage to assert that he, who was on the extreme left, could not know what was done on the right as well as moun
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Ordnance report of Grimes's division. (search)
officer of the division. To understand aright the foregoing report, it should be stated that Grimes's division (formerly Rodes's), consisted of four brigades, Battle's Alabama, Cook's Georgia, Cox's North Carolina, and Grimes's North Carolina, the last commanded by Colonel D. G. Coward. Battle's brigade comprised the 3d, 5tBattle's brigade comprised the 3d, 5th, 6th, 12th and 61st Alabama regiments; Cook's brigade, the 4th, 12th, 21st and 44th Georgia; Cox's brigade, the 1st , 2d, 3d, 4th, 14th and 30th North Carolina; Grimes's brigade, the 32d, 43d, 45th and 53d North Carolina regiments and the 2d North Carolina battalion, as large as some of the regiments. There were thus twenty reg(1887), of the Southern Historical Society Papers, containing the paroles of the army of Northern Virginia (pp. 237-271), we shall find that there were paroled in Battle's Alabama brigade, officers, 33; rank and file, 330; in Cook's Georgia brigade, officers, 28; rank and file, 320; in Cox's North Carolina brigade, officers, 51; r