Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 26, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Coghill or search for Coghill in all documents.

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nstead of one-half of one percent. The subject was discussed by Messrs. Stuart, Paxton, August, Brannon, Carson and Coghill. The Senate refused to strike out, thereby rejecting the proposition. Mr. August proposed to amend by fixing tnt session, and which may hereafter be passed by the General Assembly, was considered, and discussed by Messrs. Brannon, Coghill, Paxton, Neeson, and others. Mr. Paxton moved to lay on the table. Lost. Mr. Newman proposed to amend by exempt of lands, lots and improvements, by striking out forty cents, with a view of increasing the amount. Opposed by Messrs. Coghill, Brannon, and others. Mr. Thomas moved to lay the bill on the table. Carried. And then, on motion of Mr. Johnson, the joint resolution of Mr. Coghill, for suspending appropriations heretofore made to works of internal improvements, other than that to the Covington and Ohio Railroad, was taken up. Pending the consideration of the subject, On mot