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ggle. Cavalry — a lull. Away down from the extreme right, and apparently beyond it, there came a ripple of musketry. It was said to be Smith's division from Couch's Harrisburgh force, coming in on Ewell's flank or rear. I have not yet been able to satisfy myself whether the report was true or not. A quarter of an hour la cease to bear in grateful remembrance. It is my duty, as well as my pleasure, to call attention to the earnest efforts and cooperation on the part of Major-General D. N. Couch, commanding the department of the Susquehannah, and particularly to his advance of four thousand men under Brigadier-General W. F. Smith, who joined me an army, came sounding in his ears like a fire-bell in the night, that he ordered up his tent-stakes and began his march northward over the Potomac. Meanwhile, General Couch had commenced the organization of a militia force at Gettysburgh to check the twenty thousand men under Ewell, who were raiding like banditti through the count
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Opposing forces at Seven Pines, May 31-June 1, 1862. (search)
te present for duty in the three Union Corps that were engaged was 51,543. The number in close action on the Williamsburg road, May 31st, was about 11,853, with full complement of artillery; these included 4253 in Casey's division, about 4000 in Couch's division, and about 3600 in Kearny's division. Near Fair Oaks, there were engaged about 9000, with 10 pieces of artillery: these included Sedgwick's division, about 7000, and 4 regiments of Couch's division, about 2000. The Union troops engCouch's division, about 2000. The Union troops engaged, June 1st, numbered about 14,000: Richardson's division, about 7000, with 4 batteries; 1 brigade of Kearny's division, about 1500; and 1 brigade and 2 regiments of Hooker's division, about 3500; there was no artillery with Kearny and Hooker. General Johnston estimates the strength of his army at 73,928. Other authorities place it at 62,696. The Official Records show that, on the 21st of May, Johnston's army was 53,688: Smith's division, 10,592; Longstreet's division, 13,816; Magruder'
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Repelling Hood's invasion of Tennessee. (search)
Potomac, and who had recently been assigned to duty in the Department of the Cumberland. General Couch was in command of the Department of the Susquehanna from June 11th, 1863, to December 1st, 1ver to the exposed point, from the extreme left, in front of Schofield. About the same time General Couch, commanding one of the divisions of the Twenty-third Corps, told General Schofield that he bont, but doubted if he could hold it without assistance. The ground in front of General Cox, on Couch's right, also offered grand opportunities for a successful assault. Meantime the cavalry, on Coght on the rocky hill he was occupying, told Smith that he could carry the high hill in front of Couch,--the same that Couch himself had told Schofield he could carry,--and would undertake it unless Couch himself had told Schofield he could carry,--and would undertake it unless forbidden. Smith silently acquiesced, and McArthur set to work. Withdrawing McMillen's (his right) brigade from the trenches, he marched it by the flank in front of General Couches position, and wi
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
oads and across two rivers, with a loss of not more than half a dozen men. Meanwhile portions of Couch's corps (Second) had been waiting in concealment near Banks's and United States Fords, leaving to the Wilderness Church, two miles west of Chancellorsville. Meade's corps, with a division of Couch's, formed the left; Slocum's and a division of Sickles's the center, and Howard's the right, witision, commanded by General H. G. Berry (the second of Sickles's corps), and French's brigade of Couch's corps. These were sent forward at the double-quick, and a courier was dispatched to Sickles, was making a vigorous artillery attack upon Hooker's left and center, formed by the corps of Generals Couch and Slocum, but the assailing force, whose heaviest demonstration was against General Hancoch had been struck by a cannon ball and thrown violently against him. The command had devolved on Couch (who withdrew Headquarters from the Chancellor House), and an hour — a most precious hour — pass
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 20 (search)
ave demoralized a gang of negroes, and thus would have prevented even the attempt to clear the road. Meantime Schofield, with the Twenty-third Corps, presented a bold front toward East Point, daring and inviting the enemy to sally out to attack him in position. His first movement was on the 30th, to Mount Gilead Church, then to Morrow's Mills, facing Rough and Ready. Thomas was on his right, within easy support, moving by cross-roads from Red Oak to the Fayetteville road, extending from Couch's to Renfrew's; and Howard was aiming for Jonesboroa. I was with General Thomas that day, which was hot but otherwise very pleasant. We stopped for a short noon-rest near a little church (marked on our maps as Shoal-Creek Church), which stood back about a hundred yards from the road, in a grove of native oaks. The column had halted in the road, stacked their arms, and the men were scattered about — some lying in the shade of the trees, and others were bringing corn-stalks from a large c
