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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Antietam, battle of. (search)
sburg, on the western side of Antietam Creek, a sluggish stream with few fords, spanned by four stone bridges. On the right of the National line were the corps of Hooker and Sumner. In the advance, and near the Antietam, General Richardson's division of Sumner's corps was posted. On a line with this was Sykes's (regular) division of Porter's corps. Farther down the stream was Burnside's corps. In front of Sumner and Hooker were batteries of 24-pounder Parrott guns. Franklin's corps and Couch's division were farther down the valley, and the divisions of Morrell and Humphrey, of Porter's corps, were approaching from Frederick. A detachment of the signal corps, under Major Myer, was on a spur of South Mountain. As McClellan prudently hesitated to attack, the Confederates put him on the defensive by opening an artillery fire upon the Nationals at dawn (Sept. 16, 1862). He was ready for response in the course of the afternoon, when Hooker crossed the Antietam with a part of his c
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Chancellorsville, battle of (search)
er's position was a strong one. The National line extended from the Rappahannock to the Wilderness church, 2 miles west of Chancellorsville. Meade's corps, with Couch's, formed his left; Slocum's, and a division of Sickles's, his centre, and Howard's his right, with Pleasonton's cavalry near. Lee's forces had the Virginia cavale were pushed back, and a fierce battle ensued, the tide of success ebbing and flowing for more than an hour. During this struggle Hooker had been prostrated, and Couch took command of the army. Almost the whole National army became engaged in the battle, at different points. excepting the troops under Meade and Reynolds. CouchCouch fell back towards the Rappahannock, and, at noon, Hooker, having recovered, resumed chief command. Lee's army was now united, but Hooker's was divided. Sedgwick had seriously menaced Lee's flank, but had not joined Hooker. After a hard conflict and the loss of 1,000 men, Sedgwick had captured the Confederate works on the he
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Couch, Darius Nash 1822-1897 (search)
Couch, Darius Nash 1822-1897 Military officer; born in South East, Putnam co., N. Y., July 23, 1822; graduated at West Point in 1846; served in the war with Mexico; aided in suppressing the last outbreak of the Seminoles, and resigned in 1855. In January, 1861, while residing in Taunton, Mass., he was commissioned colonel of a Massachusetts regiment, and made a brigadier-general of volunteers in August. He commanded a division in General Keyes's corps in the battle of fair Oaks, or seven Pines (q. v.). He also distinguished himself at Williamsburg and at Malvern Hills, and on July 4, 1862, was promoted to major-general. Soon after his service at Antietam he was put in command of Sumner's corps, and took a prominent part in battles under Burnside and Hooker; also under Thomas, in the defeat of Hood at Nashville (q. v.), and in North Carolina early in 1865. He was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for governor of Massachusetts in 1865; was collector of the port of Boston i
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fair Oaks, or seven Pines, battle of (search)
send me all the troops you can, and leave me full latitude as to choice of commanders. Three days afterwards General Johnston, perceiving McClellan's apparent timidity, and the real peril of the National army, then divided by the Chickahominy, marched boldly out of his intrenchments and fell with great vigor upon the National advance, under Gen. Silas Casey, lying upon each side of the road to Williamsburg, half a mile beyond a point known as the Sever Pines, and 6 miles from Richmond. General Couch's division was at Seven Pines, his right resting at Fair Oaks Station. Kearny's division of Heintzelman's corps was near Savage's Station, and Hooker's division of the latter corps was guarding the approaches to the White Oak Swamp. General Longstreet led the Confederate advance, and fell suddenly upon Casey at a little past noon, May 31, when a most sanguinary battle ensued. Very soon the Confederates gained a position on Casey's flanks, when they were driven back to the woods by a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fredericksburg, battle at. (search)
Nationals could not advance, for Stuart's cavalry, on Lee's right, strongly menaced the Union left. Finally, Reynolds, with reinforcements, pushed back the Confederate right to the Massaponax, where the contest continued until dark. Meanwhile, Couch's corps had occupied the city, with Wilcox's between his and Franklin's. At noon Couch attacked the Confederate front with great vigor. Kimball's brigade, of French's division, led, Hancock's following. Longstreet was posted on Marye's Hill, juCouch attacked the Confederate front with great vigor. Kimball's brigade, of French's division, led, Hancock's following. Longstreet was posted on Marye's Hill, just back of the town. Upon his troops the Nationals fell heavily, while missiles from the Confederate cannon made great lanes through their ranks. After a brief struggle, French was thrown back, shattered and broken, nearly one-half of his command disabled. Hancock advanced, and his brigades fought most vigorously. In fifteen minutes, Hancock, also, was driven back. Of 5,000 veterans whom he led into action, 2,013 had fallen, and yet the struggle was maintained. Howard's division came to
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Jonesboro, battle of. (search)
res near the Chattahoochee, and Howard and the rest of the army moved for the West Point Railway. General Stanley's corps was on the extreme left, and the armies of Howard, Thomas, and Schofield pressed forward so secretly that Hood was not informed of the movement until the Nationals were destroying that road. This was done, Aug. 28, for 12 miles, and the next day they struck the Macon road. Schofield reached the road at Rough-and-Ready Station, 10 miles from Atlanta. Thomas struck it at Couch's; and Howard, crossing the Flint River half a mile from Jonesboro, approached it at that point. There he was met by one-half of Hood's army, under Hardee. With the remainder Hood was holding the defences of Atlanta, but he was too weak to attempt to strike Schofield. There was a severe fight at the passage of the Flint River, on the morning of Aug. 31, between the forces of Howard and Hardee. Howard's army was disposed with Blair's corps in the centre, and rude breastworks were cast up.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Malvern Hill, battle of. (search)
of sixty heavy guns could be brought to bear on any point on his front or left; and on the highest point on the hill Colonel Tyler had ten siege-guns in position. Couch's division was on Porter's right; next on the right were Hooker and Kearny; next Sedgwick and Richardson; next Smith and Slocum; and then the remainder of Keyes's corps, extending in a curve nearly to the river. The Pennsylvania Reserves were held as a support in the rear of Porter and Couch. Lee resolved to carry Malvern Hill by storm, and concentrated his artillery so as to silence that of the Nationals; when, with a shout, two divisions were to charge and carry a battery before them. hout was to be a signal for a general advance with bayonets. This programme was not carried out. When, late in the afternoon, a heavy artillery fire was opened on Couch and Kearny, A. P. Hill, believing that he heard the shout, advanced to the attack, but found himself unsupported. A single battery was at work, instead of 200 gre