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Colonel Miles, M. C., Chairman of the Military Committee of the House (extracts from which are given in the Appendix to this chapter), fully explains his views on the subject. So do his communications, dated September 30th and October 2d, to General Cooper. See Appendix to this chapter. The Northern newspapers were filled with indications of an approaching attack upon Charleston. The preparatory measures for such an expedition were represented as very formidable. Without entirely belid so comprehensive then as at a later period, when based upon more thorough knowledge. The many and great alterations effected by him show how defective most of the works were, and how wellfounded were the concluding remarks of his report to General Cooper: Adaptation of means to an end has not always been consulted in the works around this city and Savannah. Much unnecessary work has been bestowed upon many of them. The Third Military District of South Carolina, with headquarters at McPher
his jurisdiction, showing the part he took in each, and giving such explanation as the occasion may call forth. 1. On November 1st he officially informed General Cooper of the result of his inspection of the defences of Savannah, and expressed his views and recommendations more, he said, as an Engineer officer than as the comyesterday, and he ordered guns to Mobile. Great disappointment. Wm. Porcher miles. General Beauregard remonstrated, but without avail. In a telegram to General Cooper he said: I learn with regret from Colonel Rhett that the two 7-inch rifled guns have been turned over to the navy for Mobile. The necessity for a much lang our inland water communications with Port Royal, or of obtaining stronger engines for our iron gunboats and rams in Charleston. 17. On the following day General Cooper was telegraphed that the enemy's fleet had returned to Port Royal; and Major Pope was ordered to furnish certain guns, implements, and ammunition to Colonel C
. This made him uneasy, and all the more so that troops were again being withdrawn from his Department as rapidly as they could be forwarded. His telegram to General Cooper, of that date, read thus: Owing to reduction of forces, I shall leave this Department with great concern, which would be much diminished if General Hi Am ordered to Weldon for present, but am desirous to see you as I pass through Wilmington, on Wednesday, about 10 o'clock. G. T. Beauregard. On the 18th General Cooper received the following despatch: General Jones has not yet arrived. Have telegraphed Gilmer to come forthwith. I will leave to-morrow. I have recal infantry and one and a half regiments cavalry. G. T. Beauregard. General Jones finally arrived on the 19th. The next day General Beauregard telegraphed General Cooper in these words: Charleston, S. C., April 20th, 1864. I have turned over command, temporarily, to General Jones to-day. I will leave for point of de
completed, from its terminus, Blue Mountain, to Jacksonville; and local officers found there, and still on sick leave, were appointed to fill, temporarily, all indispensable positions, not only at Jacksonville, but also along the new line of operations, so as to expedite the transfer of supplies for General Hood's army. See letters to General Hood, and to others, in Appendix. On the 12th of October, three days after his conference with General Hood, he addressed a communication to General Cooper, giving a minute account of his interview at Cave Spring, stating what General Hood had done and what he proposed doing. The following passage of this document is submitted: The whole of the letter will be found in Appendix. Not being sufficiently well acquainted with the nature of the country referred to, and not having yet assumed command of my new Department, I advised General Hood not to carryout his first project (crossing to the north side of the Coosa River, twelve m
sfully executed. General Hood Persists. reluctant assent of General Beauregard. Similarity between General Hood's plan of campaign and President Davis's. General Beauregard's communication to the War Department, October 24th. telegram to General Cooper. General Hood moves on October 22d. difficulties of making change of base to Tuscumbia. General Beauregard leaves on October 24th, to rejoin General Hood. General Hood changes his line of march. failure to seize Decatur. General Hood agter to return immediately into Middle Tennessee to defend his line of communication. General Hood readily concurred in those views, and expressed his conviction that he could carry them out successfully. See General Beauregard's letter to General Cooper, November 6th, 1864, to be found in the next chapter. Fortunately, before leaving Gadsden, on the 24th, General Beauregard had given all necessary orders for the repairing of the Mobile and Ohio and the Memphis and Charleston railroads, a
neral Hood takes up his Headquarters at Florence on the 10th. telegrams to the War Department. telegram of General Forrest. letter of General Beauregard to General Cooper. advice to General Hood concerning the disorderly conduct of scouts. despatch from General Taylor. further advance of the enemy. procrastination of Generabridge is being laid down. I hope to be able to advance across the river so soon as supplies can be obtained. On the same day General Beauregard had sent General Cooper a corresponding telegram, in the following words: Tuscumbia, Ala., November 3d, 1864:9 A. M. General S. Cooper, Adjt.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: Part of ohnsonville, Tenn., via Corinth and Jackson, Tenn., by couriers, and shows what were General Beauregard's expectations on the 3d of November. His letter to General Cooper, dated November 6th, is more explicit, and gives a full and correct statement of the amended plan of operations adopted on the 3d, after thorough discussion o
On the 30th General Beauregard, having completed all possible arrangements for the pending emergency, asked to be relieved of the command of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, in order that he might devote all his time and attention to his Department proper—the Military Division of the West. His request was granted by President Davis, in the following despatch: Richmond, Dec. 30th, 1864. To General G. T. Beauregard: Your despatch of this day received, also copy of that to General Cooper, in relation to assignment of General Bragg. You will leave with General Hardee orders and instructions in regard to the Department east of Augusta, and will resume the command of the District west of Augusta, as heretofore defined. The change will be more formally announced from the Adjutant-General's office. Jefferson Davis. Before taking leave of General Hardee, and of Charleston, where he had ever met with so much sympathy and encouragement, General Beauregard, in a last lett
serving on his Staff. his efforts during the War to obtain promotion for deserving Staff-officers. his telegram to General Cooper, April 28th. General Cooper's reply. promotion demanded for other meritorious officers, but granted for two only. General Cooper's reply. promotion demanded for other meritorious officers, but granted for two only. abandoned box-car at the depot at Greensboroa containing Confederate archives.-General Beauregard forwards it to Charlotte. he Starts to return home on the 1st of May. expedients employed to defray his expenses on the journey. instance given to sh to that faithful and self-sacrificing class of officers, General Beauregard addressed the following telegram to Adjutant-General Cooper, who at that date was still at Charlotte: Greensboroa, N. C., April 28th, 1865:7.30 A. M. Before leadone before disbanding troops. I am glad to hear of Lieutenant-Colonel Riley's promotion. G. T. Beauregard. General Cooper's answer was forwarded and duly received the same day. It ran thus: Charlotte, April 28th, 1865. General G. T
each face would probably be sufficient. G. T. Beauregard, Genl. Comdg. Telegram. Kinston, N. C., May 1st, 1864:9 A. M. Major.-Genl. W. H. C. Whiting, Comdg., etc., Wilmington, N. C.: Send Hagood's brigade to Richmond at once. Apply to General Cooper whether it shall march or go by railroad. G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldon, N. C., May 4th, 1864. Major-Genl. W. H. C. Whiting, Wilmington, N. C.: Last order from War Department is to send Hagood's brigade to Richmond in manner presPetersburg and vicinity? G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldon, N. C., May 5th, 1864. Major-Genl. G. E. Pickett, Petersburg, Va.: Have telegraphed General Bragg as you have reported, but as yet have no reply. Continue to report direct to General Cooper any movement of the enemy, at the same time reporting the same to these Headquarters. G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Weldon, N. C., May 5th, 1864. Genl. Whiting, Wilmington, N. C.: Hurry Hagood's brigade through to Petersburg without dela