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rificed their lives for the country. Gen. De Kalb fell at Camden, covered with no less than eight wounds. Gen. Sigel had a right to expect to be supported by his countrymen. He was, there was no question, one of the ablest and best leaders of the army. The Germans in Missouri had been persecuted ever since the breaking out of the rebellion, because they had remained true to the Union. Without them Governor Jackson would have succeeded in wrenching the State of Missouri from the Union. (Bravo.) The speaker alluded to the slave question and slaves as contrabands, taking a radical view of the question. They should demand for Gen. Sigel such a position, in which he could be properly placed, to the advantage of the country, while this war is carried on. Mr. Weil Von Gernsbach was the next speaker, who gave an exposition of the bright military and private career of Gen. Sigel. He criticised, in a very sarcastic manner, the measures of certain military leaders and government offic