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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
nd me to go home with her and attend a big country dance at old Mrs. Huling's. We would like to go, but have no driver, and could not leave our work at home — to say nothing of the state of our wardrobes. I had no time to rest after dinner, being obliged to take a long walk on business and having neither carriage-driver nor errand-boy. I was so tired at night that I went to bed as soon as I had eaten my supper. Aug. 25, Friday The Ficklens sent us some books of fashion brought by Mr. Boyce from New York. The styles are very pretty, but too expensive for us broken-down Southerners. I intend always to dress as well as my means will allow, but shall attempt nothing in the way of finery so long as I have to sweep floors and make up beds. It is more graceful and more sensible to accept poverty as it comes than to try to hide it under a flimsy covering of false appearances. Nothing is more contemptible than brokendown gentility trying to ape rich vulgarity — not even rich vulg
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 10: Sharpsburg and Fredericksburg. (search)
ed. General Lee says that heavy masses of the enemy again moved forward, being opposed by only four pieces of artillery, supported by a few hundreds of men rallied by General D. H. Hill, being parts of Walker's and R. H. Anderson's commands. Colonel John R. Cook, with the Twenty-seventh North Carolina, stood boldly in line without a cartridge. The firm front presented by this small force, and the well-directed fire of the artillery under Captain Miller of the Washington Artillery, and Captain Boyce's South Carolina Battery, checked the progress of the enemy, and in about an hour and a half he retired. Longstreet states that the only troops there were Cook's regiment, and that as he rode along he saw two pieces of Washington Artillery, but that there were not enough men to man them, and that he put his staff officers to work the guns, while he held their horses. During the battle McClellan held Fitz John Porter's corps, twelve thousand nine hundred and thirty men, with his cava
battery within the work. The contest still rages, and as both sides are throwing up earthworks, it seems as if we might find at the end of a few days our point gained and our lines advanced to a most commanding position. Our losses, I grieve to say, include several very fine officers. The total up to noon to-day, in this particular division, will amount to about three hundred in killed and wounded — perhaps forty of the former. Major Leander Fink was killed by a ball through the forehead. Colonel Melancthon Smith, an excellent soldier and a model gentleman, is dangerously and we fear mortally wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Reese, of the Thirty-first Illinois, is wounded in the arm. Lieutenant J. Clifford, of the Forty-fifth Illinois, is wounded severely. Captain Boyce and Adjutant Frohok, of the same regiment, are wounded also. There are some others, removed to the general hospital, whose names I cannot send at present. See Report of General Grant, page 142, Docs. ante.
d National officers. The next day they were all started to Richmond. The morning after their arrival there Messrs. Bocock and Pryor, of Virginia, and Keitt and Boyce, of South Carolina, called upon Mr. Ely and stated that they should use their influence to secure his release. They made an application for this purpose to Jeff. that any action had been taken to punish the offenders by the rebel authorities. A few days before his release, Mr. Ely was again visited by Messrs. Bocock and Boyce, who stated that they intended to use their efforts to get him exchanged for Mr. Faulkner. The following day he saw announced in a Richmond paper that Mr. Faulknein exchange for himself Mr. Ely, or, in the event of failing, to return to Fort Warren. He could hardly credit this, as he thought, had it been a fact, Bocock and Boyce would have been aware of it; but as each additional day's intelligence announced the progress of Mr. Faulkner, he became convinced that his release was near at han
ny of our men fell at the guns and along the line forward, to the rearward of the battery and its right flank. The contest was very unequal and trying. It raged for some time, but at this critical juncture, the Louisiana batteries came up gallantly at the double-quick, under its skilful officer, Lieut.-Col. McHenry. By the guidance of Major Hudson, of Smith's battalion, it formed on the right of that corps, facing the marsh. The reinforcement and its galling fire disheartened the foe. Capt. Boyce, with one gun of light artillery, began to play on his rear. He began to fall back, fairly beaten off. While the struggle was progressing, immediately on the rear right flank of the battery against these three regiments, a formidable force of the foe attempted, by passing further out to the west, to gain the rear of our position. But in skirting a wood, they came upon the advancing lines of the Eutaw regiment, Col. Simonton, who had come two miles. Declaring they were friends, not to sh
