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John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 179 35 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 85 3 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 65 9 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 49 1 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 47 3 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 46 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 45 1 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 42 0 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 39 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 39 23 Browse Search
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cover of gunboats, and attacked Colonel Tappan's camp. I sent over three regiments under General Pillow to his relief; then at intervals three others, then General Cheatham. I then took over two others in person, to support a flank movement which I had directed. It was a hard-fought battle, lasting from half-past 10 A. M. t in great disorder, and was hotly pursued by our troops. In this pursuit, Marks's command was aided by the troops that had been rallied by Pillow, and by General Cheatham, who had preceded his brigade, and gave his personal assistance in this action. They assailed the Federals on both flanks, and routed them. Polk, in his rought up were Smith's One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Militia Regiment, Neeley's Fourth Tennessee, and Blythe's Mississippi Battalion. These were part of Cheatham's command. As the Confederates advanced, they found the road strewed with abandoned plunder and material of war. The hospital of the enemy was captured, with so
ew Madrid, Island No.10, and Humboldt. Polk issued the preliminary orders February 25th, for the evacuation, which was completed on March 2d. General Beauregard selected Brigadier-General J. P. McCown, an old army-officer, for the command of Island No.10, forty miles below Columbus, whither he removed his division February 27th. A. P. Stewart's brigade was also sent to New Madrid. Some 7,500 troops were assembled at these points. The remainder of the forces marched by land, under General Cheatham, to Union City. The quarters and buildings were committed to the flames; and at 3 P. Ir., March 2d, General Polk followed the retiring column from the abandoned stronghold. Polk says in his report: The enemy's cavalry — the first of his forces to arrive after the evacuation-reached Columbus in the afternoon next day, twenty-four hours after the last of our troops had left. In five days we moved the accumulations of six months, taking with us all our commissary and quartermas
from the commands at Iuka, Burnsville, and Corinth. VII.-Proper guards will be left at the camps of the several regiments of the forces in the field; corps commanders will determine the strength of these guards. VIII.-Wharton's regiment of Texas Cavalry will be ordered forward at once, to scout on the road from Monterey to Savannah, between Mickey's and its intersection with the Pittsburg-Purdy road. It will annoy and harass any force of the enemy moving by the latter way to assail Cheatham's division at Purdy. IX.-The chief-engineer of the forces will take all due measures and precautions, and give all requisite orders for the repairs of the bridges, causeways, and roads, on which our troops may move in the execution of these orders. X.-The troops, so individually intelligent, and with such great interests involved in the issue, are urgently enjoined to be observant of the orders of their superiors in the hour of battle. Their officers must constantly endeavor to hol
rps, commanded by Polk, consisted of two divisions, under Cheatham and Clark. Clark's division was ordered to follow Hardee reserve the right wing. Polk's other division, under Cheatham, was on outpost duty, at and near Bethel on the Mobile & rom Mickey's, the point of concentration, as Corinth was. Cheatham's orders were to defend himself if attacked; otherwise, toper military precautions. Acting on these instructions, Cheatham did not advance until the morning of the 5th; but he effeClark's division into line of battle by four o'clock, and Cheatham, who had come up on the left, soon after. Breckinridge'ser causes already assigned-Breckinridge's, Ruggles's, and Cheatham's-General Johnston, followed by his staff, passed from onin infantry and artillery, was composed of two divisions, Cheatham's on the left, made up of B. R. Johnson's and Stephens's road, with intervals of some two miles, in observation of Cheatham's division, which he believed to be still at Purdy. The
rman's flank. As Polk's corps was advancing, Cheatham was detached, and now General A. S. Johnston n position on Hindman's right. Polk sent General Cheatham with his second brigade, under Colonel Wiwing its forward movement in conjunction with Cheatham's command, it helped to drive back its stout t. At eleven o'clock, Colonel Jordan ordered Cheatham to charge, which he did across an open field., and met the attack with a heavy fire. When Cheatham's gallant division reached the middle of the gress. The command fell back in good order. Cheatham, with the Second Brigade, now under Colonel Mpture. Breckinridge's, Withers's, Ruggles's, Cheatham's, and other divisions, which helped to encir. M. Trabue was reunited to Breckinridge, and Cheatham to Polk, and Bragg had his men more in hand treckinridge, and my fourth brigade, under General Cheatham, from the right. The field was clear; th, and in full retreat. I was riding with General Cheatham, when the news of his death was confirmed[4 more...]
