Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 24, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Beauregard or search for Beauregard in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: June 24, 1863., [Electronic resource], Affairs at Vicksburg--Gen. Pemberton. (search)
oused at so great a cost. General Lee strongly recommended him to Jefferson Davis, Jefferson Davis gave him high rank and important employment upon the recommendation of Gen. Lee. Joseph E. Johnston desired to have him for chief of his staff. Beauregard declared that there was not a truer man or a braver soldier in the Confederate service. All would not do. He was still the object of unceasing censure, and when he was commanding at Charleston the firmness of President Davis alone prevented hiis camp, and his having said, or been reported to say, that if the enemy attacked Charleston in force, he should be compelled to evacuate it, as unquestionably he would have been in the then unprepared condition of the place, and as we learn Gen. Beauregard himself says he would Next came the engagements on the Big Black, for the ill-success of which he received all the blame, although he was attacked by troops four times as numerous as his own, while a portion of the latter shamefully abandone