n four hundred yards of the enemy's position, where I formed my men in order of battle. Finding myself discovered by the enemy, I determined to charge at once, and dividing my command into two columns, ordered the left, composed of Captains Clough of Green's regiment, McDade of Waller's battalion, Hamilton of Perudtree's battalion, and Blair of Second Louisiana cavalry, to charge the fort and camp below and to the left of the depot, and the right, composed of Captains Price, Carrington, and Boyce, all of Baylor's Texas cavalry, to charge the fort and sugarhouse, above and on the right of the depot, both columns to concentrate at the railroad buildings, at which point the enemy were posted in force and under good cover. Each column having nearly the same distance to move, would arrive simultaneously at the point of concentration. Everything being in readiness, the command was given, and the troops moved on with a yell. Being in full view, we were subjected to a heavy fire from th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 9.91 (search)
h South Carolina. 4th S. C. Battalion. (?) Palmetto (S. C.) Sharpshooters. Pickett's Brigade. Colonel Eppa Hunton. 8th Virginia. 18th Virginia. 19th Virginia. 28th Virginia. 56th Virginia. Evans's brigade. An independent brigade. On August 30th Evans commanded Hood's division as well as his own brigade. Brigadier-General N. G. Evans. Colonel P. F. Stevens. 17th South Carolina. 18th South Carolina. 22d South Carolina. 23d South Carolina. Holcombe (South Carolina) Legion. Boyce's S. C. Bat., (Macbeth Artillery.) Artillery of the right wing. Washington (La.) Artillery. Colonel J. B. Walton. Eshleman's 4th Company. Miller's 3d Company. Richardson's 2d Company. Squires's 1st Company. Lee's Battalion. Colonel S. D. Lee. Eubank's Virginia Battery. Grimes's Virginia Battery. Jordan's Va. Bat., (Bedford Artillery.) Parker's Virginia Battery. Rhett's South Carolina Battery. Taylor's Virginia Battery. Miscellaneous Batteries. Huger's Virginia Battery. At
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 13: Sharpsburg or Antietam (search)
ion of their men. There were no troops near to hold the centre except a few hundred rallied from various brigades. The Yankees crossed the old road which we had occupied in the morning and occupied a corn-field and orchard in advance of it. They had now got within a few hundred yards of the hill which commanded Sharpsburg, and our rear. Affairs looked very critical. I found a battery concealed in a corn-field, and ordered it to move out and open upon the Yankee columns. This proved to be Boyce's S. C. battery. It moved out most gallantly, although exposed to a direct and reverse fire from the long-range artillery across the Antietam. A caisson exploded, but the battery unlimbered, and with grape and canister drove the enemy back. [Boyce fired 70 rounds of canister, and lost 19 men and 15 horses.] I was now satisfied that the Yankees were so demoralized that a single regiment of fresh men could drive the whole of them in our front across the Antietam. I got up about 200 men w
as received, was that the schooner Atlas had just; returned from Malagas Island, where she had been with water and vegetables for men collecting guano there. Captain Boyce, the master of the Atlas, reported that he had himself actually seen the Alabama; a boat from the steamer had boarded his vessel, and he had been on board of her. His report of Captain Semmes corroborated that given by every one else. He said the Captain was most courteous and gentlemanly. He asked Captain Boyce to land thirty prisoners for him, in Table Bay, with which request Captain Boyce was unable to comply. Captain Semmes said that the Florida was also a short distance off the CCaptain Boyce was unable to comply. Captain Semmes said that the Florida was also a short distance off the Cape, and that the Alabama, when she had completed her repairs, and was cleaned and painted, would pay Table Bay a visit. He expected to be there, he said, very nearly as soon as the Atlas. Shortly after the Atlas arrived, a boat brought up some of the prisoners from Saldanha Bay, and among them one of the crew of the Alabama, who
made. The first reciprocating knife was in 1822. As to the mode of attaching the horses it was almost universally deemed necessary to hitch them behind the implement, which they pushed before them. Up to 1823 but four inventors hitched the team in front of the implement: one was in 1806; the others in 1820, 1822, 1823. As soon as this idea did occur to the inventors, they made the horse walk alongside the swath, cut by the knives, constituting what is known as the side cut. 1799. Boyce had a vertical shaft with six rotating scythes beneath the frame of the implement. This was the first patented reaper. 1800. Meares tried to adopt shears. 1805. Plucknett introduced a horizontal rotating circular blade. He had a score of followers, and the first machine used in this country, and patented by Bailey (Fig. 4200) in 1822 was of this character. Two machines by Smith, of Deanstone, in England, in 1811, and Scott, of Ormiston, in 1815, were made on this principle, were use
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