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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 8 (search)
d when over, a movement upon our flank is intended from the vicinity of Arlington Heights. This is truly a formidable enterprise, if true. We have not 70,000 effective men in Northern Virginia. The lady is in earnest-and remains here. I wrote down the above information and sent it to the President; and understood that dispatches were transmitted immediately to Gen. Johnston, by telegraph. The lady likewise spoke of a contemplated movement by sea with gun-boats, to be commanded by Burnside, Butler, etc. In the evening I met Mr. Hunter, and told him the substance of the information brought by the lady. He seemed much interested, for he knows the calm we have been enjoying bodes no good; and he apprehends that evil will grow out of the order of the Secretary of War, permitting all who choose to call themselves alien enemies to leave the Confederacy. While we were speaking (in the street) Mr. Benjamin came up, and told me he had seen the letter I sent to the President. He
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, X. January, 1862 (search)
headquarters are to be fixed at Nag's Head on the beach near Roanoke Island, reports that the force he commands is altogether inadequate to defend the position. Burnside is said to have 20,000 men, besides a numerous fleet of gun-boats; and Gen. Wise has but 3000 effective men. January 13 The department leaves Gen. Wise to tely of the U. S. Coast Survey, has returned from a tour of the coast of North Carolina, and has been commissioned a lieutenant by the Secretary of War. He says Burnside will take Roanoke Island, and that Wise and all his men will be captured. It is a man-trap. January 18 Gen. L. P. Walker, the first Secretary of War, is ans and others are going to Norfolk, thinking, as one remarked, if they can't go to the United States the United States will soon come to them. Many believe that Burnside will get Norfolk. I think differently, but I may be mistaken. January 22 Some of the letter-carriers' passports from Mr. Benjamin, which have the countena
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 12 (search)
vell, who came from New York since the battle of Manassas, is charged with the defense of the city. He delivered lectures, it is said, last summer on the defenses of New York — in that city. Have we not Southern men of sufficient genius to make generals of, for the defense of the South, without sending to New York for military commanders? February 3 We have intelligence of the sailing of an expedition from Cairo for the reduction of Fort Henry on the Tennessee River. February 4 Burnside has entered the Sound at Hatteras with his fleet of gun-boats and transports. The work will soon begin. February 5 I am sorry to hear that Gen. Wise is quite ill. But, on his back, as on his feet, he will direct operations, and the enemy will be punished whenever he comes in reach of him. February 6 The President is preparing his Inaugural Message for the 22d, when he is to begin his new administration of six years. He is to read it from the Washington Monument in Capitol Squ
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 17 (search)
e shall see how he will face a Stonewall! July 14 Jackson and Ewell and Stuart are after Pope, but I learn they are not allowed to attempt any enterprise for some weeks yet. Fatal error, I fear. For we have advices at the department that Pope has not now exceeding 20,000 men, but that all the rolling stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is ordered West to bring reinforcements. Besides, the United States Government is calling for 600,000 additional men. Then again, Mc-Clellan and Burnside will form a junction with Pope, and we will be outnumbered. But the President and Gen. Lee know best what is to be done. We have lost many of the flower of Southern chivalry in the late conflicts. July 15 Gen. Pendleton has given McClellan a scare, and might have hurt him if he had fired lower. He planted a number of batteries (concealed) on the south side of the river, just opposite the enemy's camp. The river was filled with gun-boats and transports. At a signal, all the guns w
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 18 (search)
ness to command. August 2 The Adjutant General, by order (I suppose of the President),is annulling, one after another, all Gen. Winder's despotic orders. August 3 There is a rumor that McClellan is stealing away from his new base and Burnside has gone up the Rappahannock to co-operate with Pope in his march to Richmond. August 4 Lee is making herculean efforts for an on to Washington, while the enemy think he merely designs a defense of Richmond. Troops are on the move, all tdestined to roll the dark clouds away from the horizon. August 19 Day and night our troops are marching; they are now beyond the right wing of Pope, and will soon be accumulated there in such numbers as to defy the combined forces of Pope, Burnside, and McClellan! August 20 We have now a solution of the secret of Pope's familiarity with the country. His guide and pilot is the identical Robt. Stewart who was sent here to the Provost Marshal-a prisoner. How did he get out? They say
