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Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 15
ore discovered. The Memphis Avalanches says: It is understood that the Federal are committing gross excesses at Columbus, Ky., and that no great effort has been made to restrain them. Their insolence is intolerable, and they pillage and pilfer everything they can lay their hands on. This is by way of retaliation for the great dread in which they were long held from that point, and the scourging they received at Belmont. Mississippi We have good news from Mississippi. The planters are piling up their cotton and getting it ready for the faggot the moment the enemy advances. They are also sending their servants up the river to work on the fortifications; and they say they are ready to make any sacrifice the Government may require. From Arkansas. The Memphis papers learn that General Curtis is about to attack General Price, and that he is preparing to make a stand at Boston Mountain. What is to be done, may be expected of this brave and gallant officer.
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 15
n raid at Big Creek Gap — Tennessee river--Federal outrages, &c. we get the following intelligence from the latest Tennessee papers received: The affair at Big Creek Gap The Knoxville Register, of the 18th instant, says: The accoun Our force was composed of 40 men belonging to Capt. Brown's cavalry, and 45 belonging to Capt. McClary's 1st regiment Tennessee cavalry. The Federal report is, one Confederate killed, five wounded, and seven captured, including the wounded. We lthe Lincolnites, and released on parole. He states that the Federal forces consisted of Colonel Carter's regiment of East Tennessee renegades, part of an Indiana regiment, and a cavalry battalion; these had left Cumberland Ford with four day's ratio force numbered fifteen hundred. The "Union" vandals at work. The Lincolnites are again at their deviltry in East Tennessee. The Greeneville Banner says that on Monday night the telegraph wire was cut a mile west of that place, about three
Jacksboro (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 15
turns out that the first reports brought here by the fugitive cavalrymen from Jacksboro' were either greatly exaggerated or confused. The Confederate loss has dwindnt the utmost confidence may be placed, has arrived in this city. He went to Jacksboro', not knowing what was going on, was arrested by the Lincolnites, and release had left Cumberland Ford with four day's rations, and made a forced march to Jacksboro'. The whole force amounted to about 1,500. They retired from Jacksboro' on SJacksboro' on Saturday. They had Lieutenant-Colonel White of our cavalry, and Captain Winston of the Sappers and Miners, prisoners. This is probably the same force that, accon view of our garrison at Cumberland Gap. They seized 1,000 pair of shoes at Jacksboro', and cursed other commissary stores before retreating. They had, when they ack. The Register, of the 19th, says: We have no intelligence from Jacksboro', except such as confirms our yesterday's account of the Lincoln raid at that
Cumberland Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 15
part of an Indiana regiment, and a cavalry battalion; these had left Cumberland Ford with four day's rations, and made a forced march to Jacksboro'. The whole force amounted to about 1,500. They retired from Jacksboro' on Saturday. They had Lieutenant-Colonel White of our cavalry, and Captain Winston of the Sappers and Miners, prisoners. This is probably the same force that, according to our correspondents, some eight or ten days ago exhibited themselves in view of our garrison at Cumberland Gap. They seized 1,000 pair of shoes at Jacksboro', and cursed other commissary stores before retreating. They had, when they left, thirteen Confederate prisoners; had killed two, one of whom was a citizen. One of their men had been killed in the attack. The Register, of the 19th, says: We have no intelligence from Jacksboro', except such as confirms our yesterday's account of the Lincoln raid at that place. The enemy has probably deemed it prudent to beat a hasty retreat. Th
Big Creek Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 15
Affairs in the West. the Lincoln raid at Big Creek Gap — Tennessee river--Federal outrages, &c. we get the following intelligence from the latest Tennessee papers received: The affair at Big Creek Gap The Knoxville Register, oBig Creek Gap The Knoxville Register, of the 18th instant, says: The account of the capture of a large number of our cavalry by a Lincolnite force at Big Creek Gap. which appeared in our paper on Sunday last, has been shorn of its startling proportions by later and more authentic iBig Creek Gap. which appeared in our paper on Sunday last, has been shorn of its startling proportions by later and more authentic information. It turns out that the first reports brought here by the fugitive cavalrymen from Jacksboro' were either greatly exaggerated or confused. The Confederate loss has dwindled down from the capture of four cavalry companies to eight men andived in this city on yesterday morning: I see a statement in your paper of the 16th, concerning the skirmish at Big Creek Gap, between the Federal and Confederates, which took place on last Friday morning.--The article referred to is erroneous
Boston Mountain (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 15
re discovered. The Memphis Avalanches says: It is understood that the Federal are committing gross excesses at Columbus, Ky., and that no great effort has been made to restrain them. Their insolence is intolerable, and they pillage and pilfer everything they can lay their hands on. This is by way of retaliation for the great dread in which they were long held from that point, and the scourging they received at Belmont. Mississippi We have good news from Mississippi. The planters are piling up their cotton and getting it ready for the faggot the moment the enemy advances. They are also sending their servants up the river to work on the fortifications; and they say they are ready to make any sacrifice the Government may require. From Arkansas. The Memphis papers learn that General Curtis is about to attack General Price, and that he is preparing to make a stand at Boston Mountain. What is to be done, may be expected of this brave and gallant officer.
