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and providing for the appointment of the same, in which they respectfully request the concurrence of the Senate. Mr. Coghill proposed an amendment to the joint resolutions. The amendment, which was proposed to be inserted between the 4th and nfederacy as would be accepted by the people of this Commonwealth." The amendment was advocated by Messrs. Isbell, Coghill, August and others, and opposed by Messrs. Johnson, Thomas of Fairfax, and others, in opposition. The object of the oppsis of adjustment. During the progress of the discussion, Mr. Christian proposed a substitute to the amendment of Mr. Coghill, as follows: Resolved. That, in the opinion of the General Assembly, the propositions embraced in the resolution On a motion to adjourn, the ayes and noes were called — ayes 14, noes 30. The Senate having refused to adjourn. Mr. Coghill then proceeded to deliver his views upon the merits of the various pending propositions. During the debate a mess