Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henry Cooper or search for Henry Cooper in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Jackson's brigade — separation between him and them. (search)
Robbery. --Two young men, named George Rigley and Henry Cooper, were arraigned before the Mayor yesterday to answer a charge of stealing a gold watch valued at $100, a revolver valued at $25, ant to the Exchange Hotel, where he waited some time, and was then shown to a room in company with Cooper, who had also come in for lodgings. He had with him, when he retired, his watch, pistol, and mot morning they were gone, with a Government dispatch which had been entrusted to his charge, and Cooper had also disappeared. Information of the robbery was communicated to the detective police, with a description of Cooper's person, and on the following Monday he was arrested at the American Hotel. The pistol and a large bunch of keys were found upon him. The prisoner volunteered to conduct thes lodging-house on Virginia street.--Rigley had the missing watch, which he said he purchased of Cooper. During the investigation yesterday the watch and pistol were fully identified, the former havi