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): article 15
Affairs in the West. the Lincoln raid at Big Creek Gap — Tennessee river--Federal outrages, &c. we get the following intelligence from the latest Tennessee papers received: The affair at Big Creek Gap The Knoxville Register, of the 18th instant, says: The account of the capture of a large number of our cavalry by a Lincolnite force at Big Creek Gap. which appeared in our paper on Sunday last, has been shorn of its startling proportions by later and more authentic information. It turns out that the first reports brought here by the fugitive cavalrymen from Jacksboro' were either greatly exaggerated or confused. The Confederate loss has dwindled down from the capture of four cavalry companies to eight men and a few horses. We give below the statement of Lieutenant Brittain, of Captain Brown's company, an intelligent and reliable officer, who arrived in this city on yesterday morning: I see a statement in your paper of the 16th, concerning the skirmi
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 15
is but little doubt that their force numbered fifteen hundred. The "Union" vandals at work. The Lincolnites are again at their deviltry in East Tennessee. The Greeneville Banner says that on Monday night the telegraph wire was cut a mile west of that place, about three spans carried off and one post pulled down. This, no doubt was done by the same mob of Union men, engaged in the bridge burning-last summer. The same paper adds: Last week a lot of tories from Laurel, North Carolina, came into our county, (Greene,) and robbed several houses, taking all the money they could find and also some powder, telling some of the good citizens at the same time, that the next time they come back that they intended to burn their houses. This marauding party is a set of renegade Union men from our own county, headed by Capt. Dave Fry, the ring leading bridge-burner, who has always managed to commit his depredations and make his escape before discovered. The Memphis Avalanch
ore discovered. The Memphis Avalanches says: It is understood that the Federal are committing gross excesses at Columbus, Ky., and that no great effort has been made to restrain them. Their insolence is intolerable, and they pillage and pilfer everything they can lay their hands on. This is by way of retaliation for the great dread in which they were long held from that point, and the scourging they received at Belmont. Mississippi We have good news from Mississippi. The planters are piling up their cotton and getting it ready for the faggot the moment the enemy advances. They are also sending their servants up the river to work on the fortifications; and they say they are ready to make any sacrifice the Government may require. From Arkansas. The Memphis papers learn that General Curtis is about to attack General Price, and that he is preparing to make a stand at Boston Mountain. What is to be done, may be expected of this brave and gallant officer.
Henry C. Carter (search for this): article 15
shot under me whilst I was within 80 yards of the enemy. They captured our tents, old tin pans, &c. B. F. Brittain, Bv't 2d Lieut. of Capt. Brown's cavalry company. P. S.--Since the above was put in type, a citizen of Campbell county, in whose statement the utmost confidence may be placed, has arrived in this city. He went to Jacksboro', not knowing what was going on, was arrested by the Lincolnites, and released on parole. He states that the Federal forces consisted of Colonel Carter's regiment of East Tennessee renegades, part of an Indiana regiment, and a cavalry battalion; these had left Cumberland Ford with four day's rations, and made a forced march to Jacksboro'. The whole force amounted to about 1,500. They retired from Jacksboro' on Saturday. They had Lieutenant-Colonel White of our cavalry, and Captain Winston of the Sappers and Miners, prisoners. This is probably the same force that, according to our correspondents, some eight or ten days ago exhibit
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