der A. P. Stewart, bivouacked on the ground. Cheatham, having become detached with one brigade, tho Patton Anderson says: When one of General Cheatham's regiments had been appealed to in vain mersion in flame at the hands of troops under Cheatham and Gibson. General Polk led Cheatham's dCheatham's division, which had probably suffered the least disorganization of any command on the field, to its psition, in support of Breckinridge's left, as Cheatham says. This was, as near as can be ascertaineion. It was probably fully ten o'clock, when Cheatham, having formed his division, with Gibson's brng to withdraw the troops from the field. Cheatham's command was formed immediately in front of th artillery, in which he had been deficient, Cheatham continues: Thus strengthened, I would hhell; Breckinridge was twice slightly struck; Cheatham was also slightly wounded, and had three horsthe army for courage and capacity. Major-General Cheatham, commanding First Division, First Corp
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of Shiloh. (search)
ome importance, in a military view, by the Confederates, for after the fall of Donelson they erected a battery on the high bluff overlooking the landing, and General Cheatham occupied Shiloh as a military camp. The country is undulating table-land, the bluffs rising to the height of one hundred and fifty feet above the alluviahousand men, and constituted the fighting material of the Confederate army, commanded by the most experienced officers-Johnston, Beauregard, Bragg, Hardee, Polk, Cheatham, Breckenridge-and a long list of subordinate commanders, presenting an array of names that ought to infuse confidence in any army. With their united forces it w God's first temples. The church at Shiloh had two doors and one window, which was without glass. Of pulpit and seats none were visible, as the Confederate General Cheatham had removed them for camp use previous to our occupancy. Before the battle the flooring boards were being rapidly converted into coffins for Union soldiers.
Contreras and Molino del Rey. The names of Bragg, Hardee and Breckinridge were in the mouths of men, who had been held to their bloody work by these bright exemplars. Wherever the bullets were thickest, there the generals were foundforgetful of safety, and ever crying-Come! Governor Harris had done good service as volunteer aid to General Johnston; and Governor George M. Johnson, of Kentucky, had gone into the battle as a private and had sealed his devotion to the cause with his blood. Cheatham and Bushrod Johnson bore bloody marks of the part they took; while Breckinridge, who had already won undying fame, added to his reputation for coolness, daring, and tenacity, by the excellence with which he covered the rear of the army on its retreat to Corinth. The results of the battle of Shiloh-while they gave fresh cause for national pride — were dispiriting and saddening. It seemed as though the most strenuous efforts to marshal fine armies-and'the evacuation of city after city t
Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 24: echo of Seven days, North and South. (search)
hen followed a Federal advance upon that town, which proved a mere diversion; but it produced the effect of deceiving General Bragg and of causing him to divide his forces. Hardee's and Buckner's divisions were sent to Perryville; and they with Cheatham's — who joined them by a forced marchbore the brunt of the battle of Perryville on the 8th of October. Notwithstanding the great disparity of numbers, the vim of the barefooted boys prevailed against the veterans of Buell's army, under General n was illumined by flashes of brilliance, dash and enduring courage, surpassed by no theater of the war. Disastrous as it was in result, it fixed more firmly than ever the high reputation of Kirby Smith; it wreathed the names of Buckner, Hardee, Cheatham and Adams with fresh bays; and it gave to Joseph Wheeler a record that the people of that country will long remember. In the events first preceding the disaster, too, as well as in his independent raid during July, John H. Morgan had added a
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The battle of Franklin-the battle of Nashville (search)
ofield, thereby turning his position. Hood had with him three infantry corps, commanded respectively by Stephen D. Lee, [Alexander P.] Stewart and [B. Franklin] Cheatham. These, with his cavalry, numbered about forty-five thousand men. Schofield had, of all arms, about thirty thousand. Thomas's orders were, therefore, for Schofe. From this place Schofield then retreated to Franklin. He had sent his wagons in advance, and Stanley had gone with them with two divisions to protect them. Cheatham's corps of Hood's army pursued the wagon train and went into camp at Spring Hill, for the night of the 29th. Schofield retreating from Columbia on the 29th passed Spring Hill, where Cheatham was bivouacked, during the night without molestation, though within half a mile of where the Confederates were encamped. On the morning of the 30th he had arrived at Franklin. Hood followed closely and reached Franklin in time to make an attack the same day. The fight was very desperate and sang