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rever ordered. Do for the best. The War Department had already issued orders assigning him to duty in South Carolina and Georgia, with Headquarters at Charleston; but he did not become aware of the fact until the 10th of September. See General Cooper's despatch, in the Appendix to this chapter. He left the next day for his new field of action, and, in a telegram apprising General Cooper of his departure, asked that copies of his orders and instructions should be sent to meet him in CharleGeneral Cooper of his departure, asked that copies of his orders and instructions should be sent to meet him in Charleston. Thus it is shown that the petition to President Davis, spoken of in the preceding chapter, was presented while General Beauregard was on his way to his new command, in obedience to orders from Richmond, and that he knew nothing of the step then being taken in his behalf. Charleston was a familiar spot to General Beauregard, and one much liked and appreciated by him. With the certainty he now had of not being reinstated in his former command, no other appointment could have given him
ommand this day extended, in order to embrace South Carolina, Georgia, and that part of Florida east of the Appalachicola River. The camps of instruction for conscripts, in the several States, are under special control of the Secretary of War. S. Cooper, A. & I. G. This was not welcome news, for if it implied increase of territorial authority, it indicated no prospect of corresponding numerical strength in the Department. General Beauregard answered in these terms: Headquarters, Dept. S. C. And Ga., Charleston, S. C., Oct. 8th, 1862. General Samuel Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: General,—I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, this day, of your telegram of the 7th instant, communicating information of the extension of the limits of this Department to include all of the State of Georgia, and so much of Florida as is situated east of the Appalachicola River. I beg to say that I trust this extension of the territory of the Department will be followed
Department withdraws the order for guns. General Beauregard's letter to General S. Cooper, explaining conduct of Major Childs. telegram from the Secretary of War., Department of S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Nov. 27th, 1862. Genl. Sam. Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: General—About the 20th inst., hroper here to state that, before the foregoing letter had had time to reach General Cooper—for, as it was shown, circumstances prevented it from being forwarded untilds's case be deemed such, he directs that the order of yesterday be executed. S. Cooper, A. and Ins.-Genl. General Beauregard thought he had been sufficiently clds's work at the Charleston Arsenal: Charleston, Dec. 10th, 1862. Genl. Samuel Cooper, Richmond, Va.: Guns are now being rifled and banded here, under my orwarded to the War Department: Charleston, S. C., Dec. 15th, 1862. General S. Cooper, Richmond, Va.: I am sending five thousand infantry and three batterie
G. W. Anderson's report, in Appendix. The attempt was renewed on the 3d of March by three of the enemy's monitors—the Montauk being one of them—and was kept up for more than seven hours, but without damaging our battery, which, upon inspection by Major Harris, after the engagement, was found in good condition in every respect. See also, in Appendix, Major Harris's report. Alluding to this affair, General Beauregard, from Charleston, March 4th, 1863, forwarded the following telegram to General Cooper: Fort McAllister has again repulsed enemy's attack. Ironclads retired at 8 P. M. yesterday; mortar-boats shelled until 6 o'clock this morning. All damages repaired during night; 8-inch columbiads mounted, and fort good as ever. No casualties reported. Result is encouraging. Enemy's vessels still in sight. Reduced as were General Beauregard's forces at that time, he was nevertheless called upon to reinforce other points of his Department. His letter of March 4th to Major H.
