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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert 46 2 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 5 3 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 23, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 6: from Manassas to Leesburg. (search)
pon this statement is that I cannot recall ever having seen ont of them sick or ailing in any way, except when suffering from hunger or from wounds. At times they seemed about as rough as the bears they had hunted, yet they were withal simple-minded and tender-hearted boys, and at Fredericksburg hundreds of them became Christians. I knew almost every man in the brigade and often attended their religious meetings. Many a time, after I became adjutant of our battalion of artillery, Col. H. C. Cabell's, as I galloped past their lines awaiting the order to charge, my heart has been cheered and strengthened by a chorus of manly voices calling after me, God bless you, Brother Stiles, and cover your head in the day of battle! How could I help loving these simple, brave, great-hearted fellows. Early in December, 1861, General Evans was relieved of the command at Leesburg and sent, I think, to South Carolina, his native State, to take charge of some troops there, and Gen. D. H. Hill
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 10: Second Manassas-SharpsburgFredericksburg (search)
ly had not a second glance revealed a face of such commanding intellect and personal force that I said, If you will wait a moment, I'll see, and a moment later the very effusive meeting between Gibbes and himself, and Gibbes' introduction, to Colonel Cabell and myself, of Col. Edward Willis, of the Twelfth Georgia, made me very glad I had answered as I had. They had been at West Point together, I think, when the war broke out. Gibbes seated himself, tailor fashion, at one end of a large box of cI could recall them, and I have now conformed very closely to that memorandum. I never listened to more vivid delineation of strategy or of battle. He was thoroughly stirred while uttering it, and its impression upon us may be gathered from Colonel Cabell's words as he and Gibbes and I stood watching Willis as his figure disappeared in the thick pines: Stiles, there goes the only man I ever saw who, I think, by possibility might make another Jackson! In less than a month from that time he w
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 12: between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville (search)
l at Chancellorsville. One matter of very great importance which took shape between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville was the organization of our (Cabell's) battalion of artillery. It was made up of four batteries-ours, the First Company, Richmond Howitzers, of Virginia; Manly's Battery, of North Carolina; the Troupe Artillery and Frazier's Battery, of Georgia; and it included, at different times, from sixteen to eighteen guns, mostly brass Napoleons. Its commanding officer was Col. H. C. Cabell, a member of the historic and illustrious Virginia family of that name and a man every way worthy of his lineage. For eighteen months of the hottest part of the war I was the adjutant of Colonel Cabell, fighting by his side by day and sleeping by his side by night, eating and drinking often out of the same tin cup, lying upon the same oil cloth and covered with the same blanket-side by side, heart to heart, soul to soul. If ever I knew a man through and through, I knew him; and a
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 14: from the Rappahannock to the Potomac (search)
ing around with some battery. When my brother told me this, as he did when we next met, I was at once irritated and amused. It was after I had, with General Early's approval, gone back to the old battalion to serve as its adjutant, under Colonel Cabell. I did not happen to meet the general for some time, and meanwhile fortune had smiled upon me in many ways. I was located to my entire satisfaction, had a fine horse, was better dressed and equipped every way, and was feeling generally satiore, a bone of contention between the engineer troops and the artillery. Colonel Talcott would every now and then report my absence from duty and ask that I be ordered back to my post with his regiment, and this application being referred to Colonel Cabell, he would answer that it would be highly detrimental to the service to remove me, just at this time, from my position as acting adjutant of his battalion. As these papers had to pass through army headquarters, and in some instances even to
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 17: between Gettysburg and the Wilderness (search)
Army of Northern Virginia, and I am confident General Lee felt it very keenly. Some weeks after we had begun our winter's watch on the Rapidan, General Ewell, who was in command of the forces picketing the stream from Clark's Mountain down, received a message from General Lee that he would come down next day, bringing two or three general officers with him, and wished General Ewell, with two or three of his artillery officers, to ride with them along the lines. General Ewell notified Colonel Cabell and myself to be at his headquarters next morning, where we met General Lee, General Early, and Gen. John Pegram, and rode with them along the hills skirting the stream, discussing chiefly positions for artillery, until we came to a hill, over against Raccoon or Somerville Ford, where we had an exceptionally fine view of the Federal camps across the river. The party halted on the summit and General Lee was more stirred than I had ever before seen him. He either referred expressly to