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
N. Stiles. 120th Indiana Vol. Infantry. 124th Indiana Vol. Infantry. 128th Indiana Vol. Infantry. 180th Ohio Volun. Infantry. Second Brigade. Colonel J. C. McQuiston. 123d Indiana Vol. Infantry. 129th Indiana Vol. Infan'y. 130th Indiana Vol. Infan'y. 28th Michigan Vol. Infan'y. Third Brigade. Colonel M. T. Thomas. 8th Minnesota Vol. Infan. 174th Ohio Vol. Infantry. 178th Ohio Vol. Infantry. Battery Elgin, Illinois Volunteers. Second division. Major-General D. N. Couch. First Brigade. Colonel O. H. Moore. 25th Michigan Vol. Infantry. 26th Kentucky Vol. Infantry. Second Brigade. Colonel J. Mehringer. 23d Michigan Vol. Infantry. 80th Indiana Vol. Infantry. 118th Ohio Vol. Infantry. 107th Illinois Vol. Infantry. 111th Ohio Vol. Infantry. 19th Ohio Battery. Third Brigade. Colonel S. A. Strickland. 91st Indiana Vol. Infantry. 183d Ohio Vol. Infantry. 181st Ohio Vol. Infantry. 50th Ohio Vol. Infantry. Third division. Brigadier-Gene
reased to four regiments of infantry, one battery, and one company of cavalry. At the same time Couch's brigade was posted at the Toll-Gate on the Seventh Street road, where the Milkhouse Ford and Btual assistance, if all were not simultaneously assailed in force, while the brigades of McCall, Couch, and Hooker could move by good roads to support them; Hooker having about five miles to march to the Long Bridge, Couch about six to the Long Bridge, the Aqueduct, or to the Chain Bridge, and McCall having a little over three miles to the Chain Bridge or the Aqueduct, or about six miles to the r the purpose of attacking on the Maryland side, Stone was in position to fall back on McCall or Couch after retarding their passage of the river; so that there would have been four brigades, with gords the end of the month or early in October. Sept. 14, 1861: Buell's division, consisting of Couch's and Graham's brigades. A third brigade added early in October. Sept. 16, 1861: McCall's di
gave him a brigade. He was an officer of the old army, bull-headed, brave, a good disciplinarian. He received his mortal wound at Antietam. To Stone I gave a detached brigade on the upper Potomac-ground with which he was familiar. He was a most charming and amiable gentleman; honest, brave, a good soldier, though occasionally carried away by his chivalrous ideas. He was very unfortunate, and was as far as possible from meriting the sad fate and cruel treatment he met with. I found Couch in command of a regiment, and soon gave him a brigade. He was an honest, faithful, and laborious man, a brave, modest, and valuable officer. Fitz-John Porter was on duty with Gen. Patterson, as adjutant-general, when I assumed command. As soon as possible I had him made a brigadier-general and gave him the command vacated by W. T. Sherman. Take him for all in all, he was probably the best general officer I had under me. He had excellent ability, sound judgment, and all the instincts of
bridge and Ship Point, and open the road of the right column to the immediate vicinity of Yorktown. Smith's division (4th corps) encamped on the 4th of April at Young's Mill, with one brigade in advance on the road from Big Bethel to Warwick; Couch's division on Fisher's creek. Porter, on the same day, occupied Cockletown with Morell's division and a battery, his pickets a mile in advance near Pavis's house; the other brigades of the division less than two miles in rear of Morell. Averir reinforcements to the garrison at Yorktown, I, on the evening of the 4th, ordered the movements for the 5th as follows: Smith's division to move at six A. M. via Warwick Court-House to the Halfway House on the Yorktown and Williamsburg road; Couch's division to move at the same hour and close up on Smith at the Halfway House; any positions of the enemy met with on the may to be carried by assault without delay; on reaching the Halfway House the corps to occupy the narrow dividing ridge at
use by a rapid march, and thus cut off the retreat of this force in front of Smith. Sumner was ordered to repair the bridges over the Warwick, etc., as quickly as possible, and then to: Cross the stream with the 5th Cavalry, Smith's and Couch's divisions, and Casey's if necessary. It is possible that Sedgwick's and Richardson's divisions may be needed to reinforce the right. Please hold them subject to the general's orders for that purpose. Should you be informed that they are not needed here you will be at liberty to substitute one of them for Couch's or Casey's division. It is hoped to get Stoneman's command in rear of the enemy before you attack. Watch the enemy closely with your cavalry, and should he retreat attack him without further instructions. The gunboats have gone up the York river, and Franklin's, and perhaps one other division, will follow up to-day. As soon as the bridges are finished you can cross your command and bring them into position, but do not
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