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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 6 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays 2 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dix, John Adams, 1798-1879 (search)
Dr. Dix, No. 27 West Twenty-fifth street, New York. It was photographed in 1863 or 1864, and you, no doubt, have the facsimile thus made. Very truly yours, John A. Dix. General Dix was appointed major-general of volunteers May 16, 1861; commander at Baltimore, and then at Fort Monroe and on the Virginia peninsula; and in September, 1862, he was placed in command of the 7th Army Corps. He was also chosen president of the Pacific Railway Company. In 1866 he was appointed minister to France, which post he filled until 1869. He was elected governor of the State of New York in 1872, and retired to private life at the end of the term of two years, at which time he performed rare service for the good name of the State of New York. General Dix was a fine classical scholar, and translated several passages from Catullus, Virgil, and others into polished English verse. He made a most conscientious and beautiful translation of the Dies Irae;. He died in New York City, April 21, 1879.
is represented as cutting up a piece of cloth to make into garments, while two of her maidens are at work with their distaffs. The figure b is the more modern Italian. The distaff and spindle are referred to repeatedly in the Old Testament, and were the only known means of spinning in Egypt, Phoenicia, Arabia, India, Greece, and Rome. Distaff spinning and weaving are shown at Beni Hassan, in Egypt. The Greeks represented Minerva with a distaff as being the inventress of spinning. Catullus describes it clearly: — The loaded distaff in the left hand placed, With spongy coils of snow-white wool was graced; From these the right hand lengthening fibers drew, Which into thread 'neath nimble fingers grew. At intervals a gentle touch was given, By which the twirling whorl was onward driven. Then, when the sinking spindle reached the ground, The recent thread around its spire was wound; Until the clasp within its nipping cleft Held fast the newly finished length of weft. Dis-
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Sappho. (search)
th the outside of the lady's head, however it may have been with the inside. The most interesting intellectual fact in Sappho's life was doubtless her relation to her great townsman Alcaeus. These two will always be united in fame as the joint founders of the lyric poetry of Greece, and therefore of the world. Anacreon was a child, or perhaps unborn, when they died; and Pindar was a pupil of women who seem to have been Sappho's imitators, Myrtis and Corinna. The Latin poets Horace and Catullus, five or six centuries after, drew avowedly from these Aeolian models, to whom nearly all their metres have been traced back. Horace wrote of Alcaeus: The Lesbian poet sang of war amid the din of arms, or when he had bound the storm-tossed ship to the moist shore, he sang of Bacchus, and the Muses, of Venus and the boy who clings forever by her side, and of Lycus, beautiful with his black hair and black eyes. Carm. 1.32.5. But the name of the Greek singer is still better preserved to A
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, XI (search)
merit of authors,— indeed, the newspapers are just now saying that the late Mr. Tupper had a larger income from the sales of his works than Browning, Tennyson, and Lowell jointly received,—but it does not take so long to determine which among an author's works are the best; and it is probable that the Descent of Neptune in the Iliad, and the Vision of Helen in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus, and Sappho's famous ode, and the Birds of Aristophanes, and the Hylas of Theocritus, and the Sparrow of Catullus, and the De Arte Poetica of Horace were early recognized as being the same distinct masterpieces that we now find them. It is the tradition that an empress wept when Virgil recited his Tu Marcellus eris; and it still remains the one passage in the Aeneid that calls tears to the eye. After all, contemporary criticism is less trivial than we think. Philosophers, says Novalis, are the eternal Nile-gauges of a tide that has passed away, and the only question we ask of them is, How high water?
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, XVIII (search)
9 Thoreau7 Bancroft6 Allston5 Edwards, Motley (each)5 This list certainly offers to the reader some surprises in its details, but it must impress every one, after serious study, as giving a demonstration of real intelligence and catholicity of taste in the nation whose literature it represents. When, for instance, we consider the vast number of log cabins or small farmhouses where the name of Lincoln is a household word, while that of Emerson is as unknown as that of Aeschylus or Catullus, one cannot help wondering that there should have been as many books written—so far as this catalogue indicates—about the recluse scholar as about the martyr-president. The prominence of Washington and Franklin was to be expected, but that Longfellow should come so near Webster, and that both he and Hawthorne should distinctly precede Jefferson and Grant, affords surely some sensations of surprise. Again, there is something curious in the fact that Poe should stand bracketed, as they say
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book, Index (search)
7. Bridaine, Jacques, 215. Brougham, Henry, 224. Brown, Charles Brockden, 51. Brown, John, 16, 155. Brown, J. Brownlee, 104. Browning, Robert, 25, 54, 55, 98, 196. Bryant, W. C., 100, 147. Bryce, James, 120, 167, 211. Bulwer, see Lytton. Buntline, Ned, 199, 200. Burroughs, John, 114. Burton, Robert, 114. Byron, Lord, 178, 195, 217. C. Cable, G. W., 11, 67. Cabot, J. E., 175. Calderon, Serafin, 229, 232. Carlyle, Thomas, 37, 56, 197, 206, 217. Casanova, Jacques, 41. Catullus, 99. Cervantes, Miguel de, 229. Champlain, Samuel de, 192. Channing, E. T., 94 Channing, Walter, 214. Channing, W. E., 46, 66, 155. Channing, W. E. (of Concord), 103. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 179. Cherbuliez, Victor, 79. Chapelain, J., 91. Chaplin, H. W., 76. Chicago Anarchists, the, 68. Choate, Rufus, 213. Cicero, M. T., 4, 13,16, 171. City life, limitations of, 80. Claverhouse, Earl of, 47. Clemens, S. H., 29, 57. Cleveland, Grover, 110. Cobb, Sylvanus, 199, 200. C