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 18: Campaign of 1864-the Wilderness (search)
ese articles while a private soldier, certainly not after the first few months of the war. And even after I became an officer, as adjutant of the battalion, I never carried plate, knife, or fork with me on my horse after the campaign opened. Colonel Cabell and I often ate out of the same tin cup or frying pan. Indeed, I carried nothing on my horse save a pair of very contracted saddle pockets and the cape of my overcoat, and Colonel Cabell carried his pockets, his overcoat, and an oil cloth. WColonel Cabell carried his pockets, his overcoat, and an oil cloth. We slept together, lying on his oil cloth, he wearing his overcoat when cold, and both of us covered with my cape. Another feature of Willy Dame's account of the Howitzer good-by to winter quarters, at the opening of the campaign of 1864, is well worthy of record. He says that the very last public and general act of the men was, of their own account, to gather for a farewell religious service,--Bible reading, singing of a hymn, prayer, words of exhortation and cheer, --and that this meeting
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 19: Spottsylvania (search)
shed and his artillery captured. He wanted guns to stay the rout and steady his men, and he sent to the extreme left for Cabell's Battalion. I do not mean that the old battalion, or either of its batteries, was counted among the most brilliant arti. If I remember correctly, our other guns occupied positions on the line from which they could not be withdrawn. As Colonel Cabell and I rode ahead, as before mentioned in another connection, to learn precisely where the guns were to be placed, we been done, the opportunity was brief; later it became impracticable, and the guns were permanently lost. Barrett, Colonel Cabell's plucky little courier, rode almost into the works with us, and we had left our horses with him, close up, but in a had lost my pocket-knife, or some such trivial article of personal outfit, but difficult to replace; so, contrary to Colonel Cabell's advice-he didn't forbid my going — I went back on foot and in the dark to look, or feel, for it. I had no difficult
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 20: from Spottsylvania to Cold Harbor (search)
r having returned from the West) toward Beulah Church. Colonel Cabell received orders on the evening of the 31st of May, or . He was the first man I fell in with as I fell back, Colonel Cabell and little Barrett, his courier, being ahead of the co whip. On the instant I took my revenge, riding up to Colonel Cabell, taking off my hat with a profound bow, and asking whes; but we (lid so without serious mishap; so, perhaps, Colonel Cabell may have been more nearly right than I after all. The different one if this change had not been made. Under Colonel Cabell's instructions and with the aid of the division pioneet Cold Harbor was the worst place he was ever sent to. Colonel Cabell was necessarily a great part of the time at these headnout than on any other occasion during the entire war. Colonel Cabell insisted I should go back to our headquarters camp, whhis temperament, I answered quietly that I was adjutant of Cabell's Battalion of Artillery, and that the commanding officer
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 22: from Cold Harbor to evacuation of Richmond and Petersburg (search)
field, in the modified way in which he was sent near the close of the war, he more than once told me that every time he met one of his father's veteran fighting colonels he felt compromised at having the stars and wreath of a major-general on his collar. When I first went to Chaffin's, Colonel Hardaway, of the Field Artillery of the Army of Northern Virginia, was in command, but, as I remember, he left very soon. Some time before the end, Major Gibbes, who had served with our battalion (Cabell's) during a part of the campaign of 1864, was sent there, and of course ranked me; but for a considerable time I was in command of the post and of the battalion, and of course was greatly interested in becoming thoroughly acquainted with my duties and my men. They were splendid soldiers in external appearance and bearing. I had never seen anything approximating to them in the field. Their dress-parades, inspections, reports, salutes, bearing in the presence of officers and on guard wer
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
132, 143-44, 148-49, 219-20, 294-96. Burning of wounded men, 282 Burnside, Ambrose, 127, 134, 137, 163, 228, 258, 309 Burrows, John Lansing, 139 Burt, E. R., 64 Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 242, 310 Butterfield, Daniel, 211 Cabell, Henry Coalter, 65, 121, 124, 154-57, 186-87, 230, 232, 243, 259, 264, 270-73, 276-77, 280 Cabell's Artillery Battalion, 55, 65, 120, 154, 258, 268, 270-73, 281, 312 Callaway, Morgan, 230-31, 270, 272, 275, 280-83, 297-99, 302 Camp equippage, Cabell's Artillery Battalion, 55, 65, 120, 154, 258, 268, 270-73, 281, 312 Callaway, Morgan, 230-31, 270, 272, 275, 280-83, 297-99, 302 Camp equippage, 46-47, 158, 242-43. Camp Lee, Va., 74 Camp life, 46-49, 60-61, 68-71, 145- 46, 157-58, 170-72, 268-69. The campaigns of Gen. Robert E. Lee, 102, 307-308. Campbell, Alexander 279-80. Carlisle, Pa., 205-206. Carlton's Battery (Ga.). See--Troup Artillery (Ga.) Caroline County, Va., 127 Carrington, Edward, 34 Carter, Thomas Henry, 53, 91, 109 Cashtown, Pa., 207, 209 Causes of the war, 49-51. Centreville, Va., 59 Chaffin's Bluff, Va., 311-13, 316, 318, 321-22. Chambers
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