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 19 (search)
eet! But the truth is, we lost 5000 and the enemy 20,000. At the next dawn Lee opened fire again — but, lo I the enemy had fled! September 21 We have one day of gloom. It is said that our army has retreated back into Virginia. September 22 There are rumors that only Jackson's corps recrossed the Potomac to look after a column of the enemy sent to recapture Harper's Ferry and take Winchester, our grand depot. September 23 Jackson, the ubiquitous and invincible, fell upon Burnside's division and annihilated it. This intelligence has been received by the President. We have, also, news from Kentucky. It comes this time in the New York Herald, and is true, as far as it goes. A portion of Buell's army, escaping from Nashville, marched to Mumfordsville, where Bragg cut them to pieces, taking 5000 prisoners! It cannot be possible that this is more than half the truth. The newsboys are selling extras in the streets containing these glorious accounts. September
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XX. November, 1862 (search)
an has been removed, and the command given to Burnside! He says, moreover, that this change has givMason. The first inclines to the belief that Burnside intends to embark his army for the south sidees advancing on Fredericksburg, and it may be Burnside's purpose to make that town his base of operabe lost. We shall soon have a solution of Burnside's intentions. Lee is in spirits. He knows B the ground is soft, and the mud deep; if so, Burnside cannot move on Richmond, and we shall have ti It rained all night, which may extinguish Burnside's ardent fire. He cannot drag his wagons anding military stores. The Northern press says Burnside is determined to force his way, directly fromrites the President that, on the 6th instant, Burnside had but seventy regiments; and the President seemed to credit it! The idea of Burnside advancing with seventy regiments is absurd. But how manyn advance of the army. His presence deceived Burnside, who took it for granted that our general was[1 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
hester by the enemy. The Northern papers say Burnside (who is not yet removed) will beat Lee on the alarming extent. This is the feast to which Burnside is invited. They are vaccinating the clerks ess of Lee, and really seem apprehensive that Burnside will not come over and fight him in a decisivattle. We shall soon see, now, of what stuff Burnside and his army are made. I feel some anxiety; nnock he can beat him anywhere. Doubtless Burnside has abandoned his heavy stores, siege guns, ehey never looked for any other termination of Burnside. The ladies say he is now charred all over. troyed. Nor do I believe Gen. Smith knew that Burnside would be defeated in time to send troops fromght I doubt not the Potomac will be closed to Burnside and his transports! During the first Revolutere are five wounded to one killed. But where Burnside is now, or what he will attempt next, no doub The Louisville Journal says the defeat of Burnside is sickening, and that this sad condition of [13 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXII. January, 1863 (search)
t at Washington that if they did not send forward larger supplies of stores to Burnside's army, he (Stuart) would not find it worth while to intercept them. Capt. the railroad and the bridges. They were brought hither after Lee's defeat of Burnside, for the protection of the capital! The President was away, and Mr. Seddon wson, however, will note important letters. It is said that Sumner's corps (of Burnside's army) has landed in North Carolina, to take Wilmington. We shall have news letter from Gen. Lee, dated the 5th inst., says he has not half as many men as Burnside, and cannot spare any. He thinks North Carolina, herself, will be able to expes a rumor yesterday that France had recognized us. The news of the disaster of Burnside at Fredericksburg having certainly been deemed very important in Europe. But sion crossed the Rappahannock, ten miles above Falmouth, several days ago. Burnside has issued an address to his army, promising them another battle immediately.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIII. February, 1863 (search)
our government on the best means of terminating the war; or, that failing, to propose some mode of adjustment between the Northwestern States and the Confederacy, and new combination against the Yankee States and the Federal administration. Burnside has at last been removed; and Franklin and Sumner have resigned. Gen. Hooker now commands the Federal Army of the Potomac--if it may be still called an army. Gen. R --, who knows Hooker well, says he is deficient in talent and character; and mps sent to North Carolina, than to retain them for the defense of Richmond, he must acquiesce. But he thinks Hooker will attempt the passage of the Rappahannock, at an early day, if the weather will admit of it. In regard to the last attempt of Burnside to cross his army (when he stuck in the mud), Gen. Lee says it was fortunate for the Federals that they failed to get over. No doubt he was prepared for their reception. Congress is doing nothing but voting money for themselves. The Presid
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