h torpedo-boats. his letter to Lieutenant Webb, C. S. N. his plan foiled by the withdrawal of the fleet. letter to General Cooper. failure to complete torpedo-rams and gunboats.> Being still apprehensive that the enemy's monitors might take a that day by the attacking fleet. The following communication, forwarded, six months later, by General Beauregard to General Cooper, relative to the reasons alleged at; Washington for the failure of this grand expedition against Charleston, confirmsthis period of the war: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Oct. 15th, 1863. General Samuel Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: General,—In a published circular (No. 39) of the State Department at Waed to the War Department for the completion of the marine torpedoram so often referred to in a preceding chapter. To General Cooper, on the 22d of April, he wrote as follows: * * * It will be remembered that the work was undertaken with the
safety is assured. enemy makes a demonstration in third military district. General Gillmore assumes command of Federal forces. General Beauregard instructed by the War Department to repair to Mobile with part of his troops. his letter to General Cooper. Colonel Simonton recommends a battery at Grimball's. General Beauregard's reasons for objecting to it. call for additional heavy guns. remonstrance to General Gillmore as to depredations of his troops. General Beauregard's letter to the's letter. It presented the matter in so strong a light, that the War Department refrained from issuing any order to carry out its first intention: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., June 15th, 1863. General Samuel Cooper, A. and I. Genl., Richmond, Va.: General,—Your letter of the 10th was duly received and partially answered by my telegram of the 13th instant. It is now my place to reply by mail at some length. I am advised in the letter in quest
Headquarters, Department of N. C. And So. Va., in the field, near Petersburg, Va., September 18th, 1864. To General Samuel Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: General,—I have the honor to enclose herewith my report of operations o place, and, in this connection, I beg to refer to my letters to the Hon. Secretary of War of the 10th of May, and to General Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General, of June 15th and 20th of July, 1863. The forces in the First Military District onetween here and Savannah; Georgetown District would have also to be abandoned. (See my letter of the 15th instant to General Cooper.) Thus, on the 10th of July, 1863, I had but 5861 men, of all arms, in the First Military District, guarding the guns and mortars on the enemy's works. Sorties to be made at night whenever practicable. In my telegraph to you [General Cooper] of this date I mentioned the continual reinforcement of the enemy, that I had to guard three important lines of appr
ifty to two hundred rounds of shot to the gun. There are now only one hundred and twenty-eight. Finally, the General directs me to say that there is too much powder at Fort Ripley. The surplus will be removed to Castle Pinckney, if required there for its three guns, one of which will be added to its present arrangement. Very respectfully, your obdt. servt., Clifton H. Smith, Asst. Adjt.-Genl. Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Sept. 30th, 1863. General Samuel Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-General, Richmond, Va.: General,—The published report of Brigadier-General Gillmore, of the 7th instant, to his government, relative to his acquisition of Batteries Wagner and Gregg, contains several errors, which I feel called upon to correct. 1st. Seventy-five men were not taken on Morris Island, for only two boats' crews—about 19 men and 27 sailors, or about 46 men in all—were captured by the enemy's armed barges between Cummings's Point and Fort Sumter. <
ies encountered in forwarding reinforcements from Charleston and Savannah to the assistance of General Finegan. We quote from General Beauregard's report to General Cooper, dated Charleston, South Carolina, March 25th, 1864. The whole report, less such portions of it as are given in the text, will be found in the Appendix. uty which, on a former occasion, had produced the most beneficial effect upon him. His despatch read as follows: Charleston, S. C., April 9th, 1864. General Samuel Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl., Richmond, Va.: * * * My health requires I should apply for a leave, dependent, however, on operations of enemy. But I cannot mas: Richmond, April 15th, 1864. General G. T. Beauregard: Repair with least delay practicable to Weldon, N. C., where instructions will be sent to you. S. Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl. On the 16th no general officer had yet been sent to relieve him. This made him uneasy, and all the more so that troops were again bei
s; nor had he even assumed command of our forces. The fact is that, as late as 8 o'clock A. M., on the 14th, Drury's Bluff had not been made a part of General Beauregard's Department, as appears from the following telegram forwarded to him on that day: Richmond, Va., May 14th, 1864. To General Beauregard: Your command is extended so as to include all that portion of Virginia lying south of the James River, including Drury's Bluff and its defences. Order will be sent by courier. S. Cooper, Adjt. and Insp.-Genl. The order was sent, and with it a communication from General Bragg, of the same date, confirming the despatch. See Appendix. President Davis, therefore, might, with equal logic, have taken General Beauregard to task for not having prevented Butler's landing at City Point and Bermuda Hundreds. Mr. Davis goes on as follows: We then passed to the consideration of the operations to be undertaken against Butler, who had already advanced from his base at Berm
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