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character, and the most desolated country known to civilized men. Our loss in driving the troops was about eighty-five men and officers, killed, wounded, and prisoners. About three hundred horses were left on account of not being able to travel. While the loss is great to the Government, it is a success beyond a doubt. Some five thousand troops had been sent to intercept us on our backward movement, but we reached camp, tired out. Rebel official report. Dublin, July 19. To General S. Cooper: The enemy, one regiment of cavalry and parts of two regiments of infantry, about one thousand strong, rode into Wytheville a little before sunset yesterday. Almost at the same instant two newly organized companies and the employes of this place, in all about one hundred and thirty men, with two field-pieces, whom I had despatched under Major T. M. Bowyer by the passenger train, arrived. A sharp skirmish immediately commenced in the street and continued about three quarters of an
Doc. 146.-report of General Joseph E. Johnston. Rebel operations in Mississippi and Louisiana. Meridian, Miss., Nov. 1, 1863. General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General: sir: The following report of my operations in the Department of Mississippi and East-Louisiana is respectfully offered as a substitute for the imperfect one forwarded by me from Jackson on May twenty-seventh, 1863. While on my way to Mississippi, where I thought my presence had become necessary, I received, in Mobile, on March twelfth, the following telegram from the Secretary of War, dated March ninth: Order General Bragg to report to the War Department for conference. Assume yourself direct charge of the Army of Middle Tennessee. In obedience to this order I at once proceeded to Tullahoma. On my arrival I informed the Secretary of War, by a telegram of March nineteenth, that General Bragg could not then be sent to Richmond, as he has ordered, on account of the critical condition of hi
We speak this to their praise. No soldier wants to risk his life under a drunken officer. The Second Virginia lost in killed, wounded, and missing, thirty-one; Third Virginia, forty-three; Eighth Virginia, twenty; Fourteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, ninety-five; batteries, twenty-one. In all, over two hundred. Our men say this was the severest and hottest battle they have been in during the war. Rebel official despatch. White Sulphur Springs, Aug. 27 Via Dublin, Aug. 28. To General S. Cooper: We met the enemy yesterday morning about a mile and a half from this place, on the road leading to the Warm Springs. We fought him from nine A. M. to seven P. M. Every attack made by the enemy was repulsed. At night each side occupied the same position they had in the morning. This morning the enemy made two other attacks, which were handsomely repulsed, when he abandoned his position and retreated toward Warm Springs, pursued by cavalry and artillery. The troops engaged were t
tary of War your statement respecting particular officers alleged to have been concerned in the riot, and the matter will receive proper inquiry. Very respectfully and truly yours, Jefferson Davis. General Benning, being written to by General Cooper, A. G., replied, showing that he had not been absent from the depot while his troops were going through, and asserting that he was utterly ignorant of any intention on the part of his men to mob the printing-office. He adds: The true exars, so that I had no opportunity to question them myself. Thus, sir, you have such an account of this affair as it is in my power to give you. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Henry L. Benning, Brigadier-General. To S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General, Richmond, Va.: Lieutenant-Colonel Shepherd, who was mentioned in Governor Vance's letter as Major Shepherd, writes a letter to the Adjutant-General, in which the following statement is made: My first kno
r the town and barracks, on Tuesday, September first. At noon, of the same day, the First infantry regiment of Arkansian volunteers, under Colonel J. M. Johnson, filed into the streets and Government inclosure, to the lively music of the regimental band of drums and fifes. It was a glad hour for the Union citizens and our tired and dusty braves who had been on the march for twenty days, making an average during that time of nearly twenty miles per day. We had pursued the rebel hordes under Cooper and Steel for several days, and finally yielded the palm of swift running to the fleeing rebels at Perryville, in the Choctaw nation. Returning thence, we came upon the trail of the rebel chieftain Cabbal and his crew. Within fighting range of this gang, (said to number two thousand five hundred,) we encamped on the night of the thirty-first ult. The enemy's position was a natural fortress on the left bank of Poteau Creek. Here, only three miles from our camp, we expected an encounter the
