Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 24, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henry C. Carter or search for Henry C. Carter in all documents.

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The War. --The an Antonio Herald make mention of a speech delivered there by the eloquent Col. (Rev. Dr.) Carter, or the Texas Lancers. The Herald says: There was one point which Colonel Carte dwelt upon with much emphasis, and the was as to the character of the present war. I was a tremendous war — a war of far greater magnitude than most persons among as war in the habit of considering it. The North were compelled to fight, or they were ruined by the loss of territory and of trade. They knew this; and as they could only be ruined at the they would fight it out so long as there was the slightest hope of conquering us. The Colonel was of opinion that the only hope we have of making the war a short one would be found in our carrying on he was with far greater energy than we had hither's done.
shot under me whilst I was within 80 yards of the enemy. They captured our tents, old tin pans, &c. B. F. Brittain, Bv't 2d Lieut. of Capt. Brown's cavalry company. P. S.--Since the above was put in type, a citizen of Campbell county, in whose statement the utmost confidence may be placed, has arrived in this city. He went to Jacksboro', not knowing what was going on, was arrested by the Lincolnites, and released on parole. He states that the Federal forces consisted of Colonel Carter's regiment of East Tennessee renegades, part of an Indiana regiment, and a cavalry battalion; these had left Cumberland Ford with four day's rations, and made a forced march to Jacksboro'. The whole force amounted to about 1,500. They retired from Jacksboro' on Saturday. They had Lieutenant-Colonel White of our cavalry, and Captain Winston of the Sappers and Miners, prisoners. This is probably the same force that, according to our correspondents, some eight or ten days ago exhibit