Doc. 188.-operations in Virginia. General Robert E. Lee's report. Headquarters army of Northern Virginta, October 23, 1863. General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General: General: In advance of a detailed report, I have the horror to submit, for the information of the department, the following outline of the recent operations of this army: With the design of bringing on an engagement with the Federal army, which was encamped around Culpeper Court-House, extending thence to the Rapidan, this army crossed the river on the ninth instant, and advanced by way of Madison Court-House. Our progress was necessarily slow, as the march was by circuitous and concealed roads, in order to avoid the observation of the enemy. General Fitz Lee, with his cavalry division and a detachment of infantry, remained to hold our lines south of the Rapidan; General Stuart, with Hampton's division, moved on the right of the column. With a portion of his command he attacked the advance o
s furnished by the owner shall be commuted for at the rates allowed soldiers in service. All slaves sent voluntarily to the confederate authorities, and accepted by them without other special contract, shall stand on the same footing as those delivered under requisition, and the owners of all slaves delivered or taken under requisition shall be entitled to regard the Confederate States as contracting with them to comply with the obligations and conditions herein expressed. 9. In case there should be any disagreement on the subject of the value of any slave impressed, or in case the impressing officer shall not be satisfied of the accuracy of any valuation or valuations, the appraisement shall be referred to the appraisers appointed under the fifth section of the act concerning impressments according to the provisions of the act of Congress, approved twenty-seventh April, 1863, and published in Orders No. 53, current series. By order, S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-Genera.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
-Chief of the armies of the Confederacy. The following is a copy of the order creating Bragg General-in-Chief, which was dated, War Department, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, February 24, 1864, and designated as General order no. 23: -- General Braxton Bragg is assigned to duty at the seat of government, and, under the direction of the President, is charged with the conduct of military operations in the armies of the Confederacy. By order of the Secretary of War. S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General. No doubt, said an officer in the War Department at Richmond, at the time, Bragg can give the President valuable counsel — nor can there be any doubt that he [the President] enjoys a secret satisfaction in triumphing thus over popular sentiment, which just at this time is much averse to General Bragg. The President is naturally a little oppugnant. A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, II. 157. When the appointment was made, the boldest opposers of Bragg dared not
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
l that threatened the post. That peril consisted of a force of Confederates, estimated at six thousand strong, under General Cooper. They were then at Honey Springs, behind Elk Creek, about twenty-five miles south of Fort Blunt, where they were was peril, and hence his rapid march. He was informed that the Texans would arrive on the 17th, so he marched at once upon Cooper's camp, with three thousand troops, infantry and cavalry, and twelve light cannon, to assail him before his re-enforcements should come up. He left the fort at midnight, and at ten o'clock the next day July 17. he attacked Cooper in two columns, led respectively by Colonels Phillips and Judson, his cavalry, dismounted, acting as infantry on each flank, with carbines. ounded was estimated at four hundred. Blunt lost seventy-seven men, of whom seventeen were killed. Within an hour after Cooper fled, Cabell came up with his Texans, nearly three thousand strong. He did not think it prudent to attack the victorious
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 22: prisoners.-benevolent operations during the War.--readjustment of National affairs.--conclusion. (search)
estion of little moment, compared to the vital one of the relative amount of good performed by the two establishments, which, as we have observed, worked in generous rivalry. The work of the Union was evidently far more extended than that of the Cooper. Its receipts during the war in cash ($87,000) and supplies ($30,000), amounted to $117,000. The receipts of the Cooper in cash ($58,000) and supplies ($20,000) amounted to $78,000, making a grand total, contributed by the citizens of PhiladelphCooper in cash ($58,000) and supplies ($20,000) amounted to $78,000, making a grand total, contributed by the citizens of Philadelphia for the relief of passing soldiers, of $195,000. One of the most active of the managers and friends of the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, during the entire period of the war, was Samuel B. Fales, a wealthy and benevolent gentleman of Philadelphia, to whom was applied the deserved title of The soldiers' friend. So untiring were his labors, and so munificent his gifts in connection with that establishment, that after it was closed, the Committee of Management presented him with a beaut
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